MovieChat Forums > Shivers Discussion > Have un cut DVD Its Not Very Good

Have un cut DVD Its Not Very Good

I watched this again a few weeks back as I have had the old un cut dvd for along time. I wasn't a very good film. It seemed very hokey and really stupid. I mean its supposed to be like sex crazed zombies. Instead of eating you they want to screw you to death.

Very lame and very dumb. This film has also aged terribly. It has not held up very well at all.


"I watched this again a few weeks back as I have had the old un cut dvd for along time. I wasn't a very good film. It seemed very hokey and really stupid."

It's a low budget 70's flick, you were expecting citizen kane?


"God's away on business"
-Tom Waits


This is a waste of space (original post). I found the film to be a good one. I laughed at the 70s clothes but so what? That's what people were wearing, once upon a time. Hokey 70s, hokey zombie parties, hokey excuses to get girls topless. Stupid is rather blunt and doesn't deserve a rebuttal unless qualified. This wasn't a B-movie was it? Even if it were, I would still rate it positively. Those creature parasites were great! Excellent bang for the buck, competent acting, good subdued score, nice pacing, good lighting, well drawn characters. I especially liked the concierge guy! I really enjoyed watching this 70s film whereas many 70s films have NOT overcome their hokeyness but this one does in my book. YMMV :)

YES.not-specifically.I actually find all of them rather weird.YES.footlong veggie-on-wheat.THANK-U


I guess it depends how you define b-movie...if you assume b-movie implies "bad" then no, I wouldn't say it is...if b-movies are low budget flicks often showed as openers or additions to other movies, this would fit pretty well. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE b-movies, there's a sort of charm to them...took me some time to realize the Concierge guy was the same guy in Rabid who tells the nurse at the front desk when they're wheeling to protagonist in "couldn't they cover her up with a sheet or something?"... :P


"God's away on business"
-Tom Waits


The acting and production values were low. The social and philosophical themes and the movie's IDEAS have aged frighteningly well.

Go to Criterion and ask them to work on Satyajit Ray films, a good Kwaidan rerelease.


The movie blowed Donkey ding a lings......bottom line.


An even more well thought out and informed comment than your first.


Nonsense. This movie has never fellated any animals, under any circumstances.
