Just saw it and so here are my thoughts:
When I was watching this I didn't know Cronenberg was behind it but I wasn't surprised when I had learned this after that fact either because it just seemed his style which is some what similar with Rabid that came out years later.
I must say that it wasn't bad concerning it is very well dated except for the element for sex. I think due to many people being desensitized the movie might seem cheesy but it must of been very shocking.
I've noticed there were a few threads asking what kind of message was Cronenberg relaying through this flick and although I don't there was a certain message, I can say that there could be an analogy of sexual disease reaching out into the world from a secluded source with only the appearance of AIDS/HIV coming on the scene a few years later.
Also the bastard husband (Tupor?) reminded me so much of my ex-boss in appearance and actions-now that's creepy. Ha ha.