MovieChat Forums > Shivers Discussion > Just saw the movie

Just saw the movie

Well it was certainly amusing. I couldn't really take the movie as a serious horror film. I wanted to laugh during the whole thing. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, now that movie gave me nightmares as a child. This on the otherhand was not scary but I liked it except that the parasites looked like animated dog turds that apparently excreted tobasco sauce :)


This movie had the best ending I've ever seen...

If I let you go, do you think you could fly?



So, 1975 is REALLY OLD to you? You realize you can get movies from the 1920's and EARLIER on DVD and even the ANCIENT VHS tape right? How old are you?


Good content but poor delivery


Shivers is classic early Cronenberg and one of his best 'body horror' pictures. Yes the film is supposed to be funny in a very black humoured way, but i still think Shivers has scenes that are still shocking.

"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."
