DVD re-release

They need to re-release the DVD of this movie. You can only find used copies of this movie for at least $50. This case is similar to that of Dawn of the Dead which was around $150 until that was re-released! Let's start a petition.


I am agree with you, and i am hope for a Criterion release.


You guys need to get a multi-region dvd player! :) I just order Shivers and Rabid from amazon.co.uk for $21 US including shipping.


I got a regionless copy from Greece on ebay for about $15 including shipping. Of course it only has Greek subtitles, not English, but you can't have everything.


"You guys need to get a multi-region dvd player!"

I do have a multi-region DVD player, and I can easily do what you did, but what about those who don't have or don't wish to have a multi-region DVD player? What they recently did with Rabid, they should do with Shivers. I don't see why they can't.


they need to release this in it's original aspect ratio....that's what i'm waiting for.


I bet the Criterion Collection will have this in its release pipeline in a few years. Peace.

The everyday happens every day.


It'd be great to see Criterion take on the release. Who own the U.S. rights?

EDIT: Image Entertainment, Criterion's old partner, had them once upon a time. This raises interesting questions...

Go to [email protected] and ask them to work on the Apu trilogy and Sholay.


it really needs a re-release!! the disc is dissapointing, non-anamorphic, 4:3, barley any special features (except an interview with Cronenberg)

Image can do a good Special Edition (Assault on Precinct 13)

Get away from her you BITCH!


I have a DVD-R copy from the original Image disc that will have to do until a DVD re-release happens.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


send an e-mail to [email protected]! The more the demand, the more possibility they might release it again!


Hey, all you "Ham-N-Eggers", "Fly-By-Nighters", including all movie followers and movie hobbyists that are as 'tight as a ducks ass' as far as laying out decent freight for decent DVD play.

A really nice amount of DVDs will never be re-released. So, in order to obtain one of these DVD movies that you lowlife tightwads deem 'excessively priced', 'totally overcharging and price gauging(??)', 'outrageously priced', you will either do without, or go the route of the truest scumbag, that being purchase a worthless burn, boot, bootleg, DVD-R, illegal transfer, disc rip, copy, garbage rip & burn. Either invest your hard earned bank into something that is worthless, cash wise. Or you can invest in a DVD movie of the 'real thing', and try your damned hardest to purchase off these lil' "Mom & Pop" Video stores. There out there and you'd be pleasantly surprised and quite rewarding nicely in continuing to champion their cause when purchasing Movie(s) from their hard earned shoppes.

As for that Criterion release of "Shivers", how did you guys make out on that one??!!!
