Hey, all you "Ham-N-Eggers", "Fly-By-Nighters", including all movie followers and movie hobbyists that are as 'tight as a ducks ass' as far as laying out decent freight for decent DVD play.
A really nice amount of DVDs will never be re-released. So, in order to obtain one of these DVD movies that you lowlife tightwads deem 'excessively priced', 'totally overcharging and price gauging(??)', 'outrageously priced', you will either do without, or go the route of the truest scumbag, that being purchase a worthless burn, boot, bootleg, DVD-R, illegal transfer, disc rip, copy, garbage rip & burn. Either invest your hard earned bank into something that is worthless, cash wise. Or you can invest in a DVD movie of the 'real thing', and try your damned hardest to purchase off these lil' "Mom & Pop" Video stores. There out there and you'd be pleasantly surprised and quite rewarding nicely in continuing to champion their cause when purchasing Movie(s) from their hard earned shoppes.
As for that Criterion release of "Shivers", how did you guys make out on that one??!!!