get shampoo
I just wanted to write this quick message on shampoo on why I really liked it and thought it shoukd be viewed by more younger people
Frist off I think what made the movie was there were real characters in the film that you could identify with. They all weren't perfect or real glamorous looking-not like most of todays movies where no one looks ordinary! But they had emotions and feelings that you could tell when they were going through something. Warrens character wasn't nessiscerly a bad guy, just more of a hedonisitc immature baffon. The only character in the movie whose movitves were'nt money and power just pleasure-he was the dumb blond! You could really feel his his pain in the end when he lost Julie Christy. He always just used and had fun with women- I never said he was a saint! But to him it was just fun not really wanting to hurt them, although in the long run he did.
What I also really dug about this film was the way they used rock n roll in the movie. So many of todays movies just use any old song to fill a scene if move people think it might get boring. I mean when you see the big party scene going on with sgt pepper playing in the background that's how I picture a college or youth party happening. Dam wish I could have been there. I wasn't concived in the 60s! I like when lucy in the sky with diamonds was playing and warren was expressing his feelings for Julie. It worked real well.
Overall I think this movie captured the times so much better then todays movies do on the 60s. Todays movies get to sterotypical trying to make caractures out of hippys or radicals. Shampoo had real people in real situations . . Another good example of this would be Carwah. If anyone wants to reply back please I will answer ant replys. Thanks. PA moviefan