goldie hawn's house

Where exactly is the house in which Goldie hawn's character lives? Also any of the other locations in the film.


I cant answer your question, but I loved her house in this movie- I wish it was mine : )



Her character's house is in the Hollywood Hills, just down the road from the Marilyn Monroe/Joe DiMaggio house..


Have you got an address for that?


Fifth Helena Drive in Brentwood.


Jill must have been a pretty successful actress to afford that house.

You may walk on the beach, you may swim in the ocean... under SWAT team surveillance, of course.


Yea, the view from her house was just a little too fantastic for a cattle-call-caliber working actress/model (whatever she was supposed to be). I was thinking she had to have had a sugar-daddy just like Julie Christie's Jack Warden.
