Jack Warden was a Supporting Character, almost a lead: NOT Lee Grant
I know I'm a bit late here, and sounding like a collective broken record, others mentioning that Lee Grant didn't do much to win an Oscar.
In the counter-culture era it was fairly common that a character who really isn't SUPPORTING the film wins or is nominated, like Beatrice Straight in NETWORK (winner) or Sylvia Miles in MIDNIGHT COWBOY (nominated). Lee's in SHAMPOO more than either of them are in those movies...
But to me, the "Tuco Ramirez" of SHAMPOO, the person the movie is almost really all about, is JACK WARDEN. He was incredible, and for a rich... basically, a rich Republican (although he says "They're all a bunch of jerks") he's the most sympathetic and... his is one of the best performances I've seen of all time...
Anyhow, I agree that Lee Grant didn't deserve to even be nominated for her very few scenes; although she merited more than Beatrice Straight but...
Those were the days, when the Academy was still theatrically minded, and just loved it when any character went over the top to steal one single scene.... and it would garner a nomination for SUPPORTING the film.
If anyone needs to know the difference is, it's simple: Warden SUPPORTED this movie and Lee Grant DID NOT. Hell, Carrie Fisher's one scene was almost as long as Lee's.
If any actress supported this movie it was GOLDIE HAWN. She was NOT a lead despite the fact she was cute enough to adorn the poster WITH the leads.
Actually, I think the three leads are Jack, Warren, and Julie. The entire movie is really a "love triangle" masqueraded by the counter-culture, Nixon, etc.
Here's an idea. How about Noir icon BRAD DEXTER get nominated for SUPPORTING this movie, as the senator who, for no apparent reason, does an Indian chant. That would make as much sense.
Anyhow, I really do, truly think this movie is very good. People bash Beatty for not being as good as his buddies, Jack, Marlon, and he ain't, but, the scene where Jack Warden and his goon are at Beatty's messy pad, and Warren has to plea for his life, basically, was really, very great acting, better than anything Lee Grant did.
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