Going To A Live Showing Sounds Interesting, But...
An acquaintance of mine is part of a shadow cast. Every year when my friends and I (and my husband) visit his neck of the woods, he invites us to "Rocky Prom". So far, we haven't attended (due to other things coming up), but many of my friends have expressed interest in attending next year, and my husband (who has always liked the movie) is definitely down with it.
The problem is, I'm incredibly self-conscious. I have bad anxiety, and I'm extremely awkward in most social situations. What's worse, I'm a Rocky virgin, so I know there's a good chance that I'd be pulled onstage to do something embarrassing. (At this particular show, "initiation" is usually pretty mild, but still...)
Are my fears completely unfounded? Should I just (as all the virgin guides suggest) forget my concerns and just try to get into the spirit of things?