MovieChat Forums > Picnic at Hanging Rock (1979) Discussion > Poor Marion. She really was chopped live...

Poor Marion. She really was chopped liver.

Upon re-watching Picnic at Hanging Rock, I felt badly that no one really referred to Marion by name the way they did Miranda or even Miss McCraw. (Heck, Mrs. Appleyard had a little meltdown over Miss McCraw, but Marion got no love.) Everything was about Miranda - even the searchers called out for her by name, and Irma's schoolmates ask her "what happened to Miranda?" with nary a mention of Marion. I get that Miranda had that ethereal thing going on, but Marion was their classmate too.

Small thing, I know. Every time I watch this movie I notice something different. In this case, it was no one mentioning Marion.


I feel for her too. Miranda was hyped up, everyone worshipped the ground she walked on.


Marion was the intelligent, bookish type which people noticed less. But I agree it was a little unfair.


In the book, Irma is not on the level as Miranda but it still very important as she is the wealthiest student. Her leaving the school is one of the biggest setbacks.


I noticed that even Irma didn't get much love and it didn't seem like she was missed much either, like Marion.

I believe that, when Miranda told Sara she wouldn't be around for much longer, it was because she was too old to return the following term. So it seems like Miranda was one of the eldest, probably one of the most loved due to being the big sister sort, and was therefore more popular, having been around for a longer time than the others.

Who are you carrying all those bricks for?
