Window to the Sky
I loved this movie when I saw it years ago. Does anyone know if it is available ANYWHERE on video or DVD or whatever? Also, does anyone know the name of the movie sequel, which was also out years ago. - Leanne
shareI loved this movie when I saw it years ago. Does anyone know if it is available ANYWHERE on video or DVD or whatever? Also, does anyone know the name of the movie sequel, which was also out years ago. - Leanne
There are several copies available on several formats on e-bay.
It's on AMC's schedule on June 21 this month.
sharetry they may have it over there.
shareHey people I just finished watching Marilyn Hassett in Windows. Excellent! I am from Vermont and work at the ski area that Andrea Mead trained on-Pico Mountain AKA Killington Ski area. I am a movie buff and an avid skier and can not believe I missed this movie? Write and we can talk! Rick
shareI just read my email and realized I didn't leave my address it's [email protected] Rick
shareThe sequel is called "The Other Side of the Mountain 2" In it Jill does find happiness in her teaching career and the man she will eventually marry. Good luck seeing as I have very, very rarely see it on tv.
shareWell, I love this movie and its sequel, and am rather upset that it's not in general release DVD- yet, one of the few movies or shows that I think that aren't and should be. It's not only a great human interest story, but with % ball" getting so much attention, as well as this movie project in the works about Christopher Reeve, and the one they just finished about Rick Hansen (all very interesting films and people), that I think that the near future is a great time to put these movies out. I have the unedited version I taped from the Prime channel in Canada (which doesn't censor their movies like so many American non-pay stations, but it is interrupted by commercials). Just wondering what are some of your thoughts. :)
shareThis is a movie that should never be interupted with a commericial.The story is so uplifting.The music and song gives me a lump in my throught(I think that is how you spell that)
At the end,when we see Jill with the children going down the dirt road,and the insrtamentel that is being played in the background,and you hear Jills naration"I try not to let it,but sometimes it all playes back in my head,and when it does,I remember the words Dick Buick said the last time I saw him"How lucky I am to have somebody and something that saying goodby to could be so darn awful"And then the song by Olivia Newton John Window to the sky
It is such a wonderful movie
I had a crush on Beau as well.. in those days, but I've always followed wath he was doing..after this movie..but this one, still his best movie in my opinion.
I'm still a huge fan of Beau!
Yes i have this on dvd plus many other old and classic films and all are region free so they play in any country.Take a look at my list here:
shareIt's a bit confusing, because in England (where I am), the two films were released as:-
1. A Window to the Sky
2. Ihe Other side of the Mountain.
But in the U.S. it was :-
1. The Other Side of the Mountain
2. The Other Side of the Mountain ii
So if you watch "The Other Side of the Mountain" in England it's one film, but if you watch it in the U.S it's the other.
But now it's 2012 so you probably know that by now. Have you got them on DVD yet?
Yes and I love the DVD. Wish there had been commentary and extras, but still glad to have it looking as beautiful as ever