TV Movies or Theatrical Releases?

It's interesting that both the film and the sequel were made for the theater, but, both have that made-for-TV film look (common in the '70s)...

Incredible how films have changed since then - granted, it's been 33 years since the original was realeased, so, that'd be similar to comparing a film made in 1955 to a silent film made in 1922...

Amazing how film has changed so much in so little time...




Both were theatrical releases. The first was a gigantic blockbuster; the second one, much less so. IIRC, part 1 was rated G and part 2 was definitely PG because it contained profanity (gratuitous to boot).

The book "The Other Side of the Mountain" was a huge best-seller as well, even before the movie came out.


The original was PG. The Original was also a hit because Universal block booked the film with "JAWS". THeatres that played "JAWS" also had to play "The Other Side of the Mountain" before they got "JAWS". If the theatre had more then one screen then it had to play "Mountain" and "Jaws" at the same time. That way if "JAWS" was sold out then the customers could buy a ticket to "Montain".

All theatres had to play "OSOTM" for a minimum of 3 weeks.


Most mid 1970's Universal movies had a Made for TV look and feel for them. Remember Airport 1975?
