MovieChat Forums > Nashville Discussion > Wade and Sueleen are a couple, right?

Wade and Sueleen are a couple, right?

Every time I'm seen this film, I've had the idea that they're dating, but then I realized I have very little proof.

All we know about the two is that they're co-workers, car pool buddies, attend a Catholic church together, and Wade has a very love-hate relationship with her (and I'm not sure if she reciprocates...I'm thinking of the scene outside her apartment; is she in that much denial?).

The real uncertain part is that if they're a couple, why is Wade trying to pick up Linnea?

Anyone care to educate/scold me?


Sueleen is in complete denial. A lot of very untalented people are dead set on becoming famous. I'm afraid that the town of Nashville has more than it's share of try-outs for American Idol. And I believe Wade and Suelynn are a couple. He's on his way to Detroit and he tries his dangest to get her to go with him. Her dream is Nashville, His dream is acceptance. This relationship is doomed no matter where this couple go. She's a life-long fantasy act, he's a realist. I don't believe Wade has a love/hate relationship. He's frustrated because she's so ... blind. I also believe Wade needs a white chick.
Why is Wade trying to pick up Linneah? How many guys do you see out on their girlfriends or wives trying to pick up another chick?
It's as old as time itself.

I can only wait for the final amnesia, the one that can erase a life.


Not a couple, because he's far less attractive than her, and she openly flirts with other men right in front of him. He obviously likes her, which is why he invites her to Detroit, but it's not reciprocated as more than friendship.

Which is why he tries and fails again with Linneah.


I never saw them as a couple, per se. More like friends and he looks out for her.



Wade and Sueleen just struck me as really good friends and Wade seemed very protective of her. I love that scene when he FINALLY tells her that she can't sing and it just goes in one of Sueleen's ears and out the other.


I believe they were good friends, too. I would have liked to have known more about Wade. It appeared he had come to Nashville for a career, too, perhaps. He realized it wasn't working out. He was willing to make the most of the rest of his life by returning home and to everyday life. It is what saved him from what may have ultimately ruined Sueleen's life.
