MovieChat Forums > Nashville Discussion > Would you vote for Hal Phillip Walker?

Would you vote for Hal Phillip Walker?

i might. just might. alot of his ideas made sense, but others were just absurd.

how about you guys?

"people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling" -Dr. Perry Cox/Dr. Bob Kelso


Obama's in the White House ...

Served with the style of a real neurotic
the easy style of a true psychotic
J C Clarke



They did vote for Hal Philip Walker, several times. Carter, Reagan, both Bushes and Clinton all embody aspects of Walker's faux folksie anti-politics. Obama is the first non-HPW president in over 30 years.

"They ate Mummy! They burned Mummy and killed her and ate her!"


I wouldn't, but lots of people have. Most politicians like to market themselves to what they consider the "regular down-home" folks (whatever that is). As for a out-of-nowhere personality who makes big political waves, Ross Perot's 1992 Presidential campaign was similar to Hal Philip Walker's.

Once a loyal fan, always a loyal fan


He's the Tea Party 34 years early. No, I wouldn't vote for him.

This life is not only wicked and sinful. It isn't even any fun.


Strange, I didn't think taxing churches and advocating for healthcare for everyone was part of the tea party platform.


Agreed. Walker seems more like Bernie Sanders.


I couldn't. I'm a registered Democrat.


If a candidate were to even attempt HPW, he would have to take out the part about taxing churches and the anthem. As if the anthem changes anything in life... But they should definitely tax (and back-tax) the churches and any other religious mumbo-jumbo. If it were to catch on fire, they should pray for their invisible man to put it out for them, instead of relying on tax-payer funded socialist institutions.



A write-in campaign for Hal Phillip Walker makes more sense than anything else that's happening! I mean, do you understand the words to the national anthem?
