MovieChat Forums > Nashville Discussion > Goo Goo Glusters - HELL YES THERE WAS A ...


I was raised in Tennessee - not Nashville mind you, but in the Knoxville area. I saw this movie when it first came out when I was visiting my older brother in Yankeeville (the specific Yankeeville in this case was Champaign, Illinois, where he'd just graduated from the University.)

Near the middle of the movie during the Gradn Ole Opry sequence, the announcer gives a plug for the sponsor, Goo Goo Glusters, saying, "If it's Goo Goo, it's Gooood!" The audience roared with laughter at that, and my brother's girlfriend (who was with me) asked me through the laughter, "This that a REAL candy??"

Well, hell YES it's a real candy! Goo Goo Glusters are pretty much a cluster of peanuts covered in milk chocolate in a more-or-less round shape. They were sold at just about any grocery or convenience store in East Tennessee, and were very popular at the summer camp I worked at for many years (including the summer of '75.)

I left Tennessee in 1985 so I don't know for sure if they're still being made. But I hope so... they were a really good confection.

(Just a thought: It always seemed to me that the plugola for Goo Goo Glusters sort of gave a lie to the KTel-style announcer's statement at the start of the movie that it would be seen "without commercial interruption", Anyone else think so?)


They're still around. I see them all over in Virginia where I live-mostly at the Cracker Barrel but also at local gift shops. I love them!

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


The packaging always carried the unforgettable Goo Goo Cluster guarantee: If not totally satisfied with this product, send the "unused portion" to a given address for a refund.


In hell, I'll be chained to a desk handling THAT correspondence.
