MovieChat Forums > Nashville Discussion > Question on "I'm Easy" scene, possible s...

Question on "I'm Easy" scene, possible spoiler

I watched this movie nearly 40 years ago and the memory has stayed with me ever since. I even wrote an essay on it at school (I was 15 y.o.).

I have a question on the scene where Carradine sings "I'm Easy". Did each of the women think the song was dedicate to her, while it was dedicated to Lily Tomlin? Am I right? Thanks.


Yep, that's what I get from the scene. He announces that the woman the song is for might be in the room, and the camera examines all of his lovers around the room, and Lily Tomlin is just sitting quietly at the back of the room.

Amazing scene.

Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.


Thanks for your reply!


No problem at all. Thanks for sharing the story


I'll bet there are very few women who weren't thrilled by this scene. It is amazing.

Keith Carradine was in a film called "Choose Me" where he had the same effect on women. Took me a long time to get that one outta my head.


Of the women in the audience, only Mary is smart enough to figure the song was not about her.


Meanwhile, she's the most attractive and has the most in common with him. But I did think Lily Tomlin looked very good in this movie too.
