Very enjoyable watch, unexpectedly humorous.
I came across this on youtube and thought I would give it a try, as I am going through an old horror film phase right now. Its not scary at all, not many old horror films are, but it was unexpectedly funny especially in the first and second act. The always dependable Peter Cushing is awesome as the medical examiner trying to solve the case, I really like him in this role. The werewolf in full make up, when we finally get to see him in the third act, is very good for this time period. The direction is solid and the shots of the bloody teeth were a nice touch as well as the werewolf vision. The production values are good and though it does not contain many sets, what it does have is well used. The story is decent although there are some questionable plot devices, like what exactly caused him to be/turn into a werewolf the first time?? And there was only one scene I absolutely hated and it seemed completely unnecessary involving real wolves. The first act is a little slow but it does build over time and by the end the werewolf has knocked off what seems like half of the town. I even thought that the music/score was pretty good as well. I found it to be on par with a Hammer film and would strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys these old "horror" films. It was more entertaining than I expected. 7/10