Great Thanksgiving Day Film: Turkey w/ All the Trimmings
A crippled spook, a trigger-happy good ole boy, and a Brooklyn cabbie. Together they took on the world and won!
Favorite dialouge: "Don't shoot the crazy kid running around in the wet suit!"
Second favorite diaglogue: Caan: "What are those outfits?", Young: "Some kind of ceremonial gowns." Caan: "Goofy looking things, aren't they"?
(I'm paraprasing since I have no desire to rewatch this film to get the dialogue exactly right."
This one's bad. The turkey's in the oven and it's not so well-done. 1/10 stars. Earns one star for good cinematography and about 20 seconds of good action courtesy of Mr. Peckinpah.
Gobble, gobble, gobble said Tom Turkey.