Two Porsches
The two Porsche cars in the movie were rented by the studio from me. I was a salesman for a local Porsche dealer and often provided cars for movie and television production. The purple 911 was provided because it was the ugliest Porsche on the lot. No one would even consider it. The other Porsche was a model 914.
After the film was completed, Sam Peckinpah wanted to buy the 911, but wanted the rent deducted from the price. I said no, because, I said, I had already spent it. He still wanted the car and asked me to meet him at the coffee shop at the Holiday Inn the next day. I met him and brought the paperwork. He signed the papers and brought a paper bag filled with $20. bills, all $17,980.46 He counted the money out on the table in front of all the other diners. I scooped up the money into the paper bag. Sam wanted a receipt. I told him I didn't bring one because I assumed he would be writing a check. He then told me to write a receipt on a paper napkin.
As I left, I had serious doubts about reaching my car which was parked in the underground garage, but nothing happened, and I reached the dealership ok.
Later, I quizzed the transportation manager about "why the cash". He told me to think about it. I was still puzzled. Finally he told me. "Sam took the money out of petty cash." It was to be Sam's last car.