you need to shop at a better Ninja store. This movie is horrible. For Peckinpah who is supposedly a master of ultra-violence this film is noticably devoid of it and action for that matter. Except for Straw Dogs I remain unimpressed with Peckinpah.
I liked the movie! You must consider the nature of films in this era, and also the film technology involved.
Contrast Killer Elite to movies like Bullet. Bullet was and is respected as an all time great movie, and it had some of the same sort of irregularities or rough edges as did Killer Elite.
I wish there had been a bit better chemistry between the actors. The introductory scenes where Duval convinces Caan that the last girl he *beep* gave him the clap was truly wonderful! The very concept of your best buddy shooting you, even if he only planned on 'retiring you' by shooting your knee caps was great! James Caan might better have stepped up to the plate as later he responds to this in the movie.
I also like the Jerome character as he talks about the cabies .45 caliber 1911 handgun. "Slow rate of fire man"! Truely great!
Wellllll, as far as 'rate of fire' for a 1911....they are all pretty much the same, which is to say, as fast as the shooter can pull the trigger. the S&W 1911PD shoots pretty much the same as the 1911 first fired in..well, in 1911.,
It's one of my favorites. Really good character study, great dialogue among the "good guys"--the scene between Burt Young and Bo Hopkins in the taxi was great fun.
I'm surprised at the negative responses. Apparently most expected a wall-to-wall action movie. This one has far more depth and the action is really peripheral to the story.
Ninja's are nothing but well trained fighters. A man like Burt Young's "Mack" could easily tear them apart. Badass is badass, regardless of where they got their training.
Rather face a ninja than a real tough street fighter.