I took it as an incomplete sentence along the lines of, "this is what happens when a large shark attacks a person."
He just wasn't able to complete the thought because of his increasing stress and agitation.
The screenplay has the "do not smoke" line buried in Hooper's description of injuries:
Left arm, head, shoulders, sternum and portions of ribcage intact.
(to Brody) Please don't smoke.
With minor post-mortem lacerations and abrasions. Bite marks indicate typical [this is what happens during] non-frenzy feeding pattern of large squali, possibly carchaninus lonimanus, or isurus glaucas. Gross tissue loss and post-mortem erosion of bite surfaces prevent detailed analysis ... Did you go out in a boat and look around?
I added "[this is what happens during]" about where it might've gone.
In other words, it might've been Dreyfus improvising to show Hooper's increasing hysteria and resulting inability to complete a thought.
But it definitely wasn't "This is what happens when you smoke"