the lead actress

i think that for the '70 Corinne Clery was a pretty good choice but for our days I can see French actress Eva Green fitting damn well in the role.In my opinion she would have made an EXTREMELY HOOOT o!It enough to look at her mesmerizing eyes that can be sooo perverted sometimes and her body is a miracle.Those of you who don't know who the hell i'm talking about just check out Bernardo Bertolucci's 2003 erotic masterpiece The Dreamers.Please let me know what ya all think,i'm waiting for opinions and suggestions on this.Thank you.


yep she's pretty good and would give Corinne Clery a run for the money as O all right.


yeah ,wouldn't she?When you said she's pretty good did you only refer to her acting abilities or did you mean the whole package?lol


what would really be interesting is having Cornnie Clery playing the part of Anne-Marie and eve green as O, now that would be interesting/hot.


o YES!You're absolutely right.That would be *beep* AMAZING!


I see Zooey Deschanels in Corinne Clery's role. The way she plays with her eyes is marvelous. And the way O places her eyes in the film is 50% of the acting of this role.
