What's the Purpose of Whipping?
What's the Purpose of Whipping? Just for punishment and submission? I wonder if it has anything to do with pleasure and sexual desires (for normal people I mean).
shareWhat's the Purpose of Whipping? Just for punishment and submission? I wonder if it has anything to do with pleasure and sexual desires (for normal people I mean).
shareMasochists derive pleasure from pain, but I don't think we are meant to see O and the other girls as masochists; I see them as submissive slaves. In other words I don't think we are meant to see them as DIRECTLY deriving pleasure from being whipped. The trappings of all three branches of BDSM (B&D, D&S, S&M) are often similar and people often call this movie "S&M", but I don't see that at all. Too me it's more about dominance and submission, with the whippings as a tool of the masters' dominance rather than an end unto itself.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I completely agree with you; I hate that term. Take a look at the nonsense being spewed out by Asian Freak and Sandy whatshername on the thread the Freak entitled "Why doesn't he kill her?" if you want to see judmental ignorance in full swing.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Masochists derive pleasure from pain, but I don't think we are meant to see O and the other girls as masochists; I see them as submissive slaves. In other words I don't think we are meant to see them as DIRECTLY deriving pleasure from being whipped.
Too me it's more about dominance and submission, with the whippings as a tool of the masters' dominance rather than an end unto itself.
so is the whipping used to force the women to obey through Intimidation?
You did see the movie, didn't you Nolate? They obey because they are submissives and have agreed to be there of their own free will. Whippings are part of the training, then used to punish disobedience after training. "Intimidation" is not at all the right word; it has the connotation of force applied from without to frighten, and without the consent of the one to whom it is applied.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I personally disagree with all these fine distinctions between "masochist" and "submissive," etc. I don't think these categories are distinct at all and overlap all the time. Accepting pain is, itself, a form of submission and, it is the surrender to the experience that makes it exciting. I don't enjoy stubbing my toe but I enjoy my Domme making me submit to pain. It is the idea of submission plus the pain, itself. And letting down defenses against pain is a way of really being in the moment. It's a form of transcendence. O's submission is also transcendental. She is like someone on a spiritual path, like a monk or a nun. She lets herself become transformed by her submission.
Your soul and your body are your own, and yours to do with as you wish.
I agree; the only reason I made a distinction is because the OP seemed to believe that the slaves were there merely to experience direct stimulation from the pain itself, which I do not think is at all the case.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
It is the idea of submission plus the pain, itself. And letting down defenses against pain is a way of really being in the moment. It's a form of transcendence. O's submission is also transcendental. She is like someone on a spiritual path.
thats a real good description, I keep thinking the whippings change O in the movie shes changed for the better, more self confidence, self aware.
" So in love is O, that at the Chateau Roissy she abandons all sense of self, stability and safety and commits utterly to her lovers desires, to a life of submission."
(quote from a book review)
Though she may be considered as a masochist at the beginning of the novel, it becomes clear while reading through the rest of the novel that this is not the case. This is not so much a story about masochism, as it is more a story about love, about how much a woman would sacrifice for it, and the length a woman will go to keep her lover, Rene, happy. O derives no pleasure from the physical, emotional, and psychological torture she endures. Rather, her pleasure is derived from the aftermath of those things: the lashes to her skin, the debasement and objectification of her body and the cruelty that she willingly chooses to endure makes O "happy" in the fact that she is doing all this to please her lover. O was happy that Rene had had her whipped, because her impassioned submission would furnish her lover with the proof that she belonged to him, but also because the pain and shame of the lash, and the outrage inflicted upon her by those who compelled to her pleasure when they took her, and at the same time delighted in their own without paying the slightest heed to hers. What is most curious about this part of the book, is not O's harsh punishments, but the fact that she endures all this debasement willingly, and was in fact proud of it.
a pretty good review I thought
I am a member of the fetish community. I consider myself a "normal" person thankyouverymuch...
Anyway, to answer your question, in this movie, women are trained to find the serenity in servitude. (to quote NIN, "you can find happiness in slavery")
I am a submissive. I understand this feeling totally, the whipping IS for punishment and dominace in this case, HOWEVER, it is done knowing that she enjoys submitting.
Also, for the record, pain releases endorphins in the brain, which, when you apply light pain and slowly build up you can achieve higher and higher levels of conciousness and eventually find a medatative center in it, or sometime even hallucinate or have the feeling of "leaving you body"...
When I am in a session, while most people would consider what my partner does to me "domestic violence", believe me the feeling of euphoria is overwhelming!
Does wanting to feel euphoric without the use of narcotics make me "weird"??? or "perverted???" *I* don't think so, but then, i guess you might not understand, assuming you are vanilla.
Plumenoir, i agree and if you've reached that place, then wonderful! I have not yet quite reached "subspace" but i hope to one day, the thought excites me...
I touched the soil and he loved me back
"Also, for the record, pain releases endorphins in the brain, which, when you apply light pain and slowly build up you can achieve higher and higher levels of conciousness and eventually find a medatative center in it, or sometime even hallucinate or have the feeling of "leaving you body"....."the whipping IS for punishment and dominace in this case, HOWEVER, it is done knowing that she enjoys submitting."
another pretty good quote from the above thread. O enjoyed submission in whatever way was asked/ordered of her she was more than happy to complete each task. But as a submissive I'm sure she received extreme satisfaction from being whipped for 2 reasons. First she knew it gave her Masters extreme pleasure to do it, and second she knew that most women would refuse the request to be whipped and that made her special and set her above other women.
Well, actually, she did it to prove a point. Her lover claimed women could not write erotica, and she wrote Story of O to prove him wrong. She's not the only woman who ever wrote a classic for such a mundane reason; Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein to win a contest between friends while on summer holiday.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Her real name was Anne Desclos; "Dominique Aury" was another nom de plume. But you misread my post, dear; she wrote it to prove women CAN write erotic fiction, not to prove we CAN'T! I had it slightly off before, though; her lover did indeed believe women could and encouraged her to prove it; it was the Marquis de Sade she was trying to disprove. Here's a passage from one of the many online biographies of her:
Already publishing articles under the pen name of Dominique Aury in 1946, she wrote the story Histoire d'O (translated Story of O) in response to the Marquis de Sade's remark that "women are incapable of writing an erotic novel" -- a remark which her then-lover and employer Jean Paulhan encouraged her to prove wrong.
My issue with the terms masochism *and* sadism is that they are too one-dimensional, they connote a single notion (or a morass) and for that reason they are ineffectual. "Sadism" automatically conjures up images of some caricature villain twisting his mustache delighting in the suffering of some unwitting innocent, and masochists are viewed as mindless dupes who's self-esteem is so low, and need for attention so great that they are willing to suffer the cruel attentions of the sadist rather than have no attention at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. To vent my ire, I might note that I've even heard the term "masochist" used for an utterly self-centered valetudinarian.
I think a good example to show how delicate the relationship can sometimes balance, and how inaccurate a single term can be (albeit one that will probably even further scare the straights) would be where a sub is asking their Top (insert whatever other term you desire) to push them past their fear point in an attempt to find their "subspace". For a "sadist" to be so attuned to their charge that they know exactly how much they can push, down to the micro-second, and the trust it takes BOTH to take such a journey is WAY, WAY beyond any possible definition that a single word could encompass. To even the educated novice, it is a very chaotic scene, but to a seasoned participant (on either plane - Top or bottom) it is beauty in motion and anything BUT chaos. It is the very definition of control and order. A real "sadist" could be a serial killer, or he/she could be the most loving master a sub/slave ever had. The point is, the term is wholly inadequate to describe — what we here are speaking of — as sadism and masochism. Each suggests far too much (or too little), and those who find their existence in the .alt universe simply, and categorically reject such pedestrian terminology.
No one has been more purely, truly and lovingly cared for than a sub in the hands of a "true" Master. The most delicious aspect to a Top/Dom/Master whichever term you may prefer (although I must point out that in the "alt" universe, each of these words have a VERY different meaning) is the *clear-headed*, non-coerced and joyfully given personal control. No true Dom would ever accept, let alone "take" control from an unwilling sub. There is no joy or power in that. No, the real euphoria comes from a fully aware sub SEEKING to surrender their "power". In truth, no sub ever relinquishes his/her power, as many in the world could surely attest to (particularly vis-a-vis "topping from the bottom").
A tome here offered to simply state that: "sadism" and "masochism" might be the least descriptive words in the english language (or any other iteration thereof in any foreign tongue).
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
Well said, Bladerunner! I wish you had been around whenm I was trying to deal with the ignoramuses on the "Why doesn't he kill her?" thread here a couple of weeks ago!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Sadly we all deal with ignorance every day, but it is most acute for me when it is directed at something I (or another) wholly comprehend (I'm sure you feel much the same way). I don't often retort, but when I feel others are being ludicrously misinformed, I offer one of my too-long tomes. I'm glad you found it worthwhile.
As to "why doesn't he kill her", I admit I cannot help but wish that some of the vapid and vacant — which we find ourselves in far too numerous a company of — might turn that inquisitive nature inward, e.g., "why don't we kill one another". <grin> Possibly death is too harsh a solution for them, but maiming to the point of robbing the faculty of speech (and typing skills) does seem apropos.
"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
Well, in reply to the topic starter . . .
It can be quite pleasant, actually, like a vigorous massage, or painful, as a punishment, which is not directly pleasant, but brings pleasure to one who enjoys submission, or the endorphin high, etc.
Everything else I'd say has already been said better, so I'll leave it at that ^.^
...float away little butterfly. Just....flutter away....
Gee, good job quoting word for word the introduction to the books sequel.
If any of you guys want to read the first true book written which explains the joys of submission, read "Justine, a Philosphy in the Bedroom", written by the Marquise De Sade in the 17th century. It's more interesting then The Story of I (which i love). His writings are so graphic and perverse for it's time, he was even jailed for creating them.
"Gee, good job quoting word for word the introduction to the books sequel."
What are you talking about? 1) I have never read Return to the Chateau; and 2) Everything I quoted is designated as a quote. Or are you just so fond of sarcasm that you use it even when it is inappropriate?
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
What's the Purpose of Whipping? Just for punishment and submission? ....well in real life s/M its done for mutual pleasure of both the top and bottom. But in the book story of O (in my opinion) its done so O can prove her love and devotion to renne. renee stephen and the other Masters are all sadists and enjoy their role no matter if the women enjoy it or not, the female slaves are punished for any mistakes they make in their training to become slaves, But even when O acts perfect she is still whipped for her Masters enjoyment. O doesn't enjoy this but willingly accepts it to prove how much she loves renee, as she realizes he enjoyes whipping her. in fact she even asks to be whipped harder to prove her utter devotion to him, in one line from the book it says something like 'she hated every minute of it but when it was over she was glad she had done it for him." thats my opinion of the book. a nice erotic fantasy but not real life S/M.
shareWell, Nolate, many people insist that Story of O is S&M, but I disagree. It's more heavy D&S with a strong pain element. The passage you quoted about whipping describes EXACTLY my feelings on the subject, as well as that of quite a few submissive women I know. True masochists make up only a small part of women who are interested in BDSM; in fact I know only ONE woman who actually gets what you would call "pleasure" from being whipped. Don't make the mistake of thinking the "scene" you are interested in (I gather this from your use of the terms "top" and "bottom", which are used MUCH more in S&M than other branches) represents everyone in the spectrum.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
well I'd say O and any woman who freely and repeatedly accepts a whipping is getting some satisfaction out of it, be it physical or mental, or a combination of the two.
shareYes, but that is exactly what Reage describes in the line you quoted. Women's psychosexual dynamics are usually MUCH more complicated than simple pain and pleasure, and just because a woman accepts being whipped does not mean she "enjoys" it in a conventional sense, any more than we "enjoy" a lot of the things we do for men. "Satisfaction" is a much better word, though. Most people who are involved in BDSM (especially women) have a lot more going on in our heads than simple sadomasochism, and the fact that the book Story of O catches a lot of what goes through many submissives' minds with a fair degree of accuracy is what has made it the classic it is.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
well thats exactly what I'm trying to figure out ... what goes on in the mind of submissive women.
shareWell, you sure like a challenge, don't you? Since the beginning of time men have been trying to figure out what goes on in the minds of women in general, much less a specific TYPE of woman!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Well, you sure like a challenge, don't you? Since the beginning of time men have been trying to figure out what goes on in the minds of women in general, much less a specific TYPE of woman!
Well I really don't care what ordinary women think, I only care what submissive women who enjoy (are satisfied/pleasured/consent to or whatever term you want to use) to being whipped I am fascinated by them most of all. I want to know everything about them why they like it, how it started, was it from early childhood and they felt funny seeing women in bondage in movies or did it hit them later in life by accident like a thunderclap, or some boyfriend/Master introducing it to them. how they feel when its happening. So that's why I like the story of O so much as that’s (one) of its main themes. so thats my quest.
here's a joke on that line
A man stubbed his toe while walking on the beach and looked down to see Aladdin's lamp. Knowing the story, he picked it up and rubbed it. Sure enough, a genie appeared. The genie said, "Your wish is my command. Unfortunately, I am not a powerful genie and can only grant you one wish."
The man stated that he had always wanted to visit his ancestral home in Europe but was afraid of flying and didn't trust boats. "Genie," he said, "I want you to build a highway across the ocean so that I can drive to Europe."
The genie considered the logistics, driving pilings down through miles of water and then having the winds and sea lash at the pavement on the road. "That's impossible" he said. "Is there something else that I can do for you?"
The man thought for a moment and said, "I want to understand women."
The genie replied, "Do you want that highway to be 2 lanes or four?"
I suspect that most women, like me, feel that way from quite a young age.
Love that joke!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
There qare Dominants who will whip their submissives as a reward because they know they love it so, as will Dominants not whip their subs because they love it so.
i have seem experts whip their subs and it is painless. My husband explained to me how it is done, for he is an expert with a whip, but i have no desire for it and i don't think i ever will.
Although every once in a while i do have little fantasies about it, but for right now it is not for me.
The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.
"I only care what submissive women who enjoy (are satisfied/pleasured/consent to or whatever term you want to use) to being whipped I am fascinated by them most of all. I want to know everything about them why they like it, how it started, was it from early childhood and they felt funny seeing women in bondage in movies or did it hit them later in life by accident like a thunderclap, or some boyfriend/Master introducing it to them. how they feel when its happening."
Oh, you find me fascinating! (blush) Well, I discovered it at age 17 when I was unexpectedly beaten. You can read my story at http://kia.addr.com/pain if you want to know more.
Your soul and your body are your own, and yours to do with as you wish.
thanks so we've got one woman that knew from birth and another that fell into it by accident. Any woman can have sex, but only a determined person will freely receive the whip. I still say that any woman that freely allows herself to be whipped for whatever reason, either her satisfaction or for her Masters is the ultimate symbol of submission.
I've read a few of these posts, and they remind me of my last girlfriend. One day she was acting like a brat, so I just quickly gave her a not so soft spank to make her quit. The next day as she was getting dressed, she was doing it again, but I didn't do anything, so she walked over to me bent over and asked me to spank her again. She told me she didn't think of it, but when I did it before she liked it.
Some time went by and we went into a Spencer's where they had some "love dice" that we bought and she complained they didn't have a tie or spank action. So I took her to the adult store and asked what she wanted. She surprised me by picking out a paddle and a whip along with some cuffs. I asked how long she'd been thinking about this and again she said it really didn't cross her mind until I gave her the first spank and then she remembered me pinning her arms behind her back to stop her from tickling me and that turned her on.
We didn't use the paddle or whip extremely regularly, but she got spanked almost every day. When I used the whip the first time I was kind of afraid to use it and she kept asking for me to hit her harder. She was actually the second girlfriend I had that asked to be tied up. The first one said she liked to be completely out of control, but she specifically asked not to be spanked.
Very interesting story thanks for disclosing it, I like real life stories like that. Id love to read a book just like that. It always makes me wonder how many hidden submissives there are.
shareIt depends on what you mean by "hidden". The majority of us don't exactly go around advertising it, you know; it's kind of a private thing. Personally, I can't understand people who go about demonstrating that sort of thing in public; only the semi-anonymity of the internet allows me (and many others I'm sure) to discuss the subject with relative freedom. Before that, we discussed it only among VERY close friends.
If, on the other hand, you mean "hidden" even from themselves, that's a horse of a different color; I don't think there's any real way to determine it. I suspect the number is vastly larger than the neofeminists would like to believe, and somewhat lower than John Norman would like to believe.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I haven't seen or talked to too many people who display their submissiveness/ desires publicly. I worked with a young lady who wore a plastic chain around her neck with a padlock on it. I said it looked really nice(the lock from far away looked like a gold circle) and asked why a padlock(yes, I had a suspicion what it was for). I was actually quite surprised how much she told me. She said it was a gift from her boyfriend(this is where I expected her to stop) and that she wore it as a reminder her boyfriend was her master. Then she went to a bit more detail as to what her and her boyfriend enjoyed doing. I think she went into detail because she saw me getting a bit excited when she mentioned her boyfriend as master.
shareShe wrote it to her lover. She wanted to prove that she (a woman) could write an erotic novel just as well as any man. She incorporated "slavery", because it was a theme she knew her lover would enjoy.
shareI personally see the whipping as the dominant exerting his dominance over his sub. It's a message, "hi ho! You're my sub, I can do whatever I want to you."
A sub does not have to do anything wrong to be whipped. If the master feels like whipping her for no reason, then she gets whipped. This reminds the sub of her vulnerability and helplessness. The difference is that, if it was a punishment whipping, then it would be a lot worst than a regular whipping.
I want my freedom FROM religion!
^ that's what i think. he does it because he can. i will never understand the idea of someone enduring hours of torture to please someone. if you like the sensation it's another matter but to go through all of that and suffer because the person you are trying to please likes it and treats you like *beep* then i will never understand. that is not the behaviour of someone who loves their sub
sharethat's what i think. he does it because he can. i will never understand the idea of someone enduring hours of torture to please someone. if you like the sensation it's another matter but to go through all of that and suffer because the person you are trying to please likes it and treats you like *beep* then i will never understand. that is not the behavior of someone who loves their sub
some (not all) submissive women love being whipped for the raw physical excitement of it. And yes others do it to please their Master, which psychologically gives her satisfaction as one of the main components for a submissive is submissive's loves to please.
Thoughts from any submissive women ?
you can't live your life pleasing other people. especially if you are getting hurt for it. stupid doormat
shareyou can't live your life pleasing other people. especially if you are getting hurt for it. stupid doormat
well not your whole life but an hour or two to please them.... I spent 5 hours working on my wifes car. I hated it , but she loved it (having a working car ) every couple has to do things for the other person
did it mark your body? did it cause you pain? doubt it. does your wife 'own' you? doubt it
shareBeing a submissive and a member of the comunnity and lifestyle i have to say that there are as many different dynamics and levels of BDSM as there are stars in the sky.
One movie or book can not speak for everyone. Especially when it comes from Hollywood.
The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.