MovieChat Forums > Histoire d'O (1975) Discussion > Potentially dangerous movie

Potentially dangerous movie

You know, whenever a sexual crime is committed, most people would say, "oh, don't blame it on the movies they watched. Movies never made people kill other people". Well, that may or may not be true, but while most people who watch movies like this one would never commit a sexual crime, the fact is that there are a handful of people out there (who are already into BDSM) who, watching a movie like this is all they need to tempt them into taking the next step in trying to turn a fantasy into reality. When this happens, things turn dangerous and in some cases, people start dying. The case of Cameron Hooker comes to mind (if you are unfamiliar with the crimes of Cameron Hooker, Google it - you'll find it). He kidnapped a 20 year old hitchiker and made a sex-slave out of her and tortured her for 7 years. Sexual perversion is evil, and a movie such as this one might prove to be a "catalyst" to some sado-masachist out there somewhere who could possibly be severe enough as to kill someone. As I said, Cameron Hooker is a classic example. A book was written on his case called "Perfect Victim". If you were to read this book, you would easily see the similarities between this movie and "Perfect Victim". The victim didn't "die" but she endured severe torture for 7 years before finally getting away. I might add that the book points out that Cameron Hooker's favorite movie is "The Story of O". Strange conicedence, hunh?


You cannot be serious. A movie, book or other fictional work cannot be blamed for how they are misused by sick minds. Do you want to ban the Bible and Koran because of the millions of atrocities DIRECTLY inspired by them? Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care because of the millions of Americans permanently screwed up by his dumb advice? How about banning Jodie Foster movies because they inspired John Hinkley? Hey, that's a great idea! Why not find out what every serial killer's favorite book and movie are, and ban them! That'll sure stop these psychos!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Well I realize that if a person is sick enough to kill, they really don't need an excuse. I'm just saying that movies like this one could act as a "catalyst" to these sick-os. It's like giving a stick of dynamite and a match to a kid, saying "you can play with these but don't light it". Sexual peverts "FEED" off of movies like this one, i have no doubt. The more you "fan the flames" the bigger the fire gets.


Do you actively campaign against every single film with any violence in it, or do you pick and choose? It would make more sense to target the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


No, I do not. Some of my favorite movies are violent. I'm just pointing out the fact that people who commit sexual murder could easily be infulenced by movies such as the Story of O. Think about it - 99% of all serial murders involve some sort of sexual deviancy. So why enocourage it by making sexually perverted movies? Don't misunderstand me - violent people have always existed since the beginning of mankind, but movies about, say, cops and robbers is different from movies such as the Story of O, that sends the message that pain and pleasure are one and the same, and other deviations. BDS&M is a fettish - as a rule, violence is NOT, although there are rare exceptions. Fortunatly, most of society are NOT violent and watching violent movies does not "tempt" them into committing such acts, but for the small percentage of people out there who can't distinguish between fantasy and reality, these movies are dangerous. I realize that as long as movie are made, there will always be violence in them, to some degree. My favorite movies are horror movies, and they are always full of violence and frightening things. Its a good thing that I'm not a violent person though, else i might get some "ideas" from them. Another thing, while I am thinking about it, is all these forensic shows we see on The Discovery Channel and A&E. I'm not so sure those shows are a good idea either. I enjoy watching them, but the bad thing is they tell potential criminals who might be watching, EXACTLY WHAT evidence they look for and what evidence they should be sure NOT to leave behind when committing a crime.


Just as I thought: you are being inconsistent. You like violent movies, therefore violent movies do not influence people to be violent nor do they inspire violence to such a degree that they are "dangerous". You are not into BDSM, therefore movies involving BDSM are a bad, dangerous influence. Let's look at the facts: After Woody Harrelson made a film in which a thief douses a NYC subway ticket booth attendant with gasoline and threatens to light him on fire if he isn't handed all the money (and lights the guy on fire at any rate), the same incident was copied in real life. And yet here you are arguing that just because you watch a violent movie doesn't mean that you will go and commit violence. Yes, some people confuse fantasy and reality. Yes, some people who have violent or perverse tendencies might be inspired to act in a manner similar to what they see in a movie. But some people are nutcases who will go off given any excuse, and if it isn't because of a movie, it will be because they read something in a book, or voices in their head told them to do it. If they don't see it in a movie, they'll think of some other way to release their violent tendencies. The guy who set that NYC subway booth on fire would have still likely committed a violent robbery, albeit in some other manner, if he hadn't seen that film. Someone could easily watch Karla and decide to kidnap girls or have their wives drug their little sisters. But do you object to that film? No. Because you liked it. And should that film be banned? No. Because the horrible reality is that men will kidnap and rape women at any rate and have done so throughout history, even men who have never read, watched a movie or listened to music, and the worst a film like Karla will do is cause people who are too lazy to look up the real facts of a case themselves and who ignorantly rely upon what Hollywood tells them to feel sympathy for a sociopathic monster and spread misinformation about the case to the dismay of the victims' families. When it comes to violence, I believe in addressing the real problems and not wasting my time picketing against Marilyn Manson or emo music, etc. What you're doing is not at all constructive. You are merely being selectively patronising because you confuse your own tastes with what should be imposed upon the rest of society. You are arguing that your taste in violent films makes you superior because you enjoy watching films in which all the violence isn't consensual. The violence in your movies is better because it involves death and dismemberment and murder instead of bruises and spanking and bondage. The violence in your films is better because it involves force instead of consensual role playing. The violence in your films is better because, in your opinion, all people who are into that sort of violence are more sane. Right.

Fight against poverty. Fight for education. Fight for mental health research and availability of care. Fight for good parenting (that would have saved the lives of those little kids who died in a sewer after watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). Don't waste our time telling us that violent movies don't cause violence unless it happens to be a film you don't happen to like.


I'm not "fighting" for anything, I'm just stating opinion. I did point out the fact that most people are NOT violent or proned to do evil deeds. I never said that movies like this one affect EVERYBODY. In my previous post, I pointed out that there are people in this world who fantasize about the elements in this movie (sexual slavery, ect,)- people who have a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality. To THOSE people, a movie like this would feed their fantasy and could possibly push them over the edge. I also never said that i didn't LIKE this movie. I make a point to collect movies that are unique, and this one definitely is unique, although I fail to understand why some people are into this kind of behavior. I also fail to see the connection between pain and pleasure, but that's another issue. I have several hundred horror movie DVD's in my collection and I've noticed that even in some of those, the film makers indicate some kind of a connection between pain and pleasure but I still don't see it. I do not, nor have i ever claimed that movies like The Story of O would cause EVERYBODY to commit unspeakale acts. But for a select few, a movie like this could be dangerous. I can't understand why anyone would have a problem seeing this. It seems as plain as the nose on my face. Sexual perversion is evil and if there is anybody out there who can't see it that way, it's because they CHOOSE not to. I don't know, maybe other people's definitions of "evil" is different from mine. My definition of evil is anything that ultimately could lead to the death and destruction of mankind, and I believe sexual sadism and perversion definitely could be included under this category. Most of the horror movies in my dvd collection contain elements that I would consider to be "evil". That doesn't mean i don't "LIKE" them. If they didn't have evil things in them, they wouldn't be horror movies. I've always been fascinated by them. When the shootings at Virginia Tech happened, I watched a documentary on it and there was a discussion as to whether or not something like that could be prevented. I recall someone saying "most likely not. This is one of the prices we pay for freedom." There is no way to ban ALL movies, books, tv shows, etc. that have evil elements in them. If we did, the entertainment world would be pretty bland in my opinion, however, I still believe that certain movies can definitely have disasterous impacts on certain people. The truth is the truth, no matter what a person likes or dislikes. If you don't agree, then I'd like your opinion on why you think that the movie industry even has rating system in the first place? Why not just give ALL movies a "G" rating and forget it? Why does the movie industry not want kids to watch movies like the Story of O, or even PORN, for that matter?


The source of my confusion (as I stated repeatedly with my reference to violent films) is still this: Why single out this film? You still arbitrarily single out "certain movies". So to me, the "truth [which] is the truth, no matter what [you] like or dislike" is that you are being inconsistent and arbitrary. If it is because of your confusion over the coupling of pleasure and pain, why not start a thread about that instead of one about the potential danger of this film turning people into raving maniacs?


Because then he couldn't condemn a sexual fantasy which makes him uncomfortable as "dangerous".

I think you hit the nail on the head in an earlier post on this thread, Jon: It's amazing how most Americans have no objection to depictions of horrible, bloody violence inflicted on unwilling victims, but find depictions of bondage and spanking of a willing subject to be "perverted" and objectionable.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


The reason I "singled out" this film is because from what I've been told, The Story of O is "the king" of BDS&M movies. If there are others out there that I don't know about (and I'm sure there are), then everything I've said about this movie goes for them also. As you know by now, I hold a fascination for the subject of serial killers, primarily because they are hard to "relate to". The things they do don't make sense to the average person because fortunately, most people aren't like THEM. That makes the subject intriguing, at least, to me. I've studied case after case through the court tv crime library and other sources. The single most common denominator that most serial killers have is SEXUAL DEVIANCY. BTK Dennis Rader was heavily into bondage and S&M. Dean Corll, in the early 70s in Houston, would strip young boys nude then handcuff them to a 5'x 7' torture board and rape them then strangle them - again, SEXUAL DEVIANCY. And we all know that Jeffrey Dahmer was a sexual deviant, to the point of actually cannibalizing his victims as a means of fulfilling his sexual needs. I've already mentioned the case of Cameron Hooker (he's not a serial killer but he still committed sexual crimes by trying to create a sex-slave). I recently watched a documentary about John Robinson, the Kansas City, MO serial killer in the late '90s who would lure victims through a BDS&M website. After he was finished with them, he strangled them then sealed the bodies in steel drums, which were eventually found on his farm by the police. One of the victims had a small child and he kept the child, claiming she belonged to someone else in his family. The list goes on and on. So, given the fact that serial killers, and the like, have sexual deviancy in common, how could anybody honestly believe that BDS&M movies are harmless? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how potentially dangerous these movies can be. JUST LOOK AT HISTORY. There are hundreds of cases just like the ones I've mentioned here and they all are motivated by sexual deviancy, all the way back to the Marquis De Sade. I would agree with you in the respect that these people most likely would have committed sexual crimes ANYWAY, but my attitude is why ENCOURAGE sexual pervertedness by making movies that glamorize it? Society has nothing to gain from them and EVERYHING to LOSE. The Story of O is the only movie of its kind that I've ever seen, and the message I get from this movie is that BDS&M is a"healthy" practice, and the more pain you can inflict or endure, the more pleasure you get out of it. Can you not imagine the effect a movie like this would have on someone who is already turned on by sexual deviancy? I think I've said it before - the more you fan the flames, the bigger the fire gets. The mere fact that so many serial killers are sexual deviants tells me that the world would be better off without BDS&M and other movies glamorizing sexual deviancy. I would agree that most people who practice BDS&M, most likely never carry it any further than a fantasy, but to a small percentage of people, a movie like this could act as a "powderkeg", ready to explode. It's a scary thought. Thus far, I have not suggested BANNING the movie, but I will say that if banning this type of material will save even ONE LIFE, then I'm all for it. Honestly, it really isn't difficult to separate GOOD from EVIL - you just have to be willing to do so. I think I've said all I can say about the subject. I find myself just repeating things that I've said in previous posts, to the point of redundancy.


Again, you are being arbitrary and selective. Again, you are demonstrating YOUR inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality (as you have demonstrably done with both Story of O and Karla -- and your blatant and multiple errors regarding the Karla Homolka case leaves me utterly unimpressed by your history of studying crime -- you don't even understand basic court procedure, e.g. in your belief that juries hand down sentences). You still haven't pointed out why Story of O is any more dangerous than other films -- by bringing up additional cases involving nonconsensual acts of sexual sadism you actually are drawing attention to your selectiveness -- there are a myriad number of other films depicting nonconsensual acts of sexual sadism, such as Karla or Irreversible, which are far more relevant. Your example of John Robinson is irrelevant -- do you condemn the internet as dangerous? No. Do you condemn schools as potentially dangerous because some sexual sadists have used their position as teachers to lure children? No. You are being illogical in confusing an act of deception by one person with an entire community. You are merely betraying prejudice.


"You still haven't pointed out why Story of O is any more dangerous than other films"

You're putting words in my mouth again. I never said The Story of O is any more dangerous than other films. There are COUNTLESS numbers of films that could be just as potentially dangerous. Even movies that I enjoy watching could possibly be dangerous if the wrong individuals were to see it. It's not just movies either. It could be tv shows, books - anything that could be categorized as being evil could influence the wrong people. Why do you mention "KARLA?" If you want to argue about my review of "Karla", we need to do that on the "KARLA" message board. As a rebuttal to what you said though, my opinion about Karla is based on what I've learned from watching the movie and various other sources. Of course, some things presented as facts are not always true, I realize that. But from what I've read about the case, as well as from watching the movie, I believe that she started out an innocent person but loved Paul so much that she was willing to do whatever he wanted her to do, just to please him. I don't condone her acts, but I do understand them. I do, however, think she told a lot of lies though, because she was facing a possible life sentence, and for that, I think she was punished enough. She's spent 12 years in prison for it. I still believe though that had it not been for Paul, her sister Tammy would still be alive. It was never her intention to KILL Tammy. Tammy's death was an accident. I don't believe she is a "murderer" in the true sense of the word, anymore than I am. If she was, she would still be in prison. I have no doubt that she is not a menace to socity.


I did rebut you about Karla on the Karla board. I legitimately bring up Karla as a film you have failed to condemn as evil despite the more relevant sexual sadism found within that film. And you also rely upon the argument that you're a bit of an expert on crime, when clearly you are not. As for her still being in prison, again you express ignorance over the history of the court case, including facts widely known even within Canada (e.g. about the plea bargain) where there was a media blackout. That doesn't say much about your research into the case. If she's no longer a menace to society, it is only because she's under public scrutiny. If your attitude isn't based upon ignorance of the case, then it must reflect a rather patronising attitude towards women and a failure to hold the poor dears responsible for their actions.


No, Karla is not a menace to society because she's not a KILLER. Paul is locked away forever. Karla was a decent person until she met Paul. He beat her on a regular basis too, if the movie was acurate. She once said that she learned to act happy and smile for the camera for Paul because if she didn't he would beat her. I do blame her for going along with him for so long, although I believe she was blindly in love with him. As I stated before, when a woman loves a man deeply enough, they tend to do things that they wouldn't do otherwise. She was living in a fantasy dream world, regarding her marriage. THey had a lavish wedding and went to Hawaii. I really believe for a while she thought that things would get better and she would be able to live out her happily-married fantasy life. That's what she wanted. Unfortunately, things got worse insted of better. I feel sorry for her, really. I think if she had met the right man, she could have had the life she wanted so badly. She made a tragic mistake. She fell in love with a serial rapist and didn't even know it.


As I said before, repeating your ignorant drivel does not make it any truer the millionth time than it does the first time. You're confusing fantasy with reality, and frankly you're beginning to sound like you're suffering from a pathological psychosis. To quote an old movie poster: "Remember to tell yourself: It's only a movie... It's only a movie..."


As I stated before, when a woman loves a man deeply enough, they tend to do things that they wouldn't do otherwise. She was living in a fantasy dream world, regarding her marriage

It sounds to me like you're living in a fantasy dream world regarding what women are like. Have you ever lived with a woman? For that matter, in light of your fairy-tale ideas about sex, have you ever even been to bed with a woman?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


His lack of sexual experience could explain his sexual obsession with female serial killers. I think he wants to be dominated by women like Karla and he projects his disgust for himself upon others. As per my quote of him before, he was obviously turned on by the scenario of Karla drugging her sister and raping her. It makes him so much more innocent if he also turns Karla into a mere victim. Of course, in contrast to the type of scenarios you see in O, the act that turns him on was non consensual. Perhaps it is actually the consensual nature of BDSM allows him to distance it from his own turn-ons and therefore stand in judgment of it without feeling inescapably conflicted?


I've read your update, and once again you're being redundant in your illogical expression of prejudice and your arbitrariness and your hypocrisy. Actually addressing critiques (e.g. your irrelevant mention of a website being used to lure victims, and your failure to apply similar logic to, e.g., teachers using their position to lure victims) instead of capitalizing selected words in order to make it appear that your were now partially shouting your idiocies would have been more productive.

BTW, I can list hundreds of thousands of cases of people committing robberies, picking pockets, stealing cars, etc., and point out films which show very similar scenes. I'm not impressed by you listing several cases which have absolutely nothing to do with the contents of The Story of O. That is piss poor logic, and not "evidence". You have not connected the film to anything. In contrast, I could point out that the book Catcher in the Rye was found on several assassins including John Hinkley Jr. and Mark Chapman when they were caught. That's far stronger evidence of that book being dangerous. Now, I wouldn't jump to any bizarre conclusions about J.D. Salinger being the inspiration for assassins, but if you want to, then go ahead, be a good boy and get that book banned. Hey, Story of O was originally a book. Most criminals have been known to read. And murders have been committed in the name of various holy texts. Lets burn ALL books. Most crimes are motivated by money, so lets get rid of all our worldly possessions, not just books. The vast majority of murders are done by acquaintances and relatives, so we must destroy all families (especially marriage -- my wife has read many books about spouses murdering spouses). All murderers have eaten food, so that must go too. The kids behind the Colombine spree bowled that morning, so all physical activities are next...


Hey, speaking of John Hinkley Jr. and Mark David Chapman, that reminds me of something I heard a long time ago. I can't really remember the details but it seems that one of these guys became infatuated with Jodie Foster after watching "Taxi Driver". It might have been Mark Chapman. He revealed this information to authorities after he was arrested. I wish I could remember all the details. The point is he was somewhat "influenced" by the movie, "Taxi Driver" with Robert Deniro. Of course, this doesn't have anything to do with BDS&M but I mentioned it as another example of someone being influenced by a movie.



Are you saying that Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon based on something he was influenced by in the BIBLE? I've never heard that. Are you sure about that? I never studied the Mark David Chapman case and never have really heard what his reason was for killing Lennon. I know I felt really sad when it happened though. Why would anyone want to kill someone who did nothing but compose great music that pleased millions of people? This is another example of how Evil seeks to destroy beauty. I seem to recall Chapman consider Lennon as being his IDOL. I forgot the details of John Hinckly's case. I never really kept up with it. I was just reminded of it because of an early post.


Yes, John Lennon was truly beautiful when he showed up to a party wearing a tampon on his head and begged Yoko to come back to him. Not to mention his beautiful drug addiction, his beautiful habit of having sex in alleyways, the beautiful way he abandoned his first wife and child, etc. Truly truly beautiful. Just like that beautiful, innocent flower, Karla Homolka. You are, indeed, an expert on good and evil. I just hope the voices in your head don't start asking you to kill the evil people.



You have to take my post in context. The person I'm responding to wanted to act as a moral arbiter of what people should be allowed to watchThis same person, whilst suggesting that consensual acts of sex that he does not personally subscribe to are evil and should be banned from being depicted, in another thread defended Karla Homolka (a sociopath who drugged and raped her younger sister then helped kill her, amongst other acts) as some sort of victim when the evidence all points to her encouraging and escalating Paul Bernardo from moving beyond being a mere serial rapist into a serial killer (and he expressed the fact that he found the scene of the younger sister's rape a turn-on, hardly making him one to judge). In my post I was pointing out that Lennon, whom he considered beautiful, was also a highly flawed person and committed evil acts by that poster's own reckoning.

BTW, while, sure, Lennon was beautiful in some ways, he's not someone I would define as "truly beautiful" given the way he treated his families. Not just his leaving his first wife, but also his subsequent treatment of Yoko. These days their relationship is highly idealised, but the truth is that they were often on the outs thanks to Lennon's behaviour, including frequent intoxication and frequent unsafe sex with strangers (including, as a mentioned, in alleyways). The time he showed up at a party Yoko was throwing, drunk and with a tampon planted squarely on top of his head, was during one of the periods they were separated.


The Romantics used the analogy of the Aeolian harp, a hollow lyre placed in a window which makes music as the wind blows through it. Nobody knows why God, the Muse, Nature or whatever chooses one person as the instrument of art over another, and lots of artists who produce incredibly beautiful art are thoroughly unpleasant human beings (which, of course, was the entire premise of Amadeus).

As Camille Paglia points out art usually comes from pain, and truly great art only comes from tortured souls.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I'm sure if Lennon didn't have any personal struggles he would have been a great composer for kiddie TV shows.


As Camille Paglia points out art usually comes from pain

I agree with that to a certain extent, but it doesn't explain beautiful works like that of Monet and French Impressionism (just to name one such example.)

Much as I love John Lennon's work (and I do love it very much), it was always a sore spot with me the way he treated Cynthia and Julian Lennon--he just pretty much tossed them aside for his new family, Yoko Ono and their son, Sean. I mean, I am hardly qualified to tell John Lennon who he should be with, but it seemed like his first wife and firstborn son got a raw deal in the process of John reinventing himself.

Welcome to your everything.


it doesn't explain beautiful works like that of Monet

But of course it does; Monet's early life was full of upheaval and disillusionment, and he moved from France to England to the Netherlands, where he was accused of revolutionary activities by the police. He did his best work after his wife Camille died at the age of 32 from tuberculosis complicated by their extreme poverty.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh, wow, you know I almost qualified my previous post by saying, "unless Monet has a dark side most people are unaware of" and looks like he does--that is sad, what happened to his wife (though probably not uncommon back in those days.) The art history courses I had in college didn't explore his personal life in-depth, but rather focused more on the art styles of the various periods.

Welcome to your everything.


History nowadays, particularly as taught in American schools, nearly always glosses over the "not ready for prime time" stuff.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


AND it was Paul McCartney (NOT John) who wrote the original version of "Hey Jude" (called "Hey Jules" at the time) to try to cheer up Julian. And guess what John Lennon did when he was shown it: He assumed Paul wrote the song for HIM, that "Jules" was "John" (not "Julien") and that Paul was telling him its okay to leave.


AND it was Paul McCartney (NOT John) who wrote the original version of "Hey Jude" (called "Hey Jules" at the time) to try to cheer up Julian.

Totally knew that! (I am a big Beatles fan.) I've always loved that bit about Paul writing that song for Julian--made me like Macca all the more.

And guess what John Lennon did when he was shown it: He assumed Paul wrote the song for HIM, that "Jules" was "John" (not "Julien") and that Paul was telling him its okay to leave.

Oh, that is NUTS! I am not sure I heard that [despite reading lots about John] but what an ego, if John could ever interpret "Hey Jude" to mean that..!

Welcome to your everything.



Jon has said everything I might've said, except for responses to two of the final lines in your neurotic rant:

Thus far, I have not suggested BANNING the movie, but I will say that if banning this type of material will save even ONE LIFE, then I'm all for it.

So your criterion is that everything which has ever caused even ONE DEATH should be banned? Goodbye guns, fireworks, cars, chicken, candy bars, scissors, dogs, cats, peanuts, roofs, trains, airplanes, and about a thousand other items of the modern world, then.

But what do you propose to do about weather, snakes and insects?

Honestly, it really isn't difficult to separate GOOD from EVIL - you just have to be willing to do so.

I agree 100%. People who obsess about and judge the sexual practices of others are EVIL, and should be banned. Think of all the people of Jonm11100's type who have tortured and murdered homosexuals and transsexuals! If banning all Puritanical censors will save the life of even ONE person with a sexual kink, then I'm all for it.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


"Goodbye guns, fireworks, cars, chicken, candy bars, scissors, dogs, cats, peanuts, roofs, trains, airplanes, and about a thousand other items of the modern world, then."

This is not a fair analogy. If a person was to drive his car to work one morning and has a wreck and gets killed, that is NOT evil. A tragic accident, maybe, but not evil. Suspending a person from the ceiling and whipping them until they bleed then strangling them is a DELIBERATE EVIL ACT. The element of danger will always exist in the world. Everytime you wake up and step out of bed, there is always a RISK. You can't expect to STOP LIVING simply because life is a risk. My point is that sexual pervertedness is an evil that should be stopped, although it never WILL be stopped becuase there are too many perverts in the world who DON'T WANT IT STOPPED. How could anybody in their right mind compare "guns, fireworks, cars, chicken, etc" to sexual deviates??? That doesn't even make sense. And yes, i think mankind should be willing to do anything that could possibly saves lives -even if its just ONE LIFE. Human life is the most precious thing we have, and we should be willing to do whatever it takes to save it.


Yes, it is a good analogy. You are arguing that since some people who are into BDSM are "evil", all must be. If you were consistent in your logic, then you might as well join the KKK and call all blacks rapers of white women and fight to have black musicians banned from the radio for their evil music because it will risk driving good white men into a similar sexual frenzy. (Yes, I know you won't see the analogy. You're too blind with prejudice).


Suspending a person from the ceiling and whipping them until they bleed then strangling them is a DELIBERATE EVIL ACT.

I agree; so is running someone over deliberately with a car, stabbing her deliberately with scissors, throwing her off of a roof, etc. Whipping someone WHO DESIRES TO BE WHIPPED is not, despite your insistence that it is.

Like most Americans, you obviously believe that anything with a sexual element is automatically different from the EXACT SAME BEHAVIOR without a sexual element.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


If a person was to drive his car to work one morning and has a wreck and gets killed, that is NOT evil. A tragic accident, maybe, but not evil.
What if the person is driving his car to work and he gets a bit complacent and the car accident he causes kills someone else?

My point is that sexual pervertedness is an evil that should be stopped, although it never WILL be stopped becuase there are too many perverts in the world who DON'T WANT IT STOPPED.

Call me crazy, but I think that careless drivers are a greater threat to human life than "perverts" who are into consensual BDSM activities.

Nicebat and I had to party.


Wow, and I was just watching "Crash" and partaking of a little autoerotic asphyxiation...but now I know I am evil!


Now that jonm1100 has shown you the light, send a naked photo of yourself and personal details to PO Box 666, Dogfart Texas, and he will guarantee you a place in Heaven. And his yummy dreams.



John Robinson, who was a Kansas City, KANSAS serial killer (lived in La Cygne, KS, to be exact) also lured women through ads offering employment. Lisa Stasi, the 19 year old unwed mother whose child he stole, had been lured by him in person with the offer of job training, good salary, and free day care. He was quite capable of luring women to their deaths without the help of a BDSM network.

And seriously, I think if I were answering a BDSM ad, I'd be a LOT more cautious than if I were answering an ad about a job, which actually is something to think about.


I single out all movies that deal with controversial subject matter, and that could be a recipe for disaster if certain people watch it.



They probably aren't. I never said they weren't. You are putting words in my mouth. Like i said before, the truth is the truth, REGARDLESS of what a person likes or dislikes. True, I love horror movies but yes, they can be as harmful as any other kind of evil. If horror movies were to be suddenly banned, I could totally understand the reason for it, whether I like it or not. People who have it within them to kill could most definitely be "inspired" from movies about killers, just as they could be inspired by sexually perverted movies. Evil comes in many different forms and sexual pervertedness is one of them. Of course, I don't expect anyone who is into BSD&M to agree with me, but that's ok. The whole point of having the IMDB message boards is for people to express their opinions, and more often than not, people are going to disagree with others. I didn't intend on starting an argument, I just feel that sexual pervertedness is detrimental to mankind. I don't expect it to go away though, anymore than murder or stealing or cheating or any other evil will go away. I'm just expressing my opinion, that's all. Although I don't know for sure, I'm assuming that everybody who is disagreeing with me here are into BDS&M. Maybe one of you can explain how BDS&M is “constructive” instead of “destructive”. To sum it up, I strongly believe that any type of sexual deviancy can be dangerous to some people. The fact that so many serial killers are motivated by sexual deviancy proves that to me. If only one killer was motivated by it, I would change by mind, but I’ve studied case after case after case (I’ve given some examples in my previous post) and they ALL were motivated to do what they did by some type of sexual deviancy. John Robinson lured his victims through a BDS&M website. When was the last time a serial killer lured victims through, say, a “church” website, for example? I can tell you right now that, based on my studies of serial killers, not ONE TIME has any of them found victims through some type of religious medium, other than Satanism, maybe, which is another issue. The reason for this is because religious institutions stand for everything that is “good” instead of "evil". Evil people disassociate themselves from anything that is good, but rather gravitate toward evil things. Again, all the serial killers that I have studied are connected and motivated by BDS&M or some other variation of sexual deviancy, and that tells me that BDS&M is EVIL. Pure and simple. If someone out there that can disprove what I’m saying, PLEASE FEEL FREE. I would love you to prove me wrong.



Because I like horror movies. The truth is the truth, whether we like it or not.



I agree with jonm11100 - it's not as if he/she is exaggurating. He/she is being very fair and open minded, but someone with the idea that pain and pleasure go together might be fooled into thinking that the victim 'likes' what they are doing - because if pain and pleasure are the same, how are you supposed to tell if they are 'screaming' or 'screaming'?
A huge number of pedophiles genuinely feel that the child wanted them (the adult) to do whatever it was they did - all jonm is saying is that if someone had this kind of mind they might be further inclined to this kind of behaviour.

As to where movies should stop, or where the line should be drawn - obviously that's a difficult question that has been debated many times, but jonm wasn't trying to answer that question.


He/she is being very fair and open minded...

No, he's PRETENDING to be open-minded in order to further his own moral dogma.

A huge number of pedophiles genuinely feel that the child wanted them (the adult) to do whatever it was they did - all jonm is saying is that if someone had this kind of mind they might be further inclined to this kind of behaviour.

Please tell me you aren't comparing an adult woman's ability to consent to sex to be in any way like a child's.

because if pain and pleasure are the same, how are you supposed to tell if they are 'screaming' or 'screaming'?

If you don't know the answer to that question, you've obviously never participated in BDSM and therefore have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


because if pain and pleasure are the same, how are you supposed to tell if they are 'screaming' or 'screaming'?

Lol!! That's easy. The ones screaming with pleasure wouldn't want you to stop, and the ones screaming in pain, would be yelling or begging you to stop.

Easy right? A good person will stop and an evil one wouldn't.

I want my freedom FROM religion!


That's easy. The ones screaming with pleasure wouldn't want you to stop, and the ones screaming in pain, would be yelling or begging you to stop.

Easy right? A good person will stop and an evil one wouldn't.

Well...not exactly. Most women who are whipped as part of BDSM are NOT "screaming in pleasure", they are indeed screaming in pain. And while that's going on one very DEFINITELY wants it to stop. But though one could stop the whole thing with one's safeword, that would derail the whole scenario. The point is that he DOESN'T stop when the woman wants him to, he stops when HE thinks she has had enough. That's the whole point of "power exchange". The safeword is exactly like the safety net under a trapeze act: It's there to give one confidence, JUST IN CASE she needs it. But since it totally ruins the show if one ends up having to actually use it, one generally bites one's lip or does whatever else is necessary to avoid saying it.

Please don't feel stupid if you don't understand; it's one of those things that either you get or you don't. Submissive women understand this without it having to be explained, and it's unlikely that anyone else (other than perhaps an unusually perceptive dominant) would fully understand the explanation.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Yea, I'm a little surprise, as I was explaining in my other post. Sure I like being spanked, whipped, etc, because when done as part of a sexual routine, it transform pain into pleasure.

So that's why I said what I said. I'm one of those who do not enjoy feeling pain at all. And I'd yell the safe word the moment I start feeling the slightest pain.

I want my freedom FROM religion!


I never said that all killers get their inspiration from movies. My point is that there are people in the world who fantasize about having sex-slaves, and some of them "FEED" off of movies like this one, which can lead to dangerous activity. The longer you "fan the flames", the bigger the fire gets. There is a director's commentary on the dvd version of this movie, and toward the beginning of the film, he states: "This movie is purely an adult fantasy, meant to be taken in the 3rd case. If it is taken in the 1st case, it could lead to catastophy." So even the director agrees with me. If you don't believe me, rent the DVD.


LOL I thought you didn't want people to rent the DVD. Why don't you have a similar attitude towards Karla? Can't killers and rapists gain inspiration from it?

I can understand your concern somewhat since you clearly cannot separate fact from fantasy (look at how the film Karla made you sympathetic towards a horrible monster who raped another woman with a bottle and helped her husband kill, kidnap and/or rape several girls, including her own sister, and how the film also filled you with delusions over what others, e.g. the jury, felt about her, etc. -- maybe it should be banned for THAT reason -- the families of her victims would certainly go for that). But some people can tell the difference between the fact and fiction, reality and fantasy, without being taken by the hand.



Karla Homolka was not a "horrible monster" as you put it. If Karla had never met Paul, I do not beleive she would have killed anybody. Actually I don't think she really DID kill anybody. Paul was the one who did the killing. It was Pauls idea for Karla to bring home a drug to use on Tammy so he could rape her. Did you see the movie? Don't you remember the part where Paul was pouring the powder into one of Tammy's drinks and Karla said something to the effect of,"hey that's too much" and Paul replied, "don't worry about it. It won't hurt her?" Then under Paul's direction, she went and got a rag soaked in chloriform and held it on Tammy's face. Again, all of this was Paul's idea, not Karla's. Now, I think she did act as an accomplice by helping paul lure victims, but she never actually killed anybody. On her own, i do not think she would have killed anybody. Her main mistake was falling in love with a rapist/killer who continually pushed her to see how far she would go for him. She loved Paul with all her heart and if the love is deep enough, it can make people do things they would not ordinarily do otherwise. Karla spent 12 years in prison and in my opinion, she has paid her debt to society. She will "pay for it the rest of her life", so to speak, in that she will be hounded over this incident for the rest of her life. She's changed her name but people will find out. She'll never be rid of it, totally.



God, you're an ignorant, offensive little idiot. No matter how many times you try to spray us with that fecal matter, it will be no truer the millionth time than it was the first. She is a complete and utter sociopath. She was constantly turned down for early parole for that reason. Listen to any interviews with her psych evaluators. Read about what the jurors witnessed in the video and the outrage they have all expressed, without exception, about the plea bargain the Crown struck with her and which they had no power to change (despite your truly bizarre understanding of court procedure - court TV my ass). Read about how she raped one of the girls with a bottle while Paul was nowhere in sight. Read about her antics in prison. Read about her history before Paul. Just stop confusing the fantasy of a cornball exploitation film with fact.


Her main mistake was falling in love with a rapist/killer who continually pushed her to see how far she would go for him. She loved Paul with all her heart and if the love is deep enough, it can make people do things they would not ordinarily do otherwise.
Claiming to be "in love", whatever that means, is no excuse for someone to lose their moral compass.


Nicebat and I had to party.


You keep on and on about movies being a catalyst for certain psychos and how this movie could set one off. 1) If a movie sets someone off, they are beyond mentally on stable to begin with. Why should EVERYONE ELSE be punished for that. And 2) if this movie is banned, then the same psycho would find something else to be a catalyst. Where does it end? Ban all movies? All music? All books? All art? That's the path your suggesting.


cameron hooker's favorite holiday was hallowen can we ban that? he also worked at a lousy paying job in a saw mill, personally I say we ban low paying lousy jobs. and on the coment on hitler's fav movies I heard his fave movie was king kong , which I thought would be kind of symbolic, but I saw on the history channel that (some) of his fave movies were english movies where the english empire controled india a country of 300 million with only about 50,000 troops, which gave him the idea he could control russia with only about 100,000 troops, which is why he invaded russia in ww2. So I guess to sum it all up engilsh movies are to blame for ww2. but to get back to your original argument I think both hitler and cameron hooker would have done what they did no matter what movies they watched.


This is a totally unrealistic response. In the first place, I never said that ALL KILLERS do what they do because of a movie they watched. I used the example of Cameron Hooker because his fantasy was having a sex slave and he admitted that The Story of O was his favorite movie. I read the book about the Cameron Hooker case, "Perfect Victim" and when I noticed that was his favorite movie, i got curious and rented the DVD. It was very easy to see WHY this was Hooker's favorite movie. Nobody will ever make me believe that his actions were NOT inspired by this movie. The fact that this was his favorite movie is NOT a coincedence. The movie is a carbon-copy of what Cameron Hooker was trying to do to his victim, Coleen Stan. When people like HIM watch a movie like this, its a recipe for disaster. If you pay any attention to the subject of serial killers, most of them kill based on some type of sexual deviancy. Nobody can argue that the Story of O ISN'T sexual deviancy - because it IS. Even the plot outline on the IMDB states "The beautiful O is taken by her boyfriend, Rene, to a bizarre retreat, where she is trained in bondage and sexual perversion". Get it? "SEXUAL PERVERSION". Cameron Hooker, no doubt FED on this movie because of his fantasies of having a sex slave. I'm not saying he wouldn't have done it ANYWAY. All I'm saying is that when he watched this movie, he must've been turned on by it - possibly enough to "push him over the edge" and begin his quest for a sex slave. Evil feeds off of Evil. Nobody can deny that.



Don't believe a single thing this poster says about crime. He thinks that Karla Homolka was an innocent victim because she was hit by Paul, that the jury thought so too, etc., all thanks to a reliance upon treating highly inaccurate fictionalised accounts as fact, coupled with a patronising attitude towards women.


HAHAHAHA! Man you should be a psychiatrist! You have it all figured out, don't you? You should set up some interviews with serial killers to see what makes them tick. THAT would be interesting.


OH uh.., thanks for straightening me out on INSPIRED vs. CAUSED. Are we in an english/grammer class now or what? What was the topic again? Oh, the fact that BDSM is an evil practice and should be left alone. The INSPIRATION killers get from perverted movies can give them "ideas" as to what steps they might want to take, which CAUSES them to kill. How's that?


Your confused mental state is really starting to show here.


Nobody will ever make me believe that his actions were NOT inspired by this movie.

Exactly; and you won't convince any sane, freethinking people that his actions WERE inspired by the movie. So why are you trying? Only weak-minded reductionists believe that all actions are inspired by outside stimuli, and only twisted control freaks believe that all objects which could potentially be misused by mental defectives, should be prohibited to all.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Well they have to be inspired by SOMETHING. If they aren't inspired by outside stimuli, then WHAT? People don't just dream up things out of their own heads. SOMETHING somewhere gave them the idea. I see a definite connection between serial killers and sexual deviancy. There is no denying that. Serial killers are connected to sexual deviancy which is connected to LUST, which is connected to BDS&M which is connected to pornography which is connected to evil. I'm not blind to what goes on in the world. Maybe you could give me a scenario that shows what I'm saying is not true? I could give you example after example of things that have happened that support my opinion, in fact, I already have in previous posts. Can you?

There is a movie out called "The basketball diaries". Its about a guy who, dressed in a black trenchcoat, goes into a school and blows everybody away with a shotgun. Do you think its just "coincedence" that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to Columbine High School one morning, dressed in tranchcoats, and pulled guns out from under their coats and started killing everybody in sight? If you do then all I can say is there sure are a lot of "coincedences" like this happening in the world today. If Harris and Klebold were not inspired by "external stimuli", where did they get the idea to do it?



Murder can happen anywhere. My point is that your argument about senseless violence like what happened at Columbine is not inspired by "external stimuli" doesn't hold water. There are too many parallels between what actually happens and what happens in movies/books to be a conicidence. These people get the idea, not only to murder but to carry it out in a cold, patient, calculating way, from SOMEWHERE. It happens too much to ignore what could be causing it. Sueng-Hui Cho was inspired by the actions of Harris and Kelbold, to shoot 32 people at Virginia Tech. He said so himself on a video he sent to NBC in New York. He stated that "Eric and Dylan were martyrs" and that he was "being crucified like Jesus Christ" who did nothing but "defende the weak and helpless". I think Colubmine has inspired a lot of other people to "mimic" the actions of Harris and Klebold, only Seung-Hui Cho actually admitted it. So the argument that people aren't inspired by external stimuli doesn't hold water. These people get the idea from somewhere, especially people who commit "ritualistic" murder. They don't invent the idea - they get it from somwehere else. Cameron Hooker did not invent the things he did to Coleen Stan - he got all his ideas either from books or magazines or movies, maybe from all three. He printed off a "slave contract" from a BDS&M magazine and made Coleen Stan sign it. It basically stated that she was his personal slave. Hooker's mistake was that he took a picture of the contract, which, eventually was used as evidence at his trial. This is just one incident of a sexual sadist getting ideas from "external stimuli". Sometimes he would tie Coleen down on a "rack" and stretch her body. Sometimes he would suspend her from the ceiling by her wrists and let her hang there all night. Sometimes he would chain her down on a table and torture her with electrical shocks. Are all these things NOT elements of BDS&M? I think they are, and nd I don't believe that Cameron Hooker just came up with all those ideas out of his own head.



Becaused most kids are not psychopaths. SOME ARE though.


Which serial killer was it who chopped up his victims like a butcher and froze the parts to eat? OBVIOUSLY he got that idea from real butchers; let's ban them! And many people shoot others in secret, then hide the bodies; OBVIOUSLY they could never think of that themselves, so let's ban every movie where that happens. And I read last week about a guy who hit someone purposefully with a car; I'm sure he got that idea from a movie! Let's find out which one and ban it!

On top of all that, you STILL haven't answered me about the thousands of murders committed EVERY YEAR by people who flatly state that the Bible or Koran inspired them to commit those murders. Do you want those books banned as well? Or are they safe from your censorship because sexual depravity is somehow in your mind worse than philosophical depravity?

If a man tortures and kills me for sexual reasons, I'm no more dead than if he kills me for religious, financial or personal reasons.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I'm not arguing the fact that thousands of murders are committed every year for various reasons. I'm just pointing out the fact that BDS&M can be potentially dangerous and is best left alone. I keep bringing up the BTK killer because his is a classic case that points out everything I am saying about BDS&M. He was heavily into bondage. He used to cut pictures out of magazines of women who were bound and gagged. Sometimes he would even draw his own pictures of it. His ultimate fantasy was to bind and gag a woman and hang her. Well, who did he choose as a victim of this? An innocent 12 year old girl named Josie Otero. After suffocating all the other members of her family, he took her to the basement, tied her hands and feet together, gagged her and hung her from a pipe. As he was doing this, he masturbated. In his own words he said, "I think it was the bondage that got me in trouble. If i hadn't given in to my sexual fantases, none of this would have happened." That's straight from the killer himself. So how can you argue that BDS&M is harmless? Maybe to some people, it is, but to others its a method of stimulation they DON'T NEED. I don't care how many people cut their victims up and eat them or how many people who die in Iraq, the fact remains that BDS&M is a potentially dangerous practice and all I am doing is pointing out that fact. There's another practice that some people partake in called "Auto-erotic asphixia". Anybody who is into BDS&M surely is familiar with this, but for the people who aren't, the impression is that by depriving the brain of oxygen during sex, the person doing it supposedly gets more of a "high" from it and experiences more pleasure. A lot of people have died from this, including Michael Hutchence, the singer for the rock group "INXS". There are numerous cases of people dying as a ruslt of this practice- Would you think that this practice is "ok to participate in?" It's like you are saying, "who cares if anybody has died from it? People die every day for thousands of other reasons. There's nothing wrong with sexual perversion. It won't hurt anything! Let's all do it!" I'm sorry - I don't buy into that. I know the truth when i see it and the truth is that this stuff CAN BE DANGEROUS. Another thing too is that some people have no self-control over things such as this, and not just in the area of sexual perversion. Some people have no self-control over drugs, alcohol, or any other type of "addiction" you can think of. People who have no self-control often submerge themselves deeper and deeper into their addiction until eventually, they no longer can contain themselves. That's when it becomes a danger, or should i say "CAN" become a danger?


My Goddess, but you're a dope. You just don't get it, do you? Life isn't about only doing what we "need"; otherwise we would all just eat and sleep and work. Life is about the pursuit of happiness and enlightenment, though I wouldn't expect you to understand the latter.

Your arguments are getting more and more ridiculous; now you're arguing that anything which COULD be dangerous should be banned if people don't "need" it (with you as the judge of what they "need", of course). So I assume you want to ban skydiving, mountain climbing, skiing, stock car racing, motorcycles, skin diving, and any other "method of stimulation they DON'T NEED".

Honestly, sugar, you ought to quit while you're ahead. Your nigh-unbelievable ignorance has already made yourself a laughing-stock; all you're doing now is convincing everyone that you're a delusional fanatic as well.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Well, considering that life itself is not something people "need" (people desire life or fear death, and need not actually eat except in pursuit of the desire to live or avoid death) so if we take things to a logical conclusion, we should ban life. Especially when you consider that life is the cause of all death.


LOL! man you are way out on a limb now. I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Do you really believe i think we should BAN life because it causes death? Listen to yourself. Nobody can take a statement like that seriously.


Of course you don't take me seriously. I'm applying your logic. Ridicule is the only possible response.


It's sad that anybody could take YOUR statement that consentual sex can be evil seriously. Unfortunately, there are plenty of perverted fanatics around who believe that.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You are misinterpreting my use of the word "need". When I say that some people don't NEED to see movies, what I am saying is that if these "select" people see a movie glamorizing evil, it could trigger lethal action. I wasn't using the word "NEED" as in NEED vs. WANT. Ok let me say it this way - Serial Killers and/or sexual deviants "SHOULDN'T" see movies such as this because it could trigger lethal action. It has time and time again. Whether you admit it or not. You can't deny the truth. The Story of O portrays the practice of BDS&M in a "glamorous" light. It also constantly reminds the viewer that the women do not have to participate if they don't want to, but they also imply that if the chose not to participate, they will be missing out on something really good. I don't see anything "good" about this activity, I'm sorry. I think its evil and perverted. When serial killers being interviewed by psychiatrists admit that this kind of activity led them to do what they did, that sends up "signal flags" against this type of activity, to me. And it has happened over and over and over again. It will undoubtedly keep on happening to. When it happens again, I'll be RIGHT HERE to say, "see, i told you so."


I don't see anything "good" about this activity, I'm sorry. I think its evil and perverted.

BINGO! At last you admit it. And everything you have to say about the subject derives from that ignorant, bluenosed bigotry.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


That's not true, but you're entitled to your opinion. How does the old saying go? "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend with my life your right to say it."


Everyone's entitled to their opinion. But facts are far more exclusive. In your case, they're rather elusive.


I have enough facts to realize that BDSM is a dangerous, evil practice. That was the whole point of my first post, to begin with.


It was obvious that that was your point all along, but you chose to hide it behind nonsensical psychobabble. For someone with the "facts", that is a rather pathetic method of presenting your argument, isn't it? OK Now where are your "facts" proving that BDSM is dangerous and evil? Did the voice of Satan appear in your head and tell you that while you were fantasizing about Karla?

To quote you:

"No but there is a scene where she has nothing on but panties and a bra. She has some nice cazongas. The scene where they are raping Tammy shows you a glimpse of tammy's nipples through the lens of their camcorder. I have seen some nude photos of the real Karla and she's totally hot. Much more so than Lara Prepon."

I bet you imagine helping her drug Tammy every night. "Oh thank you jonm1100! You are so much more virile than Paul! Let's get into our spandex costumes and fight evil together!!!"


I've been reading all the posts on here for well over an hour and I can honestly say that is the most twisted quote I have ever seen....


You are misinterpreting my use of the word "need". When I say that some people don't NEED to see these types of movies, what I am saying is that if these "select" people see a movie glamorizing evil, it could trigger lethal action. I wasn't using the word "NEED" as in NEED vs. WANT. Ok let me say it this way - Serial Killers and/or sexual deviants "SHOULDN'T" see movies such as this because it could trigger lethal action. It has time and time again, whether you want to admit it or not. You can't deny the truth. The Story of O portrays the practice of BDS&M in a "glamorous" light. While doing so, It also constantly reminds the viewer that the women do not have to participate if they don't want to, but also implies that if they chose not to participate, they will be missing out on something really good. I don't see anything "good" about this activity, I'm sorry. I think its evil and perverted and can lead to destruction. When serial killers being interviewed by psychiatrists admit that this kind of activity led them to do what they did, that sends up "signal flags" against this type of activity, to me. It has happened over and over and over again and it will undoubtedly keep on happening. When it happens again, I'll be RIGHT HERE to say, "see, i told you so." Of course, you'll disagree just like you are now, but I really don't expect anything else. Some people wouldn't recognize truth if it swam up and bit them on the ass. Even if it did, the BDS&M crowd would say, "ooh that feels good. Do it again! hurt me hurt me!"


By the way, there is no need to call me names. I'm just expressing my feelings on the subject of BDSM. No need to get hostile.


LOL That post can be found in the dictionary next to the words "irony" and "hypocrisy".


I call a spade a spade. You are ignorant of the dynamics of the human sex drive, so I call you "ignorant". You are prejudiced toward things you do not understand, which is the definition of a "bigot". You have considerable sexual hangups and consider anyone who feels otherwise to be a "pervert", so you are "bluenosed".

As I said, a spade is a spade. But before you go trying to remove the motes from our eyes, little brother, you may wish to attend to that plank in yours.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I wasn't referring to the words "ignorant" and "bigot". I was referring to you calling me a DOPE. This is exactly what I would expect from people like you though. When all else fails, resort to name-calling and hostility. You are incapable of participating in a calm, rational, intellegent debate without getting upset and calling people names. Pitiful.


A dope is a person who is incapable of understanding simple concepts. If the shoe fits...

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.



"I think it was the bondage that got me in trouble. If i hadn't given in to my sexual fantases, none of this would have happened."
I saw a documentary about how Ted Bundy blamed his being a serial killer on pornography. Trouble was, there was no evidence that he was actually interested in it. Do you think he could have been trying to win sympathy that he did not deserve by agreeing with the religious right that it was all the fault of those nasty pornographers for corrupting poor innocent Ted?

Nicebat and I had to party.



I'm not arguing the fact that thousands of murders are committed every year for various reasons. I'm just pointing out the fact that BDS&M can be potentially dangerous and is best left alone. I keep bringing up the BTK killer because his is a classic case that points out everything I am saying about BDS&M. He was heavily into bondage. He used to cut pictures out of magazines of women who were bound and gagged. Sometimes he would even draw his own pictures of it. His ultimate fantasy was to bind and gag a woman and hang her. Well, who did he choose as a victim of this? An innocent 12 year old girl named Josie Otero. After suffocating all the other members of her family, he took her to the basement, tied her hands and feet together, gagged her and hung her from a pipe. As he was doing this, he masturbated. In his own words he said, "I think it was the bondage that got me in trouble. If i hadn't given in to my sexual fantases, none of this would have happened." That's straight from the killer himself. So how can you argue that BDS&M is harmless? Maybe to some people, it is, but to others its a method of stimulation they DON'T NEED. I don't care how many people cut their victims up and eat them or how many people who die in Iraq, the fact remains that BDS&M is a potentially dangerous practice and all I am doing is pointing out that fact. There's another practice that some people partake in called "Auto-erotic asphixia". Anybody who is into BDS&M surely is familiar with this, but for the people who aren't, the impression is that by depriving the brain of oxygen during sex, the person doing it supposedly gets more of a "high" from it and experiences more pleasure. A lot of people have died from this, including Michael Hutchence, the singer for the rock group "INXS". There are numerous cases of people dying as a result of this practice- Would you think that this practice is "ok to participate in?" It's like you are saying, "who cares if anybody has died from it? People die every day for thousands of other reasons. There's nothing wrong with sexual perversion. It won't hurt anything! Let's all do it!" I'm sorry - I don't buy into that. I know the truth when i see it and the truth is that this stuff CAN BE DANGEROUS. Another thing too is that some people have no self-control over things such as this, and not just in the area of sexual perversion. Some people have no self-control over drugs, alcohol, or any other type of "addiction" you can think of. People who have no self-control often submerge themselves deeper and deeper into their addiction until eventually, they no longer can contain themselves. That's when it becomes a danger, or should i say "CAN" become a danger?



Gosh i had a nice, long response to this question but my stupid computer froze up on me and I lost it all! In answer to your question, I do believe that its possible to have safe, sane, consensual BDSM. Well, it depends on what you mean by safe. I think it is possible for 2 consenting adults to have a form of BDSM that doesn't cause any "physical" harm, although I question the effect that ANY kind of BDSM can have on the human mind. Sexually perverted thoughts are like a seed. If they fall on rocks, they won't grow, but if they fall on a fertile mind, it's quite possible that they can fester and grow into something evil and hideous. In the case of serial killers, they all start out the same way - WITH A THOUGHT. They start having sexually deviated thoughts, even when they are kids - in most of the cases, their thoughts are relative to bondage and sadomasachism. As they grow, they dwell on these thoughts which,over a long period of time, develop into something very dangerous. But in all the cases of serial killers that I've studied, they all start out with sexually deviated thoughts at an early age. With this in mind, I can't help but feel that BDSM is better left alone because it is obviously EVIL. I don't understand why the people posting messages here can't see that. It seems very clear to me. But again, yes, i can see two consenting adults practicing safe BDSM on a regular basis, although I fail to see what is appealing about it. I wish someone would explain it to me. I'm always eager to learn the truth about ANYTHING, regardless of how I feel about it. I also fail to see how someone could get a sexual thrill out of torturing or even murdering a fellow human being, but that's what serial killers are all about. They kill for sexual gratification. I don't understand it. There seems to be a connection between death and sex too, which I also don't understand. Several horror movies come to mind that have, for example, a scene where 2 people are making love. Just before orgasm, the killer in the movie will jab a SPEAR through them or cut their throats. It seems to always happen just before orgasm. I've seen similar scenes like this in countless modern-day horror movies. WHY?? To me, this indicates a connection between death and sex but i can't for the life of me understand what that connection is. Sex, which is normally a bi-product of Love, to me, is a soft, gentle, caring, affectionate, passionate, beautiful activity. I don't believe it should be something PAINFUL and VIOLENT. Violence and pain are bi-products of evil- not love. There is nothing "beautiful" about evil, in fact, evil seeks to destroy everything of beauty, which brings me back to the subject of serial killers. Heterosexual male serial killers rarely ever kill "ugly" women. They seek out and kill beautiful women, although there exceptions to the rule.


LOL At least you're an entertaining nutcase.


Sex, which is normally a bi-product of Love, to me, is a soft, gentle, caring, affectionate, passionate, beautiful activity. I don't believe it should be something PAINFUL and VIOLENT. Violence and pain are bi-products of evil- not love.

Don't get out much, do you? Certainly not to a farm, anyhow. You might want to watch a nature program sometime, or just watch a couple of cats mating. And while you're at it, look up "passionate" in the dictionary. "soft, gentle, caring, affectionate, passionate...", eh? Let's all sing together: "One of these things is not like the others/Which one is different, do you know?"

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Oh I see. Now we should act like animals, is that it? I think there are too many people in the world acting like animals, as it is.


LOL But not your sweet, precious Karla.


I don't know if she is sweet or precious, but I do believe she's no killer


Oh I see. Now we should act like animals, is that it?

I hate to break this to you, dear, but we ARE animals. Or do you believe that biology is "evil and perverted" as well?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.



My argument is that BDSM is an evil practice. I base that on the fact that so many serial killers participate in it - even ADMIT that their participation in it is the basis that their evil deeds are built upon. Serial killers do bad things - not good things. Oh, they go through the motions of doing "good" things, but its only to mask the fact that they are so "abnormal". Dennis Rader, to anybody else, was a normal family man, a scout leader, even the president of his church congregation. He even raised 2 kids as a "model father." But after he was caught and questioned, he admitted that it was his interest and participation of bondage that led to his murderous actions. It didn't CAUSE IT - it LED to it. He used to hang cats and dogs when he was a kid. As he got older, he "fed" his mind with thoughts of bondage and pain and hanging until he eventually turned his fantasies into reality, with deadly consequences. I recall that one of the letters he taunted the police with, said "At long last, my fantasy has finally become reality". To me, all this is enough evidence to prove that the practice of BDSM is WRONG. If it weren't, so many serial killers wouldn't have this in common with each other. True, there are a lot of people who practice BDSM that would never harm a fly, but still, the actual practice of such activity stems from evil. It can lead to the corruption of the mind and soul, if not murder. I see too many bad things come from it to think otherwise. You can nit-pick on details all you want. It won't change the truth. I am not "blind" to the truth. I see what I see and admit the truth as I see it. I may not be able to articulate my views as well as some people, but I think i've made my point and that's all that matters to ME.


And there are many sociopathic males who have killed a string of wives for their money, therefore all worldly possessions are evil. You just can't get a simple fact through your moronic little prejudiced brain, can you?


"The love of money is the root of all evil." I believe that more people are killed for some type of monitary gain than are killed for some sexual gratification. This is another issue though. My point is that sexual perversion - BDSM included - stem from evil and feed evil thoughts. This can be desasterous to unstable people. Once again, your comments don't make any sense. You cannot LIVE without having some kind of worldly possessions. Its not possible. People have to eat to sustain life. People need shelter, also to sustsain life. People wear clothes to protect them from exposure to weather. This country is based upon capitalism, which is not pefect, but I don't know anything that is. GREED is usually the culprit with people who kill for money. GREED, I might add, also is a bi-product of Evil. No good can ever come from practicing BDSM other than to satisfy carnal flesh, but just because it feels good doesn't make it right. People who enjoy inflicting pain on others sometimes think, "hey if this is so enjoyable, just imagine how good it would feel to actually kill somebody?". IT HAPPENS. YOU CAN'T DENY IT.


Well, you certainly deny it when it comes to Karla, loverboy.

So now we go back to you being selective: All BDSM is evil, but money can be used for good even though it causes a lot more problems. And, once again, following your logic, life not being a necessity and the cause of all death is therefore inherently evil. Tell yourself that when you go off on a spree with your beloved, sweetie-pie.


You cannot LIVE without having some kind of worldly possessions. Its not possible.

Obviously, Jonm11100 is MUCH wiser than the Buddha.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Murder can happen anywhere. My point is that your argument about senseless violence like what happened at Columbine is not inspired by "external stimuli" doesn't hold water. There are too many parallels between what actually happens and what happens in movies/books to be a conicidence. These people get the idea, not only to murder but to carry it out in a cold, patient, calculating way, from SOMEWHERE. It happens too much to ignore what could be causing it. Sueng-Hui Cho was inspired by the actions of Harris and Kelbold, to shoot 32 people at Virginia Tech. He said so himself on a video he sent to NBC in New York. He stated that "Eric and Dylan were martyrs" and that he was "being crucified like Jesus Christ" who did nothing but "defende the weak and helpless". I think Colubmine has inspired a lot of other people to "mimic" the actions of Harris and Klebold, only Seung-Hui Cho actually admitted it. So the argument that people aren't inspired by external stimuli doesn't hold water. These people get the idea from somewhere, especially people who commit "ritualistic" murder. They don't invent the idea - they get it from somwehere else. Cameron Hooker did not invent the things he did to Coleen Stan - he got all his ideas either from books or magazines or movies, maybe from all three. He printed off a "slave contract" from a BDS&M magazine and made Coleen Stan sign it. It basically stated that she was his personal slave. Hooker's mistake was that he took a picture of the contract, which, eventually was used as evidence at his trial. This is just one incident of a sexual sadist getting ideas from "external stimuli". Sometimes he would tie Coleen down on a "rack" and stretch her body. Sometimes he would suspend her from the ceiling by her wrists and let her hang there all night. Sometimes he would chain her down on a table and torture her with electrical shocks. Are all these things NOT elements of BDS&M? I think they are, and I think that it's fairly obvious that Cameron Hooker did NOT just came up with all those ideas out of his own head.


So we're back to banning all external stimuli as potentially evil. Lets get rid of worldly possessions, family, friends, movies. Lets all blind ourselves and deafen ourselves and live in sensory isolation tanks lest we become conduits for the evil that is sensory perception.


I keep hoping that sooner or later, some pro-BDSM person will post some type of legitimate reason why they think BDS&M is harmless but so far, nobody has. All the other posters here are quick to defend the activity but nobody has posted a good reason why. I have given example after example showing why i feel that BDS&M is dangerous, however, none of the people defending the issue has given me an example why they are for it. Give me one example of something good and/or beneifical that has come out of the practice of BDS&M. I don't think its possible because I don't think a good example exists. If you can give me an example, who knows, maybe you could persuade me to think otherwise.


Give me one example of something good and/or beneifical that has come out of the practice of BDS&M. I don't think its possible because I don't think a good example exists.

How about sexual satisfaction? A woman who desires bondage and/or spanking cannot be happy or sexually fulfilled without them, though you will not accept that even though Whipped Honey and I are both women and we BOTH keep telling it to you REPEATEDLY. You have no right to judge what any woman needs sexually, any more than we have the right to judge your rather seedy fixation on serial killers.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I use the examples of serial killers because deviant perverted behavior is a part of their thoughts. It's what makes them "tick." If a person DESIRES pain, then some type of change is necessary within that person's mind or "soul" if you will. Desiring pain is not NORMAL. It is an ABNORMALITY because it is PERVERSION. If it were normal, EVERYBODY would have that desire, which they don't. Do you desire to die, also? That makes about as much sense as desiring pain. Pain is a PART OF DEATH, although usually brief. Hey, if pain is so pleasurable, just think of what it must feel like to actually DIE while having an orgasm! I would think this would be the ULTIMATE in sexual gratification, don't you?. Maybe you should go to Iraq. There is plenty of pain over there to go around, these days.

Deviant behavoir is NOT limited to serial killers though, by any means. People from all walks of life have been known to participate in sexual perversion. Seems like every other day, I'm hearing news of a Catholic Priest somewhere who is arrested for sexually molesting young boys. I'm not just picking on Catholics either, there are plenty of other people just as guilty of it. The source that a child molester's evil thoughts come from is the same source that thoughts of desiring bondage and pain come from. It's all EVIL. The desire for bondage and pain is just as abnormal as molesting children is. I am 50 years old, and in all of my 50 years, i have never known ANYBODY who practiced BDSM. If they are, then they are doing a great job of keeping it a secret. If they are keeping it a secret, this, in itself, is suggestive that its WRONG. If people keep their BDSM activiy "secret" what could the reason be? Could it be because they really KNOW that such activity is wrong, but choose to do so anyway and would feel ashamed if other people knew? Could it be because they know that such activity is ABNORMAL, but they still choose to partake in it just to satify their own fleshly lust? I happen to believe that the majority of the population feels the way I do about it. Most people can recognize the evil in it and the potential danger it can be, not only physically but MENTALLY.

Have you ever seen a movie called "SALO: 120 DAYS OF SODOM? I need to pull up that one on IMDB and do some posts. I could write VOLUMES on that one. Of course, I would think anyone into BDSM would alredy be very familiar with that one. It's full of perversion from start to finish, althought I would have to say that it makes The Story of O look like Walt Disney. Its the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. What's odd to me is, everytime a movie like that comes out, critics always get around to saying, "this is one of the most IMPORTANT movies of our time." I can't help but think, "what is so important about watching people being forced to eat human feces?!!?" I run across that all the time in movie reviews. Perversion is "important" now. Where will it all end? Hollywood has a lot to do with promoting sexual perversion. Most people spend hours watching TV or movies, and are exposed to the most heinous things imaginable. Its no wonder that so many sexual-related crimes are committed. At any given time, you can flip on the TV and see rape, hear constant vulgar language, and yes, even scenes of BDSM are shown. Anyone who would agrue that what people see on tv and/or in movies does not affect a person's psyche is more naive than they accuse ME of being. These days, Hollywood seems to promote the idea that sexual perversion is "normal" and should be accepted into mainstream society. Nothing could be further from the truth. By accepting such activity, we are cutting our own throats because the end result of evil is ALWAYS DEATH. But HEY!, that's ok. BDSM people would welcome death as long as there is pain and orgasm included, right?


The idea of "no pain, no gain" is obviously foreign to you. Your pathetic ignorance becomes more and more flagrant all the time, little boy. Go and read up on the role of flagellation, self-abnegation, fasting, etc in religious thought; read about "the burn" experienced by athletes. Read about endorphins, the Sabine Effect, and the role of dominance heirarchies in primate biology. Then read about the place of the ordeal in primitive mysticism.

After you've educated yourself a little, you might try getting a little REAL sexual experience with grown women. Then, and ONLY then, will you be qualified to discuss this subject with sexually mature adults. Until that time, please go away; your childish, ignorant prejudice is not only sad, but disturbing.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


The "burn" experienced by althetes is not PERVERSION. Being deliberately whipped to experience some type of sexual pleasure IS. Fasting is not perversion either. The purpose of fasting, in a religious context, is to take our eyes off of the carnality of this world and, instead, focus on God. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God and to ourselves that we are serious about our relationship with Him. Although fasting in Scripture is almost always a fasting from food, there are other ways to fast. Anything you can temporarily give up or "sacrifice" in order to better focus on God is a "fast." Fasting is NOT an attempt to satisfy the carnal flesh like sexual perversion is. Of course, I don't intend to get into a religious debate here because there is no way either side can win the debate. Religion is based on faith - not PROOF - so any attempt to debate religious issues would prove futile and I don't have the patience for it. But I feel that I can successfully debate the fact that BSDM can be potentially dangerous, based on inteviews between evil people (i.e., killers), and their psychiatrists. When killers confess that they commit atrocities due to their participation in sexual deviation and violent sexual fantasies, I LISTEN. Who knows the truth better than the perpetrators themselves? There is no way anybody can legitimately disagree with my belief that BDSM is evil. I haven't heard a good reason from anybody YET as to why they feel it is NOT. Someone mentioned they need it for "sexual gratification" but again i say that just because something "feels good" doesn't necessarily mean it's right. In fact, the Bible totally contradicts the "if it feels good do it" philosophy, if you believe in what the Bible says. The Bible indicates that the more you feed fleshly lusts, the more it "WARS" against the soul, and I believe it. You can't "have your cake and eat it too". I tell you, the Bible is an excellent source of what type of life a person should and should not lead. The only problem with it that I can see is that a lot of the Bible is written in a "general" sense, which makes it subject to different interpretations, but if you study the bible enough, all the pieces fall into place and enables people to see the truth and recognize evil when they see it. I can't think of a better source for truth.

The movie, "Caligula" is another movie containing sexual perversion, but I will admit the movie was tastefully done and seems to be a fairly accurate account of things that happened during his rein, although I think the message would have been conveyed just as well without the "porn" included in it. In the opening scene of the movie, a scripture pops up on the screen - Mark 8:36 - "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?" This can be applied to sexaul gratification as well. The more you feed the flesh, the closer you come to losing your soul. Food for thought, for sure. Of course, this does not apply to all sex. I do think it applies to perverted sex though.


Ah, so you're a religious fanatic. Thank you for admitting that; I now know that it is pointless to even bother answering you because your mind is firmly shut on the subject of human sexuality.

Have a nice life, little boy. And if and when you ever have sex with a real woman, don't say you weren't warned.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.



I don't condem SEX. Just BDSM. I believe it is an evil practice best not entertained. I have presented evidence in all my previous posts that support my belief on the subject. If you choose not to believe it, that's your perrogative, but I definitely believe it.




Yeah right. Why should I even attempt to type a logical reply to this kind of stupidity. I'm getting kind of sick of all this pointless arguing. You just want to ARGUE. We just go around and around in circles and it's getting old. Why don't you get off the computer and go get whipped somewhere?


LMAO Then why did you type two responses? But I agree: considering your total lack of ability to string together a single coherent argument, you might be better off going back to masturbating to your photos of Karla. She's such a true example of womanly virtue. She'd NEVER possibly disagree with you no matter how wrong she thought you were, unlike all the women on this board. That is true love, isn't it?


Yes, it is evil and perverted. But you know what? It's fun and as long as the rules are followed well, everyone has a good time. The way you compare Cameron Hooker and sexual slavery and torture to this movie is completely misleading. O from the start consensually agreed to go to the house with her lover. She then agreed to be given to Sir Stephen and was asked several times if she wanted to stop or not. She was not kidnapped, she went willingly.
No matter what movie they watch or book they read, the huge difference between BDSM and serial rapists/killers is consent. There was nowhere in the movie that showed how to capture her since she went there willingly. If you want to say that the movie gives ideas how to torture, you would have to get rid of history books and documentaries, because they came up with flogging and lashing, rape and torture.

It's obvious you have a strong opinion about things you don't know and I have no idea why the others spent all that time arguing with you and going in circles. BDSM is like anything that requires rules and practice. And as brutal as it looks, there is the 'aftercare' where the sub is taken down, wrapped in a blanket, given water and food, and cuddled and cared for. But of course you didn't notice that in the movie

Have fun with your vanilla sex


Yes, it is evil and perverted. But you know what? It's fun and as long as the rules are followed well, everyone has a good time. The way you compare Cameron Hooker and sexual slavery and torture to this movie is completely misleading. O from the start consensually agreed to go to the house with her lover. She then agreed to be given to Sir Stephen and was asked several times if she wanted to stop or not. She was not kidnapped, she went willingly.
No matter what movie they watch or book they read, the huge difference between BDSM and serial rapists/killers is consent. There was nowhere in the movie that showed how to capture her since she went there willingly. If you want to say that the movie gives ideas how to torture, you would have to get rid of history books and documentaries, because they came up with flogging and lashing, rape and torture.

It's obvious you have a strong opinion about things you don't know and I have no idea why the others spent all that time arguing with you and going in circles. BDSM is like anything that requires rules and practice. And as brutal as it looks, there is the 'aftercare' where the sub is taken down, wrapped in a blanket, given water and food, and cuddled and cared for. But of course you didn't notice that in the movie

wow very well said


I've about had it with you people. You just. If you were "OPEN MINDED" as you accuse me of NOT BEING, you would know that I'M RIGHT. I've said it a million times, BDSM IS EVIL. BDSM IS ABNORMAL. Desiring pain to achieve some kind of physical gratification is ABNORMAL. How could you possibly be a "CHRISTIAN" as you claim, and at the same time, desire PAIN for sexual pleasure? A true Christian does not partake in such abominations as sexual deviation. You and Dennis Rader should get together. You'd make a perfect couple. Two happy Christians enjoying whipping each other.Of course, based on his confession, i think he would do the most whipping but that's ok. You would enjoy it, it seems.



You're projecting again, jonm1100. Is that why you are sexually obsessed with Karla? Because she's one of the few people slimy enough to conceivably have any interest in you?


I've about had it with you people. You just. If you were "OPEN MINDED" as you accuse me of NOT BEING, you would know that I'M RIGHT.

That was THE funniest thing I have ever read on any of these boards. Good day, sir!


I am a Christian
I sense the potential for an interesting debate sometime ...

Nicebat and I had to party.


I'm sure he'll be spouting scripture as they're taking him in for the murders he's committed in order to impress Karla.



NO i am not arguing with people based on just watching the movie. I've read about all there is to read about her. Karla's cool. I'd like to meet her. Straighten her out the way I've straightened all YOU PEOPLE OUT. She might even respond intellegently, which is something that hasn't happened here.I think those 12 years in prison probabaly mellowed her out by now.


Straighten her out the way I've straightened all YOU PEOPLE OUT.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


LMAO If by "straightening us out" you mean proving to us what a repressed pervert you are, then I certainly agree.

BTW, do you also collect nude photos of Myra Hindley, Lynette Fromme and other such beautiful, precious flowers?


Karla's cool. I'd like to meet her. Straighten her out the way I've straightened all YOU PEOPLE OUT. She might even respond intellegently
"Oh, jonm11100, you're so right! Murder and rape is wrong! I have now seen the light! Please can they let me out of prison now???????????????????? Pretty please?"


Nicebat and I had to party.


Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.



Hey - YOU were the one who brought up the subject of "FASTING". All I did was point out the reason for it. If you think i'm a "FANATIC" because of that, then you really do have problems. And all that *beep* about "endorphins"... Let me put it this way. I've been whipped before at different times throughout the years and I've NEVER wanted MORE. It hurt like hell! The more whippings I got, the LESS I WANTED THEM. In fact, I came to DREAD THEM. So don't tell me about endorphins. If endorphins were released, I never could tell it. You should let ME whip you. I could give you some of those good old-fashioned whippings like the kind I used to get. I GUARANTEE you, you won't want to be whipped again for a LONG LONG TIME.


Oh, I see! So by your logic, because YOU don't want to go to bed with men, I shouldn't either! It's all so SIMPLE now!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You should let ME whip you. I could give you some of those good old-fashioned whippings like the kind I used to get.
You should be careful jonm11000. In some circles, not mine btw as I am vanilla, talk like that is definitely seen as an offer.

Nicebat and I had to party.


The word I would use is "proposition".

However, no worries; I think we scared him away. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


"Proposition", definitely a good word.

I think "our" Jon scared off the other Jon with too much logic. Not that Jon S belongs to us, he belongs to Georgie Girl.

Then again, maybe jonm11000 was scared that you or Whipped Honey might take him up on the offer! I mean proposition!

Nicebat and I had to party.



If they are keeping it a secret, this, in itself, is suggestive that its WRONG.
Do you think that the fact some gay people are still in the closet is "suggestive that homosexuality is wrong"?

Nicebat and I had to party.


I'm not getting into a discussion about homosexuality. The purpose of the discussion is to show how BDSM can be potentially dangerous. However, since you've asked the question, I assume YOU think its wrong, else the thought would never have entered your head.....I never would have asked such a question. You're trying to start a new argument and I'm not buying into it. I'm tired of arguing. I have better things to do. My point has been made.


You're not getting into a discussion of homosexuality because then you'd have to list the many serial killers who were homosexual or targeted other men. Then you'd have to apply the same logic you use against BDSM against homosexuality. But it is not politically correct to be homophobic. So you prefer to repress the illogic of your argument against BDSM and avoid discussing anything that further proves what a prejudiced idiot you are.


What I mean is that you can't really use the "people keep quiet about it" logic as an excuse to target BDSM.

On the subject of horror films, I read a lot of books by Dean R Koontz. Do you think that makes me more likely to become a serial killer, or a slightly smug (but admittedly talented and amusing) Christian like DRK himself?

And no, your point has not been made. You may not like (for example) Jon Shaper, but he has made a lot of points which you have not addressed. If you were sure of your arguments, you would go and think about them and then address the points Jon and others have made.

Being sure of your arguments means thinking about other people's criticism of what you have said and then coming up with a decent counter-argument, not giving up and complaining about everyone else.

Nicebat and I had to party.


Agreed, Rose. In the meantime, jonm1100, you're being treated with all the respect and seriousness you've earned.


I have no idea how far this thread goes or if this has already been suggested, but if you're looking for a movie that shows a more "positive" BDSM relationship, try Secretary with James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I think what is being overlooked is how BDSM play is so freeing. There's so much stress in life and giving that control, that responsibility is, well, not only an absolutely enormous act of trust in another person, but a way to truly let yourself go. Most people that I know who are into BDSM don't talk as much about the specifics of being whipped or spanked or tied up, but the headspace that you get to enter when, say, doing a scene. Some people golf, or run, or eat an entire box of hostess cupcakes to long as everything is consentual for all parties involved, and more importantly it is enjoyable, why is it so evil?

As far as being dangerous, I believe it's akin to not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle. Being tied up? Your partner should have safety scissors w/in reach at all times. Safe words are an absolute must - if gagged you need some other way of indicating you need the activity to stop. The list goes on.

I just wish that people would realize that one cannot blame everything on outside stimuli on their personal actions. A person can always choose NOT to do something, whether they watched a stimulating movie or not.



If people "don't just dream up things out of their own heads," then where did the ideas for the movies come from? You're talking like people are completely reliant on outside stimuli for their thoughts, which is completely untrue. If you can't remember a time when you have thought up something, thought it was a completely original thought, and then found out later that the idea had been around for a long time before it ever occurred to you, then you have no imagination.


That is not what i was referring to. When I said, that BDS&M people "most likely never carry it further", i was referring to the actual torturing of people until they DIE, or deliberately murdering them. Maybe it was just an unfortunate choice of words - maybe I should have said, "carry it past the limit". I'm not an expert in the BDS&M world, all I know is that there are cases of people dying from BDS&M practices,although relatively speaking, it is rare. At least it seems rare from what i've read and seen and heard about the subject. It's just that I've found that serial killers, more often than not, are sexually stimulated by sexual deviance, which includes BDS&M.



Well, I sincerely apologize for the fact that my mimicking of your logic sounds insane.


Histoire d'O was a bestselling book, published years before the movie was made. Plus the character O consented to her treatment. She wasn't forcibly abducted & gangraped, all appearances aside.

I suppose one could easily miss the point of the story: O endured all this for the man she loved, not just to "get off" on it.

flat monotonic dirge


you can clearly see the point that jonm is trying to make jonschaper but you just feel like having an arguement. i mean i can agree with points made by both of you but would have to side with jonm purely because your just incredibly rude and abbrasive sorry but its true.

'precious, precious, silver and gold.'


Jonschaper, rude and abrasive? Not hardly; he just doesn't cut trolls any slack. He's a perfect sweetheart to normal, conversational posters who aren't trying to cram their personal agendas down others' throats.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


i understand your point but jonm clearly has the right intentions but just perhaps puts them across in a way which is objectional to others and his arguement was as jonschaper points out very subjective, but there wasnt any malice in what jonm was saying and he wasnt being offensive. it just seemed to me like jonschaper was giving him a bit of a hard time for merely posting his opinion on an internet board. in his defence the arguement that loads of movies have violence in and so should all warrant a complaint fron jonm is completely invalid. most movies with violence in them (jonschapers example: irreversible) portray it as the unattractive thing that it is whereas this movie shows it as a beautiful and rewarding thing, which in most cases it is not. like i said though i can agree with both guys for different reasons it just seemed that jonschaper was a bit harsh.

'precious, precious, silver and gold.'


No offense, but you're buying into what people like that want you to believe. Control freaks never come out and say they want to run other people's lives; they always hide it behind "concern". Make no mistake, the world is full of people like Jonm, who would love nothing better than to "protect" everyone by enforcing their own personal agendas, whether those whom they would "protect" want it or not.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You should have replied to one of my posts. I only came across yours by chance.

Yes, I know people are entitled to their opinions. I am also entitled to mine.

You might note that the first thing I did in my posts was address the logic behind jonm's post. Jonm was not stating that something was his opinion. He was stating his opinion as objective fact, and in response I pointed out that he applied his logic inconsistently. Regardless of whether or not jonm presents his opinion as subjective opinion or objective fact, if he wants to post his opinion on a public forum he should be prepared for others to take an opposing point of view, express their own, and ask him to back up his point of view. He deliberately singled out a particular segment of the population for condemnation. He attempted to excuse this position through several arguments supposedly based upon fact. I made counterarguments and pointed out the utter irrelevance of all of his facts about serial killers (and his factual errors in some particular instances). That is legitimate debate. He could have responded in kind with more arguments based upon fact and logical reasoning. But instead of questioning my application of logic or fact, just as I did with his posts, Jonm instead decided to appeal to blind prejudice. He began arguing that a certain segment of the population (i.e. all those who practice any form of BDSM) are "evil". Yes, that is his opinion and nothing can be done about it. But if, as a result of his statements, I form the opinion that he is an illogical bigot, I am fully entitled to that opinion, and I am just as free to express that opinion as he is to spew his hatred for others on these boards.

If YOU do NOT feel it is harsh to call people who do no harm to others "evil", then that is your entitlement. I will then be entitled to point out to you that most people would disagree with you. If YOU feel it is harsh to point out that a person is being bigoted, that is your entitlement. I will then be entitled to point out to you that a bigot is a bigot, and, in my opinion, they deserve to have that pointed out to them. You might not have liked my posts, and you're entitled to that opinion, and you are free to point that out, but I am now entitled to point out that by coming onto this board and pretending to be a champion of one's right to freely express opinions no matter how bigoted they are, only to wind up arguing instead that another person is "harsh" for expressing his opinion, that you are being somewhat hypocritical. And you are also being hypocritical in arguing that one person's good intentions should be taken into account, then refusing to allow for another's intentions. Or do you truly believe that I called jonm an illogical bigot for evil reaons? Take my positions to be harsh if you want to, even if nothing I could say could possibly be as offensive as jonm's defense of Karla Homolka as an innocent victim. Ignore his rhetoric about how others who have different sexual habits than him are evil, or his need to treat women as weak if you want because he may have had "good intentions" (something with which the road to Hell is paved). Ignore the fact that he condemned others as perverts, while proving himself to be a sick pervert who finds females serial killers sexually exciting (you might want to read some of his posts in other threads). Sure, it's only my opinion that that IS sick. But I don't see you calling him harsh for condemning the sexuality of others. But that's my opinion in a nutshell. I now give you leave to come to my defense.



I agree 100%. People could be dangerously influenced by Roadrunner cartoons as well. Nothing will ever prevent insane people from committing insane acts.


More violent crime is committed by allegedly sane people than by people with a history of mental illness.

Nicebat: a bit of a party animal.



The fact is that there are a handful of people out there who, watching a movie like this is all they need to tempt them into taking the next step in trying to turn a fantasy into reality.

And all YOU need to take the next step in evolution is a brain.
Really : I thought retard opinions like yours hade become extinct. Go bother your grannie or your local priest with this but please : leave the intelligent thinking part of humanity alone. And lock your door on the way out, will ya? Now GIT!


Really : I thought retard opinions like yours hade become extinct.

Unfortunately, I think they are becoming MORE common these days, at least in the US.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Uhm well, from what we get to see from the US over here (Europe, that is)you could be right... Only too bad that people with retard opinions are not THAT retard that they can't find their way to the boards on IMDB. Can't we just vote to kick guys like jonm11100?! ;-)


Uhm well, from what we get to see from the US over here (Europe, that is)you could be right... Only too bad that people with retard opinions are not THAT retard that they can't find their way to the boards on IMDB. Can't we just vote to kick guys like jonm11100?! ;-)
