MovieChat Forums > Histoire d'O (1975) Discussion > Would any girl in this form to become a ...

Would any girl in this form to become a slave?

Of course the most are scared to put theirselves in an unknown man hands that way.
.....But would anyone please a treatment like this among female users?????


I'm sorry, Modica, but I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking. Would you please try to rephrase it?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


You understood very well.
Would you like to be kept in CHAINS and treated like a slavegirl to be beaten when she wrongs something?? Finally, a lot of tenderness.
It's so erotic!!!! Try it. Eh eh!


The word "like" is not really the correct one to use in this case, but since many native speakers make the same mistake it's not a surprising error for someone for whom English is clearly a second language.

I'm sure you already know that there are women who are indeed aroused by this situation, so why did you ask the question in the first place?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I changed my nickname but I'm still Modica-1.

"it's not a surprising error for someone for whom English is clearly a second language"
You are right, I'm Italian. I try my best with English but I know my limits.

'Miss October' is a very intriguing nickname. I don't know if you're a pin-up girl as your nickname suggests, but you really think like only an interesting girl should do.

The only problem with this subject is that the most of women don't want to disclose their secret nature of slavegirls. It lies in their dreams but they are afraid to show it.
If a man wants to start a BDSM relationship, he couldn't talk about it with his girlfriends, because they should be scared and think he's a potential raper or a violent guy.

That's the reason I asked this question here in a forum. Nicknames make the people free to show their real feelings.


I don't know if you're a pin-up girl as your nickname suggests, but you really think like only an interesting girl should do.

I did a lot of nude modelling, but I retired several years ago.

The only problem with this subject is that the most of women don't want to disclose their secret nature of slavegirls. It lies in their dreams but they are afraid to show it. If a man wants to start a BDSM relationship, he couldn't talk about it with his girlfriends, because they should be scared and think he's a potential raper or a violent guy.

That's probably true with a lot of modern girls; they are afraid to admit their real sexual drives because they contradict what the neofeminists claim that women "should" want. I always advise both men and women who want to explore BDSM with their partners to show them Story of O or Secretary and then watch their reactions.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


It sounds strange, but what you do is the same I do with my friends: I show them the films Histoire d'O and Secretary. The most of them react shocked and ashamed (but I admit I like to shock my friends!..).

Our culture put us in a distant point from the real human instincts, that are basically sexual male domination against female submission. With love and full respect. Feminism made women unhappy, and created misunderstands on many levels.

I don't know if you have seen it, but I put you in my friendlist. I'd like communicate with you in a pivate way and I really hope you want to answer my message. Even if you're so distant from Italy, you're a very interesting person.

P.S.: are you from US or GB?

Later, G


I responded to your PM last night. I am from the US; I am originally from New Orleans and my husband is the son of Italian immigrants to San Francisco, but now we own a ranch in Oklahoma.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Lucky man your husband. A beautiful and brilliant wife (slavegirl??).

A friend of mine lives in Oklahoma, but I never went there yet.
He said me the meaning of the expression 'cutting the cheese' in Oklahoma. It made me laught a lot.

PS: I've seen your photo last night: yes, your soulmate is really a lucky guy. In October and in all other seasons!


Thank you, Gigi; I also consider myself lucky to belong to such a wonderful man as my husband.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


But there are also lots of men who liked to be dominated by a domina (duh). So this can't just be a thing a "cultural thing about male domination and female submission with love and respect", it works both ways, you know.


What works both ways? In the world of Story of O we are shown only male dominance and female submission.

And though there are indeed many men who are submissive, it is not and never has been a sociological norm. The majority of women are sexually submissive to one degree or another, though in most cases not remotely enough to qualify as a paraphilia.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Apparently, I wasn't talking about the movie, I ws talking about RL, much like you and G did. IRL there are many MANY men who like to be dominated, if only for a change. The domina job is very well paid for a reason. And you know who the customers are? Mainly men that are in charge all the time in their job: managers, chefs and the like. They are forced to be dominant all the time - this may be because of "social norm" but since these alpha males are the most likely to seek for submission in sexual life, I dare to claim that this "social norm" is forced upon them and thus not natural.

Also I cannot confirm that the mayority of women are sexually submissive. Telling from the women I had so far I can only say that it's very mixed. My current one would fit your description, then again she is asian and was raised this way. I had another asian girlfriend but she only lived the first 6 years in asia (vietnam), then 6 years in australia and from then on in germany. She could be submissive or dominant or anything in between, depending on her current mood. Then there were two german GFs, one of them may have been passive at times but in no way submissive. And the other one ... geez, she doesn't even ask, she just takes what she wants and it's up to you to get satisfied in time ...
That's for my GFs. Besides that I didn't have any one-night-stands that included intercourse, only petting, but from that I also got very mixed impressions.

So far, my current GF is the first and only one that likes to be submissive and even wants me to tie her, "abuse" her or even "fake-rape" her. And I am not even sure if this is a sexual thing, it's more about getting enough attention, polishing up her self esteem and making her feel that she is needed. She admitted that already. That's why it's hard for me to give her what she asks for (I have never used any force during sex before and don't really want to).


It depends on your definition of "many". Your argument is like saying, "well, Thai restaurants stay in business so most people prefer Thai food to all others." This is clearly incorrect; Thai restaurants cater to those who like Thai food, even for "a change", but most restaurants are NOT Thai and most Western women don't cook Thai at home. Understand?

I have been involved in the BDSM lifestyle for 25 years now, and I've met a lot of people in that time. And I can assure you that female submissives VASTLY outnumber male ones in real life; it is in the MEDIA that they seem to be of comparable numbers (or even that submissive men outnumber submissive women).

And as for your lack of experience with submissive women, you said it yourself: it's hard for me to give her what she asks for...I have never used any force during sex before and don't really want to. Surely you realize that most women can sense that? You haven't had many submissive girlfriends because you don't attract them in the first place, or because they probed you subtly after getting together with you and felt no signs you were interested (the latter being a common problem nowadays). Unlike "submissive" men (who are perfectly happy to go out and hire a professional, then dictate EXACTLY what they want to her in minute detail), submissive women generally feel very uncomfortable having to tell a "master" what they need, and it's very unsatisfying if he doesn't initiate it himself.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I thought we were talking about general overall tendencies of humans as in "cultural differences" and "human instincts" and "social roles" and such, but you are talking about people that are already into the BDSM scene.


"People who are already into the BDSM scene" are a proportionate subset of all people, so I'm talking about both. Surely you realize that somebody who is open to such cues is more likely to notice them than someone who, by his own admission, is closed to them?

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Sure. It just seems that we lost each other's train of thought.


Unfortunately, that's very easy to do on a message board.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Let's start a new train then.

I understand the whole BDSM thingy as a kind of extended roleplay. A roleplay that doesn't have to end in one session, it can continue "in real life". My question is: What do you think is harder: To be a good slave or to be a good master? I bet the average person that doesn't know much about it would say "master is eassier" because "giving commands is easier than taking orders".
But from my experiences with pen&paper (fantasy/scifi) roleplaying games I know how hard it is to be a good game master and I bet being a BDSM master to a slave has many similarities:
The master has to ensure that everybody involved ultimately enjoys everything. Which requires a lot of things, he must know the submissive person very well, he has to constantly push the edge but should not ever cross it, whatever he does has to be ... hm, I don't know how to phrase it but he must be kind of inventive so that the entire thing doesn't become dull or "boring". So I can imagine that it could be quite hard actually to become a "good" master.

So what's your call, can one role be considered easier or are they so different that any try to compare is futile?


Being a good master is MUCH harder; one need look no farther than real life to see the proof of that. People want to be sheep because it's much easier, and nearly every leader is incompetent and abusive of power.

We discussed this topic once before, here:; you might enjoy looking it over.

And your comparison of being a good BDSM master to being a good GM is spot on; I have been a GM for almost 28 years now, since my cousin first drafted me to create a D&D campaign in the spring of 1981. And though I'm considered an excellent GM (and one of the rare women willing to go through the trouble!), I really wish I could be a player more often.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Sorry for answering late.

Nice to read that you are into roleplaying games as well, I feared I might offend you with that comparison (there seem to be a lot of prejudices about roleplayers ;) ).
The problem you decribe is common - most good GMs are bugged to always GM so that they can hardly ever play themselves. But again I question the gender distribution - are female GMs really that rare? My sister GMed more than me and from the Cons I visited there seemed to be alot of female ones. Maybe it's because you are from Italy? I hear, machismo is still wide spread there :) I am from germany and we do have a female chancellor, what can I say ...


I'm not from Italy; I'm from Louisiana, in the US. And yes, female GMs are very rare here, or at least were when I did most of my gaming in the 1980s. I'm not sure about nowadays; I have only gamed with close friends for the past 15 years or so, so I don't know what it may be like nowadays.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I've played D&D since my late teens, although not much in recent years. When I first started playing, I found it to be unsatisfying. The DMs stunk at it. So, I tried my hand at being the DM, and after that, everybody insisted on me as the DM.

In about 26 years, I've encountered only one female who liked D&D, and not a single one who ever DM'd. There were a few girls back in university who played, but I found out later that they were playing just because they had a thing for me. Interestingly, when they played, their characters were heavily sexual.


I've known a good number of women who play D&D or other RPGs, but they are greatly outnumbered by male players. I have noticed that it's very common for women's characters to be quite sexual; I know most of mine have been.

Whenever this subject comes up, I can't help but remember the comment one of my cousin's players at UNO made when I joined his campaign. He said, "I hate playing D&D with girls; they always want to TALK to everything!"

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Well, I started playing in the 90s and at that time, more girls were into it than in the 80s, so this may explain that.

My next question would be:
When I do fantasy RPGs, I try to get "into" it of course and try to forget everything around. But I never really think I am the character or that everything is real. Much like you are daydreaming where you know it's a dream.
But how is it when you are into BDSM - is it also like a game for you? Because, if I understood it right, the whole point is to make it as real as possible. So, is it a game and you know and could not enjoy it if it was real? Or is it a game but while you are "playing" you take it for real unless your master releases you? Or does it start out as a game and becomes reality in the long run?


Some things are good fantasy but bad reality; a good example of that for a woman would be rape, and a good example for a man might be the insatiable nymphomaniac girlfriend.

That having been said, many of us (though I've talked to those who disagree) feel that BDSM is no fun unless it feels fairly real. If one has to tell a guy that he should overpower or spank one, it sort of defeats the whole purpose. It also ruins things if one is tied so that escape is possible, or if the man uses those stupid plastic handcuffs (often with faux-fur lining!) sold in novelty stores instead of real Smith & Wessons. As an old friend of mine once said, "It may be a game, but it's a serious game."

For some of us, even "serious game" isn't enough; it has to be nearly real. I say "nearly" because, since slavery is illegal in the Western world nowadays and even marriage is impermanent, no bond between man and woman can ever be permanent anymore. Also, it's very different to be owned by a man one freely chooses to be owned by than one who just carries one off on the back of his horse; though the latter is certainly very romantic, becoming the property of a man with no regard for one's feelings or needs would probably quickly become a living hell.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Okay, I understand. "It may be a game, but it's a serious game." is really a nice summary.

For now I don't have furtehr questions but I'd like to know if you have seen "Secretary" (my guess is that you have) and "Love and human remains" (my guess is you haven't). I can recommend both of them highly to you.


I've seen and greatly enjoyed Secretary, but as for the other title...let's just say that gay characters and Hollywood portrayals of dominatrices both leave me rather cold.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


That means you have seen it or not? I liked it very much and the movie wasn't really hollywoodish at all. And the gays can't really complain about their portrayal either (I can't vouch for dominatrices, though, and even if, I would be biased because I adore Mia Kirshner)


No, I haven't seen it; contemporary dramas generally bore me. In addition, my husband and I don't get pay TV, rent movies, or even go out to movies often, so all of our entertainment budget goes to buying movies on DVD. And since I'm a champion bargain hunter who NEVER pays full price for anything, we get about three or four times as many DVDs for the money as most people do. The result? A truly huge DVD collection, many of which we've never seen (or at least never seen together). Our schedule is currently about 14 months long, so as you can imagine we're not exactly in a hurry to watch any movie which doesn't sound like something we would really enjoy!

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


This movie came out in the '70s so we have to give credit to the people involved in this film for tackling this subject in such a bold way, but I think Secretary explores the subject in a much better way. Still, The Story of O is worth watching.


The time period in which it was made has nothing to do with it; the two movies really aren't trying to do the same thing. Story of O is a fairly faithful adaptation of an erotic fairy tale, whereas Secretary is a light but mostly realistic comedy-drama.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


I thought handling such a subject in such a bold way that too in the '70s was praiseworthy so I highlighted that point. And even if Secretary is a more realistic drama and O is a fairy tale they both focus on master/slave relationship so I think it is fair to compare them. The O movie doesnt stand the test of time, while Secretary least that is what I think. By the way, if you are interested, watch the movie Going Under, its not a great movie but does tackle the same issue.


The O movie doesnt stand the test of time...

I respectfully disagree.

By the way, if you are interested, watch the movie Going Under, its not a great movie but does tackle the same issue.

Female over male BDSM is not the same as male over female except in the most general sense. And while there are a plethora of cinematic representations of male submission, there are almost none of female submission because they aren't politically correct. Aside from Story of O, Secretary and The Image, every other representation of female submission in film portrays it as something harmful and pathological.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


On the first point, lets agree to disagree. On the second point, you are right the portrayal of female submission in movies leaves a lot to be desired, but then it is hard to break the cultural taboos.


It's not a cultural taboo, though; women are submissive to men in every traditional culture in the world, so if anything MALE submission should be the "taboo" subject. Female submission violates neofeminist dogma, though, and since Hollywood would rather not deal with those shrieking harpies the subject is largely supressed. Considering that Story of O and The Image are both French and Secretary was an independent film, the ban is a total one. In every Hollywood movie since the 70s female submission is portrayed as either pathological or at best as a temporary aberration (induced by an "evil" man, of course) from which the heroine "recovers".

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


Yep that’s the way it usually is male submission is played for laughs and female submission is either ignored or non-consensual.




How far would you be willing to go? Do you think slavesubmission is more present in man or in women?

A portuguese fan of the movie.


I think another question is this, which is the stronger emotion to be a submssive? or a dominant?


I can only answer that anecdotally; every dominant man I've known who ends up with a less-than-fully-submissive woman seems able to make the relationship work, but every submissive woman I've known who ends up with a weak man eventually breaks up with him. Now, that may be because a man can love his wife while finding what he wants sexually in other women, whereas a woman really needs her husband to be someone she can respect; however, it does seem to POINT in the general direction of submission being somewhat stronger.

Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.


'Feminism made women unhappy, and created misunderstands on many levels'

have to inform you that women being able to drive, vote and control their lives is in no way making women unhappy. you're a first class idiot


i am a submissive/slave wife to my Master Husband. i am not abused or treated badly. i am loved and cherished and valued. Just like i love cherish and value him. We are in love, we do not scene or roleplay. D/s is mixed in with our every day life.

The Story of O was a fantasy. No one in the real BDSM community lives like that. We stand for safe sane and consensual. None of which were portrayed in the movie. We are against abuse period.

i am not kept in chains or whipped every hour on the hour. That is just plain silly.

i was raised to be strong, intelligent, controlling and a leader never a follower. Not until i met my Master/husband did i find my place in this world and that is at his feet.

When i look up at him and see the love, passion and desire for me. i know without a doubt that this is where i belong.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


i disagree. human beings do not 'have a place at someone's else's feet,' that is what we call slavery. you traded being a person to being a controlled puppy. this is one of the reasons as to why i loathe this lifestyle. being someone's property goes against a basic principle. i scorn you because you allow yourself to be owned like an object


i make it a policy NEVER to speak of things that i know nothing about. Clearly you do not feel the same.

In real life and in the BDSM community a submissive submits willingly. He or she does NOTHING against her/his will. i submit freely and lovingly to my Master/Husband. If i didn't he would move on, for no real Dominant wants an unwilling sub.

D/s is a loving spiritual connection that is on a much higher plain. i adore him and he treats me like a princess. Yes i have rules and yes i have been punished, but it is always fair and always deserved and i am Never given anything that is more than i can handle. It is also meant to teach me and never to hurt me.

So if being loved, being desired and being cherished and treasured is wrong to you; then i feel very sorry for you.

i am happy, complete and content. i am not controlled or abused. i am owned by the most amazing man in the entire world. While he's not perfect he doesn't leave his clothes all over the floor, the toilet seat is kept down, he doesn't cheat or flirt with other woman, and when i'm sick he does the cooking and takes care of me. He is loving and kind and treats me with the utmost of respect and he is creative and has a great imagination.

i in turn make sure that he has a warm, happy, loving home to come home to. Where he is king of his castle and all his worries and problems are left at the door.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


i disagree. you are an adult and do not need to be punished or deserve punishment. that is something you do to a pet or small child who misbehaves, not an adult. what is it that you do to have to be punished? walking out of the door without asking? you are a grown woman, you can go out if you want. that is not being cherished. being owned is not something to be cherished.i feel sorry for you if the only way you can feel loved is to be a slave to someone


i am punished when i am ignorant and talk about things i have no real knowledge of. Everyone gets punished in theis life. A husband won't do what the wife wants so he sleeps on the couch or she withholds sex. A wife nags so to teach her a lesson he ignores her and does everything he can to get away from her. the list goes on and on and one. EVERYONE in this life gets punished. i'd rather have a spanking or non phyiscal punishment and after care which last a total of ten minutes then a lifetime of hate and meaness and bitterness.

tonight after my mean and beastly Owner takes me to dinner we are going to have another exciting night of passion, hot mind blowing sex where both' of us are totally fullfilled and worn out. Then i'lll lay in his arms and hell whisper all kinds of loving things to me as i to him before we fall asleep..

By the way, what are your plans?

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


it's like talking to a brick wall with you. how many times does anyone have to state the obvious? YOU ARE AN ADULT. you do not need a keeper to tell you what to do or what to say, you can say what you like even if you are ignorant of it, it's up to you to moderate yourself, not up to anyone else. that's what human beings do. it's like you are this overgrown child who can't cope with thinking for themselves. what if your husband does something bad? are you going to spank him? no. he won't get the same treatment from you like you get from him. life is a 2 way street, not one rule for you and one rule for him.
tonight i am going to be doing some seamstressing on various bits of clothing. and i need no one to tell me what to do or how to do it or punish me if i sew crooked. you are one sad mare


Thanks for the good laugh. You are showing everyone how much you don't know.You know nothing about what a real D/s relationhip is about so there for i can't dicuss it with you intelligently i don't have to say another word. i guess the jokes on me, for how many other women wish they were home sewing on a Saturday night instead of being ravaged by the hottest man they have ever known.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.



words! You sure told me off. My goodness. Such bittnerness and hate in your voice. Sounds like you're jealous-really really jealous. this is my last response to you. Your latest post will be the last foolish thing i read from you. Bye bye.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


the jealousy is in your mind my dear. i don't need a life where i have to wait by the door waiting for permission to be let out like a pet cat. you are delusional if you think someone is jealous of that life
