Why doesn't he kill her?
That would have been the uttermost proof of submission.
She gives her life for him.
He should have killed her at the end of the movie.
That would have been the uttermost proof of submission.
She gives her life for him.
He should have killed her at the end of the movie.
Besides the fact that you
A) obviously don't get it; and
B) are obviously trying to be disturbing, you
C) obviously didn't read the book.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I have to say this... I am a sub. I have a dom.
reading your posts, I assume that you are somewhat sub too right???
even the pain my dom gives me is done with my not only consent, but I crave it.
Just ignore this 13 year old boy.
He obviously doesn't get it, Candice. There's a similarly misguided (though better-educated and less obvious) case over on the Secretary board right now, if you want to frustrate yourself by reading his rants.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
no i still think he should kill her, this is the best proof of one belonging to another
if she is willing to be killed, it means she is willing to do anything
I stand by my initial response to you.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
i've read fanfictions in which she is killed and it makes much more sense to me
shareOK, that's fine. Just make sure you tell potential girlfriends that.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
there is no girlfriend as sick as 'O'
shareIf you think "O" was sick, why are you even on this board? BDSM isn't "sick", Sandy. You need to do a bit of reading and get some life experience so you can be a bit less judgmental. It would also show you that there are MANY women in the world as deeply interested in the BDSM lifestyle as the fictional "O" is, and many, MANY others who would be but are not brave enough.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
In all fairness, she IS kinda sick.
I can pretty much understand whipping, humiliation, ropes and all
But being "given" to another man, no.
That's why she should have been killed, she seems sick enough to do that and perform fir her master the ultimate submission and gift of herself. It's not like it's big deal anyway, I'm pretty sure there's (there would be) no other "O" on Earth.
"I can pretty much understand whipping, humiliation, ropes and all
But being "given" to another man, no."
Which shows EXACTLY how little you understand it. Please don't get involved in BDSM until you grow up a little and learn at least something about women!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I don't understand it either.
I would *never* accept to be "given" or whatever the correct word is to another man. This is beyond the game of submission IMO.
You become a sex slave and it's no less than prostitution (for free!!).
Yes, but you referred to O as "sick" in your earlier post, which demonstates that serious BDSM is not your cup of tea. That's perfectly fine and well, but it doesn't give you the right to condemn others. It's one thing to say "Hey, that's not for me", which is everyone's right. But it's another thing ENTIRELY to say that someone who engages in the behavior is "sick".
"I would *never* accept to be "given"...you become a sex slave..."
Yes, that is the point. Didn't you watch the movie?
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
It's not serious BDSM, it's prostitution.
I'm sure in a court O would be considered as a weak-minded person who's been abused. If a girl as sick as "O" could exist anyway...
Jost because YOU aren't man enough to inspire that sort of trust in a woman doesn't mean she can't exist. Your complete miscomprehension of D/s behavior has been completely evident in every post you have made, so it doesn't surprise me you characterize her behavior as "weak" when in fact all sexologists agree that extreme submissives like "O" have extremely STRONG personalities.
Instead of playing around making silly posts on a message board, little boy, why don't you educate yourself about the psychological and emotional underpinnings of sexual behaviors before trying to make pronouncements on them? Maybe then you won't sound quite so ignorant. And in the meantime, leave the care and treatment of submissive women (or any other kind, for that matter) to real men.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I doubt submissive women are strong.
In fact I simply doubt women like O exists and if they do, well, I feel sad for them. "O" may be a great movie to watch for a man, but I still think the way she's "given" to Sir Stephens is close to prostitution (or woman abuse) and would certainly get punished in a court.
Just because someone says "OK you can do it" doesn't mean you actually CAN do it.
The same thing goes with someone saying "shoot me", well if you do and kill him, you'll be send to jail
This is the same thing with O, the way she is treated is like prostitution
If you doubt that, Sandy, then you know very little of human psychology, and I suggest YOU do some reading as well. One of the major components of extreme commitment to a BDSM lifestyle is the desire to test one's limits, to see how far one can go. Almost every submissive woman I know (and there are over half a dozen) are very strong; three of them are scientists, two own their own businesses. None of them lets ANYONE make her decisions for her in "normal" life. Women like "O" VERY MUCH exist; I know two who went to nearly the extremes she did in the movie except for the branding.
""O" may be a great movie to watch for a man, but I still think the way she's "given" to Sir Stephens is close to prostitution (or woman abuse) and would certainly get punished in a court."
There are so many fallacies in this one single statement I'm not sure where to begin. First of all, you start by assuming most fans of Story of O (book and movie) are male. This puts you in the same class of ignorance as the French people who insisted when it was first published that it MUST have been written by a man. Well, it was not; it was written by a woman whose pen name was Pauline Reage, but who was actually Anne Desclos, an accomplished writer and translator. Every person I know who owns both book and movie is female. The fantasy is a FEMALE one, not a male one. And fantasy it is; "O" is a fairy tale, in which things happen that do not necessarily happen in the real world except in more subdued and secretive form. However, I can assure you that Roissy-like groups do exist, though perhaps without such pervasive membership and lavish surroundings. But the biggest fallacy of all is your apparent equation of law with morality. They are not at ALL the same; laws are designed to keep control of the populace and to undermine the authority of any other organization that might command people's loyalty, including the family. Just because something would be "punished in a court" does not make it wrong. Any freethinking person recognizes that any law which abridges the individual's freedom of choice is immoral and MUST be disobeyed. This includes all so-called "morality" laws. Oral sex is against the law in most American states; does that make it wrong? Of course not. And the same goes for prostitution. Just because it is illegal in most American states does not make it "wrong". It is legal in Canada, Australia and much of Europe, so I suppose in your view those places are "immoral". No, they just recognize a woman's right to choose her own mode of living, even if it is something many people (like yourself) do not understand or accept. Well, guess what Sandy? You don't HAVE to understand or accept it. If you don't like it, don't look. But if you want to have a reasonable discourse about a subject, please educate yourself about that subject before making broad pronouncements that demonstrate your ignorance. Lack of knowledge is not a personal fault, but refusal to educate oneself once that ignorance is discovered IS a fault, as is the assumption of moral or intellectual authority over people who are informed on that subject.
One final note: I find it fascinating that both you and Asian Freak seem to think sexual promiscuity is a more serious psychological issue than submission to branding and whipping. What does that say about your psyche?
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
To Sandy and AzzianFreak
First off, people like O most definately do exsist. So you can rid of that misconception for a start. There are people who would be willing to do exactly what she did and then some.
There are submissive people in the world, such as Miss October and I, who are liberated by sumbitting to a man. It is the way we are born, the way we are made, therefore it is natural. Go back in time, look at the order of nature. The male was the dominant in the beginning, when there were no religious influences and silly ideas. Look at animals, which we ultimately are, and you will see that with few exception, it is the males that are dominant here too!This then proves that is the natural order of nature.
Yes we have come a long way since then, but not necessarily in the right direction. How can it be right to surpress what is natural, and for men to pretend to be women, (not literally of course) and that everyone is equal. The truth is we are not. The place of a woman is at the foot of a man, but how can we be at our Masters' feet when men like you are now are too weak to put us there?
Not being in our place makes us miserable, frustrated. That is what socitey today is doing to us. It creates hatred for men, we lose our respect because men do not behave as men anymore. We do not want to be miserable and frustrated! We want to be freed! O is liberated and freed through her submission, and that is, as you can now plainly see, completely natural, not freakish, not weird, not wrong, and CERTINLY not abuse. Men abuse us everyday by NOT taking us in hand. Just think about that for a while before you reply.
I touched the soil and he loved me back
Thanks God, unless you prove me wrong, I still think women like O do not exist!
And being given to that old guy IS abuse, even though she said she is consenting, she is just too weak mentally to refuse.
So this falls to abuse.
Consent is not always enough to get rid of abuse.
Some people consent to things because they are mentally deficient, and that's what O obviously is.
Maybe she would refuse being killed, but I'm pretty sure, based on the movie's logic, that René could ask her to become a prostitute and she would accept.
D'oh, and you call that woman strong?
She is a shame to we women... and don't tell me you're like her.
I wouldn't believe you.
Do you walk nude all the time?
Are you getting whipped?
Can any men or so abuse you anytime?
Are you being "given" to someone else just like a whore?
Or burnt on your shoulder so that you belong to someone else like a cow?
O is all that. Not only a slave, but a dirty paper, you can use and then throw away to your own will.
This movie tries to legitimate slavery, torture and abuse, by showing a woman whose stupidity is borderline offensive.
It's insane and appaling.
I suggest you read the book love.
The book was written and the film made for completely different reasons then you would suggest. If it was made for your reasons it would have been a vile film. but it was not. It was made for the reasons that me and October have suggested to you now on numerous occasions.
And yes, if I had a Master I would be prepared to walk around naked, certainly be whipped (as I have been in the past) and possibly even consider a brand depending on the depth of the relationship.
I might add that I sort of have been branded in a way, as I have a small tattoo on my buttox which reads "slave" in chinese, and also a hoop through my genataliaa which suggests similar symbolism. So there you have it. I am not prepared to argue on this matter any longer if you persist in being blinded to the truth.
I touched the soil and he loved me back
Sandy, your ignorance is absolutely astonishing, and your politicization of sex appalling. You clearly do not have the faintest grasp of the concept of fantasy, nor of the reasons people are drawn to BDSM. I suggest, as I did before, that you do some reading: Different Loving by the Brames might be a good start: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0679769560/qid=1122828313/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-2102568-7596907?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
Or, if that's too much for you, you might try browsing the Castle Realm website: http://www.castlerealm.com/tours.shtml
If you refuse to educate yourself about other people's sexual needs and practices yet persist in your vocal and astonishingly ignorant condemnation of things you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about, then in your own words your "stupidity is borderline offensive."
Your intolerance, judgmentalism and insistence on the rectitude of your own warped views is "insane and appalling". If you refuse to educate yourself, please go hang out on some other board where your sort of poisonous drivel is the norm; unfortunately, there are plenty of them.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I agree with what Sandy said.
People like 'O' are insane (if anything like that exists in the first place)
She is just a mannequin doll that men move to their own will, it's pathetic.
Just like you can break a mannequin doll, he should have killed her, she is not worthy of the life she has anyway
Then you are just as ignorant as Sandy is. You want to see pathetic? Go look in a mirror. People who don't take the time to learn about other people, but loudly proclaim their ignorance on websites, are pathetic. Why don't you educate yourself? I posted a couple of links above. Otherwise, do yourself a favor and stop blatantly demonstrating your own stupidity.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
You 2 have been a lot more patient with these non-believers than I would have been. It is obvious they must lead very sheltered lives. All they would have to do is go to almost any city in the US and they would find people like the ones in "O". Go to any of the stores that sell adult products and you will find the tools displayed in the film for sale to the general public.
They do not understand about giving yourself over to another person mentally and sexually is one of the greatest gifts you can give. There are many parts to the "lifestyle". Some may not take it to the extremes displayed in the film, but there are others that do.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Miki. What exasperates me so much about them (especially Sandy, Asian Freak strikes me as just a silly little boy) is that despite their ignorance, they seem to truly believe they really know what they're talking about and set themselves up as some sort of vest-pocket psychologists analyzing sexual dynamics that they have never experienced nor apparently even thought much about before. I've posted some links that could help them to alleviate their ignorance, but, you know the saying about leading a horse to water...
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
If you like slavery and torture, that's your problem.
Some girls are being abused like 'O' (wasn't it meant to be "zero"?) and they don't like it at all...
Do you understand the definition of the word "fantasy"? Apparently not. Some things are good fantasy, but bad reality. Many men, for instance, fantasize about having a nymphomaniac girlfriend. In reality he would hate that; she would never let him alone, always be cheating on him, taking crazy chances, getting angry because she couldn't be satisfied. That is REALITY. But it might make a very good fantasy for some men. Real-life slavery is an evil thing, but FANTASY slavery is something entirely different. Neither you nor Sandy seems able to grasp that, nor that everyone's sexuality is different. For instance, I don't get off on going around insulting things I know next to nothing about, whereas you apparently do.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
You only replied to the slavery part, you can call her slavery "fantasy", but I'm sorry, her tortures are *real*.
shareNo, they are not. Anything voluntarily suffered is part of a slavery FANTASY, no matter how extreme it may seem to outsiders. I personally think huge tattoos are extreme (not to mention uncomfortable to apply), but I don't go around calling people who get them "sick". I also think jumping out of airplanes in the name of fun is dangerously extreme; such a thing would make me violently ill and scare me half to death, but I don't call skydivers "twisted" or "sick" either. There's this thing called "tolerance" which is required to live in a world of individuals. It means that even if you don't LIKE what others do for love or money or excitement or faith or pleasure, you accept that it is part of what THEY are. And even if you are unable to accept their differences as valid in your heart, you keep your big mouth shut because it isn't any of your business unless they try to hurt YOU or someone you love. If somebody hurts only himself or allows certain people to hurt her for personal reasons, that does NOT concern you nor society. Look at the news sometime, Freak; three-quarters of the problems of this world are caused by people attempting to enforce their standards of behavior upon others.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
You don't get my point.
I don't think O is able to entirely consent to what is being made to her.
In other words, she is somehow mentally deficient, and the men (especially René and Sir Stephens) are shamelessly taking advantage of it.
I wouldn't mind fair pleasure on both sides.
But René and Sir Stephens ARE those who are having fun (certainly in a weird way).
They have the biggest pleasures.
O is just their toy.
This is what I stand against.
"O" is a fictional character created by Pauline Reage. We were not told in the text that she is mentally deficient; in fact, she is a successful professional photographer which means she is definitely NOT. You are just so narrow-minded that you think anyone who chooses a lifestyle different from your own, or who does things YOU don't enjoy, must be mentally deficient. That is the worst kind of bigotry, the patronizing kind. It's disgusting. Please go make your hypocritical "point" somewhere else.
And I reiterate, you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about women. Do yourself a favor and grow up a little before you get sexually involved with one.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
You never expressed about the fact she is being tortured for real.
shareA fictional character is being tortured for real? Good trick. Or maybe you mean an actress in a movie? It's called 'special effects". Or maybe you mean a person who voluntarily submits to something and can stop it with a single word? Then you had better turn your little crusade to more common "tortures" like tattooing or plastic surgery.
Why can't you simply admit that you're wrong, and stop making a bigger ass of yourself with every post?
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
The fact that it is only a movie shouldn't be brought in this debate if you plan to judge its content, otherwise you're going to be able to say this about every single movie in the world (yes, ALL movies are only fictional).
But *IF* it was real, then it would be about a woman being tortured all the time by men/women and for absolutely no reason.
This is insane and disgusting.
O is being kind and devoted, yet she gets abused, whipped (strongly, hence the red marks), burnt, pierced... basically, tortured. Just ugly!
Good fantasy, bad reality, Freak. Can you say that? "Good fantasy, bad reality". It's not hard to understand. You are just a troll. Please go away and educate yourself; you could not possibly sound any more ignorant than you already do. You have acheived a state of total ignorance on this board, so it's time for you to move on. Goodbye. Troll somewhere else.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Troll blah blah blah Troll blah blah blah...
Just because of the fact you CANNOT answer anything about the torture issue and lack any VALID answer whatsoever does not mean you have to elude the point and repeat 'troll' or 'go away' all the time.
He made a point. And you obviously don't know what to answer.
Face it, 'O' is about people having some *pleasure* (admittedly) TORTURING other people.
Who are the ones who need to educate themselves?
You know, you're a shame to mankind.
No, ignorant little girl, I DID answer the issue. It is a fantasy, understand? FANTASY. Anything people want to do in the context of a sexual fantasy is THEIR business, and not yours. You say I don't know what to answer; have you read ANY of my responses? I have answered time and again, but neither you nor the other freak is listening. GO EDUCATE YOURSELF. Follow the links I gave you. UNDERSTAND something rather than regurgitating the same pap you have been fed over and over. Different people have different sexual lives from yours; is that so hard to understand? If you don't accept that, you don't have to watch it. What is it about the concept of "tolerance" that's so hard for you to grasp, Sandy? People like YOU are a shame to mankind; they are the ones behind all repressive laws and dictatorship. YOU, Sandy. The face of intolerance. "Blah blah blah I don't understand it so you are stupid, blah blah blah I don't feel that way so it's wrong." Don't you hear yourself? It's exactly like religious fundamentalists and representatives of repression ALWAYS sound. "I know better than you what is good for you, and if you disagree than I will MAKE you obey to protect you from yourself." Heil Sandy.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Leave it O babe, they just aren't worth it xx
I touched the soil and he loved me back
Tell me about it! I just have trouble understanding how people can be so obtuse. Ignorance is understandable, but how can any rational person CHOOSE to be ignorant when given tools with which to educate himself? It doesn't make any sense. And what's even MORE incredible is that these bigoted, willfully ignorant control freaks really seem to believe they have the moral high ground. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
"she is just too weak mentally to refuse."
She is a successful fashion photographer and quite dominant amongst other women. You are merely assuming that her choice was one of weakness because you don't understand it. (And we know what ASSUME makes of you and me.)
"She is a shame to we women... and don't tell me you're like her.
I wouldn't believe you.
Do you walk nude all the time?
Are you getting whipped?
Can any men or so abuse you anytime?
Are you being "given" to someone else just like a whore?
Or burnt on your shoulder so that you belong to someone else like a cow?"
I don't walk around nude all the time and neither did O. There is a lot of attention to her attire in the book so you should realize this without being told.
I am getting whipped, for your information. And I love it!
I have been "given" to others at parties. Yes.
I have been branded, too.
Sorry if you don't approve. Nah. I really don't care about your lack of approval. I do feel rather sorry for you, however. You have a very limited understanding and I wouldn't be you for all the tea in China. I know you think I'm "sick," but that's just a modern version of calling someone a "sinner." You don't approve of my behavior so I must be sick. Such "reasoning" is truly pathetic.
Your soul and your body are your own, and yours to do with as you wish.
"The place of a woman is at the foot of a man, but how can we be at our Masters' feet when men like you are now are too weak to put us there?"
I'm not taking sides here. I don't think that people who enjoy the BDSM lifestyle are "evil" or "psychologically mixed-up" or anything like that. That doesn't mean that I understand that particular lifestyle or why anyone is drawn to it. But Miss October and all the other ladies here have truly enlightened me. I do have a problem with the above quote, which was made by Little Sami about 4 years ago (why am I even writing this?). It's offensive and, in my opinion, incorrect. That being said, I'd like to thank everyone who was involved in this discussion which took place so long ago.
LOL yeah I was in a funny place at that time...
May you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you - haunt me then.
Miss October and all the other ladies here have truly enlightened me.
Thank you!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
No problemo. This is a very fascinating thread.
share^ offensive and incorrect statement she said indeed. a disgusting statement in fact
shareSandy i would retort by saying there is no woman as devoted as 'O'.
"Kid, don't threaten me. There are worse things than death, and I can do all of them."
shareMissOctober asked me to glance over this thread and see if I could offer up some clarification. I agree that a few posters here seem to be DELIBERATELY missing the points made by others. IF you want to logically argue a point, you must do it by refuting or countering the points made by the other side, not merely repeating old points. Let’s examine a few of these:
SANDY said: “there is no girlfriend as sick as 'O'”
Sick? This is a simplistic and overused epithet. I will presume to re-state your argument by assuming you mean that O is to some extent mentally unbalanced or incompetent. She clearly does not lack ability or function, so she is not mentally deficient. A good comparison would be that between a broken computer and a misprogrammed one. O is not broken, but you assert that she is misprogrammed.
Now that we have terms better explained, let’s look at the assertion. There are many women (and men, for that matter) whose programming is VASTLY different from the mainstream. Most of these find ways to cope, but some cannot. The different programming would include sexual fetishes, pederasty, genius, asexuality, whatever. Personally, I call these folks the ‘deeply weird’. In other words, different. Society celebrates some of these (Ted Nugent, Penn & Teller), ignores most of them (the lonely and neglected), and fights the rest to one degree or another (Serial killers, child molesters, homosexuals).
SANDY finds O’s programming and choices to be unacceptable, twisted, and wrong. Further, SANDY says that nobody is that ‘sick’. I’ll address whether it is wrong below, but I can state categorically that many people are that different. Either SANDY is making a snap judgment in a flip manner, or her experience is too limited.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” (Hamlet, Act 1. Scene V)
SANDY said: “I don't understand it either. I would *never* accept to be "given" or whatever the correct word is to another man. This is beyond the game of submission IMO.
You become a sex slave and it's no less than prostitution (for free!!).”
SANDY starts by admitting she does not understand O’s choices and actions, and then displays appalling hubris by saying that SHE would never consent to such things. SANDY, what works for you means nothing in setting standards for others. Step away from this particular issue of fantasized sexual slavery and look at what you have said: “*I* don’t get, it wouldn’t work for ME.” Therefore, it wouldn’t or shouldn’t work for ANYBODY? Freedom of thought and choice are not just pretty words inscribed in our national documents, they are critical concepts that too few take to heart. At the bottom of your soul, let us say that you need to be (for example) Christian. That religion and its precepts define you and most other Americans. However, some CANNOT identify with that inner calling. They MUST be Jewish, or Muslim, or Atheist. I hope that SANDY is a good enough person to allow me that personal reality without castigating me. All right then, if I can be Jewish and not suffer the wrath of SANDY, why can’t O follow HER soul without the same persecution? O isn’t Charlie Manson or John Wayne Gacy. Her choices harm (IF they harm) only herself. Does O have the right to choose what is best for her body, her life, her SELF? These are all fairly debatable, but SANDY cannot so easily dismiss O’s decisions because they do not concur with those SANDY would make.
Consider for a moment what happens in a society where the majority make all decisions without even a concern for opposite opinions. Not only are all such societies unpleasant, but also they rarely progress. They lack creativity and usually happiness. Perhaps O does need to be protected from herself, but that should be a hard and well-reasoned decision made by the careful and the contemplative. SANDY is too quick to dismiss that. Individual rights and freedom are MORE important than OUR comfort and safety, else America means nothing.
“First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.”
by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
AZZIANFREAK said: “It's not serious BDSM, it's prostitution.
I'm sure in a court O would be considered as a weak-minded person who's been abused. If a girl as sick as "O" could exist anyway...”
Prostitution. Man, that bugs me. I will forego that debate about whether a person should have the right to sell themselves sexually (if they freely consent to do so), and instead concentrate on definitions. If a man should capture or manipulate a defenseless woman into forced sex that she does NOT want to join into, they call that RAPE! Those who are referring to O as a whore are being more insulting the gains women have made (the civil rights movement, Seneca Falls, the 19th Amendment) than the most misogynistic male chauvinist pig ever could. A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her body? Well, extreme BDSM is what O chooses to do with her body. A little consistency, please. Hell, check out http://www.slavenextdoor.com for people who do this in reality.
Have you people READ this book? O is not captured or enslaved in the traditional sense. She voluntarily surrendered some and then all immediate control over her body because that is what her soul called upon her to do. I am consciously trying not to use the word CHOICE more than I have to because O has no more choice in following her weird (read your Norse mythology if you don’t get that) than gay people do in what turns them on. The most revealing note in this hypothesis that she is following HER own heart is the very fact that she abandons her love for Renee at his order to become the property of Sir Stephen. Ultimately, she knows herself to be a slave, and the identity of her master is irrelevant. At many places in the novel, O is given the chance or is even REQUIRED by her handlers to consent in advance to her treatment. There is no parallel here to Kunta Kinte being forced to accept the name of Toby. This is something different – deep, primal, and accepted by all parties. The debate about prostitution has no place in this context.
“Remember that you are an actor in a play and the playwright chooses the manner of it...your business is to act the character that is given you and act it well; the choice of the cast is another's…”
MISSOCTOBER said: “The fantasy is a FEMALE one, not a male one. And fantasy it is; "O" is a fairy tale, in which things happen that do not necessarily happen in the real world except in more subdued and secretive form.”
Precisely. The Story of O is a fantasy, and a very common female one. Alfred Kinsey and Nancy Friday and many others have done a lot of research here. More women than not have sexual fantasies about some form of control-loss in sex. This is not to say that every sorority chapter of gamma gamma spankme is going to run out and sign up to become sex slaves, just that such thoughts are known to occasionally pop up when a woman is being friendly with her shower massager. I have a large collection of fansadox comics, which take BDSM and forced sexual training and service to levels that are humanly impossible and would lead to my getting life in the electric chair if I were to attempt the mildest of them. That may well make me a perv, but it does NOT mean I cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. We all daydream of winning the lottery or being omnipotent, and THAT is not inexcusable, so why should unrealistic sexual fantasies be any less acceptable? Hell, forget the whole BDSM aspect for a moment. I’m a guy. I have mentally *beep* every attractive female I have seen since I was about 12 years old. Yet in reality, my actual conquests (a common word in this context. Revealing, no?) don’t quite rank in the hundreds of thousands. Fantasy vs Reality. You think anybody, male OR female, would listen to Britney Spears’ atonal crapola if she didn’t look like that?
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
-Jules de Gautier
SAMLEOPOLD said: “Not being in our place makes us miserable, frustrated. That is what society today is doing to us. It creates hatred for men, we lose our respect because men do not behave as men anymore. We do not want to be miserable and frustrated! We want to be freed! O is liberated and freed through her submission, and that is, as you can now plainly see, completely natural, not freakish, not weird, not wrong, and CERTAINLY not abuse. Men abuse us everyday by NOT taking us in hand. Just think about that for a while before you reply.”
Now HERE is a point that offers the possibility for great debate! Since the advent of the women’s rights movement, the entire Western world has been turned on its ear. All that freedom has meant tough choices, and women have discovered that they CANNOT have it all. Nobody can. Millennia of DNA programming urges us to act one way, and societal rules demand we act another. Can any ardent feminist honestly claim NOT to have played coquettish little games (IE screwing with some poor dumb guy) just because she so easily COULD? I have been glared at FOR opening doors for women, and for NOT opening doors for women. When you people decide what the hell you want, please let the rest of us know! Y’all changed the rules, and now you don’t know what they are, either! We are back to freedom of choice. SOCIETY should not have the right to force a woman to submit to a man, but women as a group should not have the right to prevent a woman from doing so by choice. This freedom stuff is tricky, huh? The concept certainly isn’t new, check out Ephesians 5:21-33.
"Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ends by blocking his retreat."
-Oscar Wilde
SANDY says: I still think women like O do not exist!
And being given to that old guy IS abuse, even though she said she is consenting, she is just too weak mentally to refuse.
So this falls to abuse.
Consent is not always enough to get rid of abuse.
Some people consent to things because they are mentally deficient, and that's what O obviously is.
Maybe she would refuse being killed, but I'm pretty sure, based on the movie's logic, that René could ask her to become a prostitute and she would accept.
D'oh, and you call that woman strong?
She is a shame to we women... and don't tell me you're like her.
I wouldn't believe you.
Do you walk nude all the time?
Are you getting whipped?
Can any men or so abuse you anytime?
Are you being "given" to someone else just like a whore?
Or burnt on your shoulder so that you belong to someone else like a cow?
O is all that. Not only a slave, but a dirty paper, you can use and then throw away to your own will.
This movie tries to legitimate slavery, torture and abuse, by showing a woman whose stupidity is borderline offensive.
It's insane and appalling.
SANDY, it’s a FANTASY!!! Remember the Simpson’s episode where the Germans buy out the nuclear power plant and Homer has a dream about that land of chocolate? I’ve never seen dancing six-foot chocolate bunny rabbits that let me bite off their ears, but every chocoholic on earth damn sure wants to!
I might add that some people DO lead BDSM lives that come close to this in reality. Suppose YOU were to feel this way, Sandy, and wish to obey my every whim (What, I can’t fantasize?). There are legal contracts that you can sign in the presence of a lawyer that places a sub in the control of a dom, and excuses the dom from prosecution for what would otherwise be a gross violation of civil rights. I’ve seen a ‘REAL SEX” episode on HBO where a woman does just that, and then begs him to brand her with a real red-hot iron, which he does. She then had an orgasm that makes Meg Ryan’s look tiny. Works for THEM, doesn’t have to for YOU.
“I don’t care if two consenting adults dress up in leather Boy Scout uniforms and beat each other over the head with ball peen hammers while they take turns blowing their cat. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, and think how good the cat must feel.”
George Carlin
AZZIANFREAK said: “Just like you can break a mannequin doll, he should have killed her, she is not worthy of the life she has anyway”
Oh my. Deciding right and wrong is not enough, now you want power over life and death? Just like the characters in this fantasy you pretend to despise? I think in trying this hard to excoriate BDSM, you have just outed yourself. Now, sub or dom, I wonder…
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
William Shakespeare, "Hamlet", Act 3 scene 2
There are certain FACTS here. The book was written BY a woman, it has primarily been purchased BY women, and dozens of FEMALE researchers have established that more women than not have fantasies along these lines.
Spiderman, tacitly speaking, is a ludicrous and impossible fantasy. That didn’t stop them from making two movies that grossed about 2 billion dollars, and million of people from seeing and enjoying them. I fantasize about playing linebacker for the Denver Broncos. I lack the size, skill or training for that, but I still wanna. The legal prohibitions and logistic/monetary impossibilities that prevent me from having a harem chained to my bed and awaiting my whips and whims has no bearing on my FANTASIZING about it, and yet I still manage to function in normal society without committing crimes or even being looked at askance. Nobody knows. Do you have any materials in YOUR bedroom that you don’t want the general public to see?
I teach in a high school, my students love me, and I am damned good at it. You think I don’t have about 100 fantasies a day where my ripe little female students are bent over my desk, chewing their lips and hoping I won’t whip them too hard for cheating? Guess again! And yet, I can be trusted around your kids because I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. SANDY, AZZIAN, allow me to assure you that you have starred in fantasies in the thousands that you would never consent to. Dozens of men have gone home and soiled Kleenex thinking of you doing things you would never do. Accept this and get over it, because it isn’t gonna change. As a matter of fact, why not drape yourselves over your fella’s laps just once and tell them you have been very naughty. If you don’t like it, you never have to do it again. If you DO like it, write up a summary and pass it along, my copy of Penthouse letters is late this month.
Thank you, THANK YOU!!! Now, cue Asian Freak and Sandy's ignorant and bigoted replies...
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
What are you doing to color your tagline? My HTML tags didn't work.
shareYou can go back and edit your post to fix it, Asa. It's the same thing one does for any markup; to do purple, for instance, one would write the following: {purple}This is an example{/purple} except replace the braces {} with brackets []. That would display thus: This is an example. Try editing your post above, replacing the word "color" with the name of the color you want.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
Yup - that got it. Have to smack my "this is how you insert HTML stuff" friend now
shareGuess he didn't express himself clearly; he probably said "insert color" instead of "insert the word for the color you want", or something like that!
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
How's this for interesting Miss O: Apparently AzzianFreak thinks it is okay to torture animals for the sake of making cruddy Italian cannibal films. So I guess his real objection is that the actress was not tortured in real life.
You are looking for what I am.
Well, if you read the whole thread it's obvious Asian Freak did an about-face somewhere around the middle of it. Remember, his original gripe was that O "should have been" killed at the end; I guessed he realized that was indefensible and so switched to a different extreme position.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
But Wow, Miss October, does this remind you of the Great Selmaboots Debates or what? Similar (lack of) style and reasoning, refusal to address points brought up, etc?
...float away little butterfly. Just....flutter away....
Exactly, Seijaku! The similarity even extends to the posters' pompous assumption of knowing what's good for other people more than those people know themselves.
Woman is the Earth and Man is the Sky.
I'm somewhat amazed that this topic is still ongoing, with some of the original participants still active.
shareI'm somewhat amazed that this topic is still ongoing, with some of the original participants still active
why? were not going to change!
'The place of a woman is at the foot of a man'
seriously??? this statement horrifies me. what is up with everyone going on about 'a woman's place?' people never say anything about 'a man's place.' i disagree with you, women are not lesser than men no better. we are all people and should be treated asuch, not one over the other. this is so wrong in my opinion. you really want to be considered and treated as less of a person? oh dear
'The place of a woman is at the foot of a man'
seriously??? this statement horrifies me. what is up with everyone going on about 'a woman's place?' people never say anything about 'a man's place.' i disagree with you, women are not lesser than men no better. we are all people and should be treated asuch, not one over the other. this is so wrong in my opinion. you really want to be considered and treated as less of a person? oh dear