Lost gem

Only 5,000 votes means this flick is not shown much on cable.

With the popularity of cage fighting, I think the new generation would love it.

Great flick.


Agreed...I am watching on the Sony Movie Channel this very moment.

I just don't know if you could get someone under 30 to sit still and enjoy this gem, because there are no superheros or explosions.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


My letterboxed VHS of this film was a prized possession for many years. Just finished revisiting the film in HD - and it truly is a gem. Thankfully it's no longer hard to find a good copy of it.


I seriously doubt the younger generation (especially MMA fans) can appreciate a film like this. For one thing, it's nearly 40 years old, and you know how most of them young uns have a hard enough time sitting through movies that are at least 20 years old. Plus, Hard Times moves rather slow compared to the stuff they're normally used to. (Heck, the fight scenes themselves may not be intense or stylish enough for their liking.) Now, obviously this isn't the case with everyone, but for the most part... it probably is.

Anyway, this is indeed a great film. A classic!

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
