I happened to notice in the end credits that Bob Minor is credited as Zack. I searched through the movie but the only black person with lines is Frank McRae as Hammerman (the man who hits Coburn's car with the sledgehammer).
I was wondering if I was missing something, but then I saw the menu for theatrical trailers on the dvd, and it shows Bronson hitting Bob Minor. So there must have been a Bronson vs. Minor fight scene which was cut.
Anyone remember this scene from when the movie was in theaters, or on TV?
I recall buying some lobby cards of the film some time ago, which clearly showed Chaney fighting a black fighter; also Speeds' character says to the Cajun promoter "third time out" before the "second" fight in the film. However I have never actually seen the fight scene on any format release of the film. You would think that they would have included it on the dvd even as a "deleted" scene. Anyone aware of this is the case?
I've never seen Chaney taking on a black fighter in my viewings of the film (drive-in in '75, many times on television, DVD release), but in the novelization of the movie (by Gordon Newman), the opponent in the final fight, Street, is described as a black man, and a production shot on the inside back cover of the book shows Bronson and a black man in mid-fight. I always figured that this man was hired to portray Street earlier in the film's production and was used in the first shooting of the showdown bout. Then, for whatever reason, it was decided to re-shoot the last fight with longtime stuntman Dimitri replacing the black fighter.
When you watch the current DVD version the menu options has a background still of him fighting a black man. Just go to the main menu and select theatrical trailers. But there are no deleted scenes or any inclusion of the fight.
A newspaper review from Novemeber 1975,writes that in the film "There are six fight scenes and one barroom tussle".
In the few stills of Charles Bronson and Bob Minor fight. There is a brick wall behind them. I wonder if that wall is the same wall that is all that's left of the old Olympic Club? The Olympic Club(founded in 1883)was were John L. Sullivan and 'Gentleman' Jim Corbett fought for the World Heavyweight Championship of the World in 1892. The entire club burned down in 1897. But you can see one standing wall on the block of 628 Clouet Street (between Chartres and Royal Streets)in the Bywater District in New Orleans.
I'd love to see this fight that was cut out. I saw this film in the theater when it was released, and it's exactly the same as the versions that are shown on TV today. After I realized this fight had been cut, I understood more about what Speed says on the phone to the Cajun Pettibone. At first I thought he was just saying what he needed to say to get the fight, but now I see we are missing a fight. We've only seen Chaney fight once. But Speed says on the phone that this will be his third time out. So the deleted Bob Minor fight was before the Bayou Brawl.
I just watched the Sony Pictures Choice Collection 2013 dvd release. The fight with Bob Minor wasnt in that one either. But in watching it again I think i figured when in the movie it took place before it was edited out in its 1975 release. It must have happened about 15 minutes into the movie, just after Bronson knocks out the fighter with one punch Because the brick wall in the freight room looks to be the same brick wall in the stills of Bronson fighting Bob Minor. I believe that sequence was filmed in in an old warehouse in the Ninth Ward on Chartres Street (with the wall being all that survives of the old Olympic Club possibly,but im not sure).