Love this documentary
If you're ever feeling down or your day isnt going as you planned, just watch 10-15 minutes of this documentary. Little Eddie is a genius with whatever she had on hand/ to get dressed up with/ to eat.. These two people plus many cats, made life happen .. And the thing is it's happening still today..these are the stories that get hidden from public eyes because no one wants to see the homeless, the hungry etc especially in New York City .. It used to be a city where everyone came and we all met on your terms, you were gladly accepted into the craziness of the city.. Well NYC has gone to " Grey Gardens"! I mean this with all sincerity. At least little Eddie had the beach to escape to but it was the two woman that made life as happy as they could.. I have so much love for Little Eddie , wish I had met her to tell her these things
Watch this great documentary .. I believe there are two versions