I first saw this film in the theater when I was 8 and yes, the man trapped in a crashed plane was unsettling. The encroaching flames and Waldo's response, however, were less disturbing than the gawking and lack of help from the masses surrounding them. Although at that age I wasn't able to grasp all the references to World War I, the last scene's message of honor and respect was not lost on me. My answer is that I'm glad I saw it then and every time since. Watching the film as a child left me with a sense of heroism, not nightmares.
Before anyone sends emails or posts for my neglecting to mention the death of Susan Sarandon's character- I'm certain that at even 8 years old I comprehended and I'd feel comfortable showing my daughters, where getting caught up in a moment, thoughtlessly can lead you.
Seriously, if you love film...share early and continue within your own gauge of appropriate boundaries.
Once they hit puberty you might find, as I have, that it's easier to get them to eat their vegetables than to get them to watch a well written, character driven film.