Weird scenes...
1) The doctor that helps "cure" Doyle. As he leaves the holding cell, he scribbles on a piece of paper (I'm guessing it's his bill). The French cop takes it and tears it up.
Like the doc did a lousy job ?
2) Geriatric junkie woman stoops so low as to rob Doyle of his watch. OK, I'll buy that, but then why does she still have her golden wedding band on ? If she's thàt desperate for a fix, would she not have sold that ages ago ?
3) In the first raid, Doyle gets a guy killed (the black undercover agent that gets stabbed). OK, so Doyle didn't do that on purpose, but should he not show some remorse, instead acting like a a-hole again 15 seconds later ?
I am not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.