MovieChat Forums > The Eiger Sanction (1975) Discussion > Most Unbelievable/Oddest Eastwood Char...

Most Unbelievable/Oddest Eastwood Character?

Besides 'Play Misty for me'( where Eastwood plays a Jazz DJ) this is perhaps the most unique,oddest and unbeliebvable character in his film career.

A hit- man , art-collecting, Post-doctorate teacher who specializes in mountain climbing?


Despite of the incredibley unbelievable plotline, this was an enjoyable movie.


Anyone who can scale the Rocks in Arizona, the Mountains in Switzerland,
and the Black Hills of Jemima Brown should be Man enough to handle anything!

In the immortal words of Mick Jagger:

"Brown Sugar, how come you taste so good"

Been there done that

Cheval 52


In the immortal words of Clement Pope...

"That's mighty white of you!"


Hey cheval 52,thanks for the compliment,from black girl who loved this movie,and dug the rolling stones song. LOL


The book, if read properly, can be seen as a pastiche of the "cool" heros of the day. It's a gently sacrastic novel, as are most of Trevanians, and the subject of much of the humour is in the mickey taking of American faliabilities.

I think Eastwood tried to minimise these and played Hemlock too straight.


I think Eastwood tried to minimise these and played Hemlock too straight.

I don't know, I thought that Eastwood maintained a satirical bent thoughout the film. However, I should read the novel to compare.


The novel dripped with satire, as did the follow up (The Loo Sanction) which took a bite out of '70's Britain.

Some of it would not translate well to the screen, such as a totally incompetent Agency, and some would have required longer scenes. As the movie took up over 2 hours at a time when that was considered pretty close to the limit, I think Eastwood picked the moments that moved the plot forward and left out the rest.


Let's see...A Globe trotting Professor whe specializes in ancient artifacts/supernatural. Dr. Indiana Jones...another improbable character!

"Shoot 'em in the Head; They're Dead...They're All Messed up!" -Night of the Living Dead


"Clement Pope"?

I never heard him called "Clement". I challenge that. He was always referred to just as "Pope".


its in the book, "pal". just as soon as you get around to finishing it, "sweetheart"



I did not read the book and don't have it any more. I didn't find it very interesting. I do love the film and have seen it many times. In the film Gregory Walcott is just called "Pope".


But that was Indy's JOB, it kind of made sense that he would collect artifacts.

A hit man / art teacher / mountain climber have totally different fields of interest. Making it very unbelievable.

"This picture of Al Dutcher bothers me."


"A hit man / art teacher / mountain climber have totally different fields of interest. Making it very unbelievable."

So you don't think that someone who teaches art could be interested in climbing mountains? What, precisely is unbelieveable about that? As far as the hit man thing goes, the movie makes it far less clear, but his sole passion in life is to own genuine artworks that a teacher simply cannot afford. He had a talent for survival/killing, given his back streets background, and it turned out to be a skill that the Dragon needed and was willing to pay for. A match made in Hell.



SO the book is obviously satire?
The film is just bizare with some satire..but maybe not enough

