Part 3 - The New World Quiz
1.) Bertie was visiting an American prison where he met a prisoner. Why was the prisoner there?
a) Forging
b) Murder
c) Theft
d) No reason
2.) Which United States President did Bertie meet?
a) No one
b) John Quincy Adams
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) James Buchanon
3.) Who suggested that Bertie take on more ceremonial duties?
a) Lord Melbourne
b) Lord Palmerston
c) Prince Albert
d) Bertie himself
4.) Which grandchild did Queen Victoria and Prince Albert meet?
a) Maud of Wales
b) Alix of Hesse
c) Wilhelm of Prussia
d) Leopold of Battenberg
5.) Who informed Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of some Southern States that were ceding from the Union?
a) The Duchess of Kent
b) Bertie
c) Lord Palmerston
d) Lord Melbourne
6.) Where did Bertie go to the first time on his own?
a) Edinburgh
b) Paris
c) London
d) Dublin
7.) Who found Bertie while he was out?
a) Two servants
b) Prince Albert
c) General Bruce
d) No one
8.) Who suggested that Bertie should be married?
a) The Duchess of Kent
b) Queen Victoria
c) Bertie
d) Vicky
9.) What was Bertie rank in Grenadiers?
a) Staff Sergeant
b) Captain
c) General
d) Major
10.) Whom did Bertie have an affair with?
a) Miss Lewis
b) Miss Garland
c) Miss Barnes
d) Miss Clifton