It was very frightening to see how comfortable the police were in beating up and intimidating witnesses. They didn't have the least fear they would be reported or punished in any way.
Beating up women and messing up people's lives to cover their asses, just another day at the office.
Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.
After the damning Department of Justice report on the Ferguson police department and legal system, we know that the rot of corruption goes a lot deeper than patrolmen on the streets. It's systematic and organized.
"This movie took place in 1975, here we are in 2015,50 yrs later and cops are still shooting unarmed blacks." - romero_vincent
"Unarmed Blacks"? It's people like yourself who are sending Blacks into the streets like ducks wading in the lake during hunting season. And issue deeper than a 6 second sound bite is too much for your small mind to comprehend. The issue is not them being unarmed, the issues is them being stupid and foolish, then believing that they, Black males and Black females can act without reasoning, but then, it's someone else's job to think for them while at the same time protecting them from their ignorance.
It's race card pushers like yourself who lack knowledge of not only the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but also the 4th Amendment. With your ignorance, you then pass it down to others.
I'm sorry, you do stupid things, even if it's just a split second of blind ignorance, that split second can end your life. It's not other people's job to protect Blacks, it's the job of the individual to protect themselves, and arming oneself with knowledge is not going to be found watching television programing, to be exact, what shown on television will actually cause one to either get killed or have their civil liberties taken away from them.
But what would you expect to come out of the mouth of the blind leading the blind.
I am formerly known as HillieBoliday....Member since May 2006.
I'm just curious, and I do appreciate them for their greater good; but do you actually think our police force, individually and collectively is perfect, without any prejudice, racial hatred, or preconceived moral judgments against minority individuals at all.
Do you think they are perfect, without spot or blemish; that they could or would never make a mistake, bad judgment; or just a plain dumb, stupid decision in any situation involving their participation?
Do you think the police are justified in every instance when they brandish their fire arms and pull the triggers?
Everyone is more than welcome to go out on the streets and be a beat cop. Get yelled at, be threatened, be attacked, and still keep your head at all times.
Yes, there are definitely bad cops out there. And, those that screw up should be taken off the force and prosecuted for any crimes that they commit. But, acting like every cop is evil and has to be hated doesn't accomplish anything.