I saw this movie again yesterday and there is one thing that I always wondered: How in the hell were the police able to trace the stolen car to those four guys, especially Cocheese and Preech, and make an arrest? The four of them successfully abandoned the stolen car after Preech ran it into another one, and there was nothing in the car that would have linked them to the investigating detectives.
"....and there was nothing in the car that would have linked them to the investigating detectives."
Fingerprints could have been lifted off of the car. Fingerprint technology was available at that time. And keep in mind - Stone and Robert were driving the white caddie around the neighborhood and they also stopped in front of a neighborhood hangout - Martha's (they could have been seen by others who knew them). And while in front of Martha’s, at least two people - Willie and Pooter (not saying they snitched!) saw Preach and Cochise get into that car with Stone are Robert.
And remember they (Stone and Robert) had criminal records already. So they weren't strangers to the po po.
I could see Stone and Robert being apprhended, because both had extensive criminal records. But even with fingerprint technology, how could the detectives trace the car back to Preach and Cochise? I would think that each of the two most likely had clean records, so there would have been nothing on police files to trace them to.
And I don't think Willie and Pooter would have dropped dime on their two best friends--Preach and Cochise.
Remember that Stone and Robert had stopped in front of Martha's. Just after the scene where the main group: Preach, Cochise, Pooter and Willie were singing and Cochise said "Pooter you can't sing bass!"
That was at Martha's. There were people in that place at the time and also passing by on the street corner - anyone of those people in that area (at that specific time) could have been a witness.