Is This The Movie? (Spoilers? Maybe, If This Is The Movie)
I think this movie came out in the 80's or the 70's. I thought the movie was called 'firebug' but I looked on IMDB and couldn't find it. I think I even searched keywords too. I didn't see the whole movie. It was about this bugs they can light fire.
What I can remember, it was aout a guy who lived alone and he had bugs, think maybe he collected them. Where I started watching it was where there was a woman who had a package and there was a bug on it, and she went to answer the telephone. A moment or two later, she picked up the package and the bug was gone, sone after. You hear the sound of sparks and she freaks out, I think the bug got into her hair. that was the last of the scene.
The bug burnt down her house, it didn't show it but later, it showed the police and firefighters and it explained that it was her house.
Another scene was at the guy's house who had some bugs, probably the main character. Where he there's this aqaurium with no water but had bugs in it.
and he put the a bug into the aquarium but the bugs that were already in the aquarium killed the one he put in it. He was upset about it. You can tell that he cared for them.
Another scene was where a woman went to his house but he wasn't home. She notices all the bugs. She walks around the house and notices some on the wall I think she gets freaked out (I think) so she goes outside near the shed or barn or whatever and she gets killed, I think by the bugs but there is really no fire demage.
The guy later finds her dead by the shed or barn or whatever and was uoset by it. Later in the movie, he is cooking dinner and the bugs must've got out of the aqaurium or something, and a bunch of them are on the wall and I think the make a message or something. But a bunch of them are on the wall and I think he gets a little freaked out.
The last scene I remember is the ending, where he's running from the bugs and somehow he gets on fire. It shows a pit or ravine or something by his house
you can see glowing from below, probably a bunch of the bugs, they guy goes running outside his house on fire and falls in the pit, and I think caves in a little. I think after that was the ending.