MovieChat Forums > When Things Were Rotten (1975) Discussion > Has this survived the test of time?

Has this survived the test of time?

I remember thinking this show was funny when I was a kid.

For anyone who owns the DVDs - are the jokes still funny even for adults or is it more for kids?



I just got my set of DVDs and watched the first three episodes. Still very funny. I think it appeals to both adults and kids. Maybe more to adults.


It's more sweet than funny. I was a kid when it came out and it reminds me of more innocent times. It's a nice look back.

Readiness is all.


I just bought the DVDs and I have to say it was funnier to me at the time. At the time I thought the show was a new era in comedy. Now I realize all one has to do is to look at Get Smart (another Mel Brooks creation from almost 10 years earlier) to know that it wasn't groundbreaking. But such screwball comedies constitute a very tiny minority of tv so that is why it seemed so unique.

And Cind I agree this show brings on the nostalgia. Yes, sweet memories. I am happy I bought the DVDs. I would say that only adults who loved it as a kid/youth would love it now. And kids today under 10 I think would like it.



Yes and no. I remember it as a kid, and thinking it was funny. I still think it's funny, just not really funny. It's about as humorous as I remember it, only now I think my humor's slightly more sophisticated.

That is to say the show is still humorous in a silly like way, but being older, even though I can appreciate the production, I'm just not into it.
