MovieChat Forums > Space: 1999 (1975) Discussion > When was Space: 1999 first shown in the ...

When was Space: 1999 first shown in the USA?

Space: 1999 (1975-1977) was produced in the UK.

I remember watching it in the 1970s in the USA.

As I remember, I watched the first season or series on black and white tv, and I watched the second season or series on my grandmother's new color tv. So the dates when they were first shown in the USA indicate when my grandmother got her color tv.

And I am interested in that because I remember starting to watch Dr. Who in the mid 1970s, watching the first Tom Baker season on my grandmother's color tv. And I also remember seeing the ending of "Dr. Who and the Silurians" (1970) on tv in the USA a few years before starting to watch the Tom Baker episodes.
