Alan Carter
Alan was always far and away my favorite character. Not because Nick Tate was hot-he was and still is a very attractive man, and I did love to watch Alan bounce around, he was so physical, but that wasn't it. I could be wrong, but I have always had the impression that out of them all, Alan was the only one on the base by choice. He was out in space when the moon blew up, and one of the few consistencies in the series from year one to year two was the cruising range of the Eagles. I think Alan could have made it back to Earth if he had tried. He didn't try-he stayed at his post and when Koenig asked him if he could make it to Alpha, he said he could. It fascinated me-if Alan had known there was no going back, would he have gone on to the moon or would he have gone back to Earth? Here's a link to an interview with Nick Tate where he says that Alan had to make the decision whether he would to back to Earth or on to Alpha, but he doesn't say why Alan chose to go to the moon. I've never been able to answer that question in my own mind-Alan seemed to me to have a great longing for Earth, and a great loyalty to his friends on Alpha. Anyway, that was always my impression of him. Thoughts?