The "Gwent" Model....
In "The Infernal Machine". Certainly one of the coolest (IMHO) and most unusual spacecraft to ever grace the screen. I swear it looks as if it were fashioned to resemble the space crawler from Mattel's "Major Matt Mason" toyline of the 60's. I wonder why Konami never produced a miniature of it? They did 2 Eagles, the Hawk and lots of other Anderson vehicles, including a few one-episode "guest ships". Gwent would have been a nice addition to the collection.
I like to "ret-con" (I think that's still the term). I was speculating about his drive power. Those wonderfully innovative turning apparatus on his sides put me in mind of some sort of "solar wind" type of drive. Not sure how realistic that would be given it is well away from any stars when it lands on Luna.
Any thoughts, fellow 1999'ers? 🚀
I truly see the next 20 years being both wondrous and terrifying