Barbara and Elton John

Do you think Barbara was crushed when she found out about Elton John being a homosexual? She was really obsessed with him in some early episodes, it seems, and not just in a "I like his songs" kinda way, but in a teenage girl megacrush on a male celebrity sort of way. It seems obvious to us now, but back then he was even married to a woman for a while and stuff, so I'm guessing it would have been quite a shock for Barbie when she found out.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!



There were rumors of his sexuality even in the 70s so it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise.


He even claimed to be bi in 1976.


Elton was the man back in the early to mid-70s. I think that him coming out as bi-sexual put a dent in his career back then. I can't recall any hits after '76 til the early 80s (Empty Garden, I'm Still Standing).

No! That's not true at all, Elvis takes 50% of everything I earn!
Col. Tom Parker


Well, Valerie B. LOVED Elton, and that's why Barbara did. We all knew, back in the day that Elton John was gay.




Just for the record he said he he was bi-sexual in 1976 (it may have been '77 but I think it was '76) not homosexual. Did Barbara still refer to having a crush on him after '76?

No! That's not true at all, Elvis takes 50% of everything I earn!
Col. Tom Parker


When did that Elton John/Kiki Dee "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" song come out? 75 or 76? She still 'loved' him then, she and Julie did the duet (dressed as EJ & KD) in a New Years episode at a Senior Citizen Center. I almost hate myself for remembering that off the top of my head.

