MovieChat Forums > One Day at a Time (1975) Discussion > The "Dating an Eddie" Line

The "Dating an Eddie" Line

That episode was just shown, where Schneider was listing all the guys Barbara had gone out with, ending with him adding the name Eddie at the end, and Barbara said, "I've never gone out with an Eddie!" and Schneider replies, "All in good time" or something like that. The episode aired in February 1980, but Valerie didn't meet Eddie Van Halen until August 1980, so that is kind of freaky. I always thought that line was written in slyly to be cute. Guess I was wrong!


Funny observation!...I wonder if is subconsciously made Valerie purposely seek out an Eddie lol.
A bit off subject about the two...I always found it slightly creepy how Valerie & Eddie resembled each other so much that they could pass for brother and sister.


They did look like each other!


that better not be true. I thought she didn't get with him until 1984, so I hope you're wrong about that. geez it wasn't bad enough he stole her from every guy when she was only 23 but he actually stole her from every guy when she was only 19? 19??? he is the worst. who does that? you are 32 and she is 19? that is so unfair.


"The worst"?

Valerie has commented in interviews about the reason their marriage lasted so long. She said they had an 'open marriage'. She did not explain what she meant by that, but the general idea of an open marriage is that you are still married, but are 'allowed' to date other people!

It pretty much goes without saying that such a marriage wears off when the two people get bored with each other, no matter how long that takes. It also does not even require a romantic interest in another dating partner...

When I saw that episode mentioning "dating an Eddie", I immediately thought of the "Eddie Haskel"(sp?) character in the TV series LEAVE IT TO BEAVER. Now that character was a real piece of work. When he wanted to be charming, he could do that, but he always had other feelings and motives involved. So, the only person in the show with a chance of understanding when Eddie was "playing" was Beaver's brother Wally. (But Beaver's parents caught on fairly often, and did not let on about knowing how Eddie really was, but they didn't understand Eddie as much as Wally.)

If you have a dictionary handy, look up the word "smarmy", because it comes close to describing Eddie Haskel.


that's not a marriage dude. otherwise why would it be called a marriage or being married? if you going to sleep around with other people then don't get married. married people are committed to each other and no other people. it's a part of the sanctity of marriage.

but I guess you are one of those liberals who doesn't have a grasp on reality or morals or being married or the sanctity of marriage or practicality as if you are married and have sex with other people your married will fail eventually, you need stability and honor and fidelity in a marriage.

what the hell? are you crazy? how can you say that two people can get married who aren't romantically linked? no, you're wrong, a marriage like that ends when the two people lose trust or sleep with other people, even if you are a polygamist, you eventually will not be ok with your partner sleeping with other people in any kind of relationship, it can't last. people have to be with only one person in a relationship.

they broke up because she got tired of him sleeping with other women as most rock stars do. what a slut and whore she was.


The previous poster wasn't sanctioning the concept of open marriage, he was simply pointing out that it does exist. WTF does being a 'liberal' have to do with that? Conservatives have been known to cheat on their spouses, in case you hadn't noticed.

And people often marry for reasons other than romantic ones. Financial stability, companionship, and business interests, among other reasons--how many shotgun weddings take place, even today, where the couple marries because they 'have to'?. If you think that can't happen take a look at Britain's royal family, where marriages have been arranged for centuries with romantic feeling having little or nothing to do with the matchup. And arranged marriages still exist in Europe and in this country among wealthy and socially prominent families, where an advantageous pairing is seen to be far more important than something as evanescent as 'romantic' love (which, at base, is usually little more than sexual passion--which can, and often does, wear off very quickly).

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


ok, let me point out the facts to you. conservatives believe in marriages that last and have solidarity and honesty and fidelity in them. liberals think that marriage can easily be gotten out of without a problem in the world. they also believe in other things that are not Christian like abortion and same sex marriage. so, wrong, immoral, abominations.

financial stability is not a reason to get married. people who marry each other do it because as their Pastor who resides over it says, these two people love each other greatly and are now forming their eternal union. until death do us part ring a bell???

so, now financial stability is not a reason to get married. it's just something that comes along with it, if you are so lucky and then if you get a divorce then are so unlucky if you are a man, as the woman then gets half or more than half of all your money and possessions. this is so unfair, why is it this way? no one should get anything from the other person.

financial stability reason only existed back in the 1700s and 1800s, but only in those times, when people needed money more than any other time. no, business reasons is not a reason to get married and companionship is not either, you can get that from a dog or from a girlfriend or boyfriend.

shotgun weddings are a joke. only stupid people get them. they only think they have to get married, they don't have to. they are immature and stupid.

arranged marriages today? really? where? I guess in Africa where people don't have money or rights. but where else? and arranged marriages don't happen in Britain. William wasn't forced to marry kate.


ok, let me point out the facts to you. conservatives believe in marriages that last and have solidarity and honesty and fidelity in them.

Sure they do.'s_20_biggest_sex_hypocrites


What country do you live in? More to the point, what planet do you inhabit?

You really can have had very little experience of life overall, if you actually believe that pap you just posted up there.

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


I'm right because liberals believe in just easily and callously getting out of a marriage and having an abortion. they take the easy way out without looking at who they are hurting, i.e. God. that is provable because liberals are the ones who make laws that kill babies and make it easy to get a divorce and don't believe in the laws of the Bible.


Oh, I see. You're acquainted personally with every liberal who's ever had an abortion/divorce, so you can make that generalization without any doubts about possibly being wrong. You can just as easily generalize that all conservatives are on the side of the angels, because they happen to share your personal ideology and agendas.

Shorter version: You're stupid.

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


fuc# you.


Gee whiz, what's a good Christian like you doing spouting off with a potty mouth like that ? Not to mention sending me a PM that said essentially the same might have been imaginative enough to change up the wording a little more than that. Put some effort into it, son. I'm sure if you pray to Jesus, he'll help you out. Though I don't recall him saying "f#ck you" in any of those red-letter verses, I'll admit .

50 Is The New Cutoff Age.


Eddie is only 5 years older than Valerie. She was 20, he was 25 when they met. Not that odd.


not true, he was 30, she was 18, and that is not right.


Julie had an Eddie though! In todays ep.when the Grandfather visited, she had a date with Peter and Eddie in the same night!
