MovieChat Forums > Isis (1975) Discussion > Where does she stand?

Where does she stand?

Carter's Wonder Woman
Craig's Batgirl
Hall's Electra Woman
Strangis's Dyna Girl
Winger's Wonder Girl

Where is ISIS?


Cameron's Isis is at the same rank as Stangis's Dyna girl.


I've always thought Dyna Girl was hot. What do you think? Hotter then ISIS?


What do you mean by where she stands? If you mean in looks...I dare say Isis is even above Wonderwoman in looks.. if you were around back when that show was out..the lady that played Isis was absolutely beautiful.. as is Lynda Carter..but I think JoAnna is a tad higher in the looks department..


ISIS was hot, but I'd put Carter and Craig above her.


Isis is (was) certainly above Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.

Terrible, just terrible!


I agree with you a hundred percent. As a teenage boy around that time I thought ISIS with her superlong black waist-lenght hair, and very nice mini-dress was the most beautiful woman in the world! A woman is dress is better than women who wear pants (Dyna Girl).

Sincerley Director Gene


Lynda Carter actually won beauty contests and held the Miss World USA title, she stands 5'9" and ranks #1 in my book.
Lynda Carter was/is a triple threat: sings, dances and acts... not much known whether JoAnna Cameron was that talented.
I enjoyed the Isis show on Sci-fi superhero week but Wonder Woman beats them all: The Bionic Woman, Batgirl, Electro Woman and Dyna Girl... all are just Wonder Woman knock offs, the 1st female superhero since 1941.
Even Xena The Warrior Princess is clearly a copycat of Wonder Woman and yes I realize Wonder Woman is a copy-cat of Superman.


Well, JoAnna Cameron preceded Lynda Carter as being the first superheroine with her own show. I think Cameron was much prettier though. As far as singing ability, I am not sure but JoAnna studied piano and flute and was musically talented by all accounts. She did plays in high school but I'm not sure about musicals. I've never heard anything about dancing but being as athletic as she is it wouldn't surprise me. I think in ranking Cameron has a lasting beauty that Carter doesn't and she ranks high above most of the others. Her face is well proportioned and symmetrical with a dainty nose and somewhat almond shaped eyes that are quite piercing and grab your attention. Although Carter is pretty I think Cameron is something to behold.




Who is Electra Woman? Who is Dyna Girl? Don't remember what Batgirl looked like. Winger never did anything for me. Wonder Woman is okay I guess. I never paid much attention to Lynda Carter back then.

JoAnna Cameron wins it hands down. I was flipping channels on a Saturday morning and stumbled across the Isis TV show. I saw those legs--and that face, and that Isis outfit--and did I mention those legs? I was hooked forever after. Never forgot her--and never will!


Electra Woman was played by Deidra Hall(sp), and I don't even know who played Dyna Girl...yeah! didn't miss anything.

-If you have a job an illegal could steal, it's time to get a better job.-


Isis is the hottest. I don't think it's even close. Then Electra Woman and finally Wonder Woman.
