With the female-heavy programming of the CW Network, I am surprised they have not tried to remake this. I think it would do well.
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With the female-heavy programming of the CW Network, I am surprised they have not tried to remake this. I think it would do well.
If you see a message from me, read my biography first before making a post. Thanks!
Well, I just streamed and watched my first episode of this to see since I was 12. I must say, that the show looked much cheesier than I had remembered. Of course, back then the appeal was that Isis was sexy, and I still got that, just not as excited about it.
That said, I could see them rebooting the show in a more updated version. I had a similar thought myself. Perhaps Mila Kunis would be good for the lead.
I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.