What African-American Actress should play Isis in the new movie?
It would be nice if they take the Egyptian goddess who was black and give the lead to a black actress. Im sure they won't but if they did..who would you like to see?
shareIt would be nice if they take the Egyptian goddess who was black and give the lead to a black actress. Im sure they won't but if they did..who would you like to see?
Halle Berry!
I don't think Charlize has become an American citizen, therefore she is only African. She doesn't qualify.
Terrible, just terrible!
Whites in South Africa refer to themselves as "Afrikaans" to distinguish themselves from the Black Africans. So she doesn't qualify. Maybe when they're looking for an Afrikaans-American actress ....
shareHalle is beautiful but im not sure seeing her in yet another super hero property is in the cards. She has Catwoman and Storm.. No matter what happens i seriously doubt we'll see a black woman with the role. They might go more of a greek Iran or modern day egyptian kind of look which is sad.
Not Halle Berry! She could not pull Storm off. So Please
dont mess the movie up by having Halle Berry play this part!
Beyonce, Vanessa Williams, Gabriel Union, Iman, anybody other
than Sister Berry.
She's too old for these roles now.
shareHalle is my girl but I must admit that she isnt the greatest actress going. I think I would like to see Nona Gaye in this role.
shareWhy can't Joanna Cameron reprise her role in the movie?
shareI would guess that she is a tad too old for one thing.
shareShe's just over 50 and pretty damned hot, still. Living in Hawaii will do that.
She could still pull it off, but they never use the original stars for this stuff.
It's unlikely that Isis was originally intended to be a Nubian (black), btw. The Egyptians were a mix of Asiatic, North African (like the Berbers) and Arabic stock. Only the Southern Kingdom/Nubia would have included Nubians, and the Isis legends originated in the Nile Delta.
"It's unlikely that Isis was originally intended to be a Nubian (black), btw. The Egyptians were a mix of Asiatic, North African (like the Berbers) and Arabic stock. Only the Southern Kingdom/Nubia would have included Nubians, and the Isis legends originated in the Nile Delta."
The kemetians were of indigenous African stock. They were not "asiatics". They were Indigenous Africans. As was their culture, their language, their dress and their history. Furthermore the Berbers (which is a langauge) are also indigenous Africans, whether or not there has been mixing over time with nonAfricans doesn't negate the fact that their start was in Africa and they still live there.
This notion of Nubia is something created to juxtapose against egypt. A place where "blacks" came from so the uninformed could continue screaming that ancient kmt wasn't black when infact it was an African creation. The truth of the matter is that egypt is a manifestation from the south.
To everybody....if it is the spirit of Isis and she is reincarnated into people...why in the world can't she be portrayed by a Black actress??????????
I could see Halle Berry ...CatWoman was a bad idea anyway....and she was miscast as Storm,someone like Angela Bassett or even Nona Gaye should have played that role
sharePersonally, the first person that I thought of for this role is:
Essence Atkins (Half 'N' Half, Deliver Us From Eva). She has close to the same look as Jo Anna Cameron.
But here's a question: If a movie is made, what would the look, and the feel of the movie be? I mean: the special effects would definately be better than the original TV show, but can you honestly picture someone chanting "Oh Zephifer wind way up high, lift me now so I can fly" in this day, and age?
Whoever she is, she won't say incantations like:
"O god of meadows, trees and grass, lift this girl, let danger pass."but rather:
"O god of meadows, trees and grass, lift this child and save her ass."
Now that was a good one. LOL
share"O god of meadows, trees and grass, lift this child and save her ass."
LOL...I saw that one coming a mile away.
Ride low. Ride low. Riding Faster.
Lift this child save her ass--LOL I love that!!!
shareThe goddess Isis was not represented as anything other than Egytian in ancient times unless there are representations of her from the period of Nubian rule which I haven't seen, which is possible. It wouldn't have been the common view of her though. DNA analysis of mummies has shown that ancient Egyptians were pretty much of the same racial mixture as modern ones. That is to say primariy what we would call "Middle Eastern" with a strong mixture of other groups from around the Mediterainian with a heavy mix with the Nubians, who were what we would think of as "Black" as you get closer to border with that region. The idea that they were "black" is a modern myth, perhaps helped along by the fact that there was a Nubian dynasty that conquered Egypt and that the culture of Nubia was heavily influenced by it's long association with Egypt.
Most African Americans trace their ancestry back to Western Africa and have no genetic or cultural connection with Egypt what so ever. Having an African American play an Egyptian is along the same lines as having Italians play American Indians and Mexicans in the Hollywood movies of the '40s and '50s.
I have no idea where you get your information but ancient kmt (egypt)was an African civilization that originated in Africa. It is historically, culturally,linguistically and any other quantifiable manner, an African genesis.
Please go here: http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=8;hardset=45;start_point=200
Furthermore, African Americans do no different from European Americans that claim Greece and Rome as their own even thought they have NOTHING to do with either...and even had the nerve to claim ancient kmt(egypt).
Thats a great site.
Its funny, that everyone from ancient times, scholars, the bible, the egyptians themselves all said they were black..and modern day scholars try to descredit the people that actually lived there and saw them with their own eyes.
Over here if you have one drop of black blood they use to consider you black..however, build a great empire that people to this day still can't figure out how they did it...create the greatest cilvilazation..and what happens.. they have one drop of white blood..there fore they are white.
Have no doubt..if king Tut got on the buss in 1950..he'd be sitting at the back of it..
Yet, when you tell people info like this (especially black people), they tell you that you're full of it and that what they believe (which is in error) should be true/is true.
For the record, I'm an Afro-Canadian, and I accept what you said as fact.
Just so you know, Egyptians were not necessarily Black. I have an Egyptian friend I worked with at a restaurant, he's not black. Egypt is a country in North Africa. African-Americans is a contradiction in terms.
Wow, i've never seen a statue or painting done by the egyptians that showed her as a white woman.. Talk about unbelievable..
As I said before.. there was a long long list of people that said point blank..all different sources from ancient times.. All said the Egyptians were black.. Why is it so hard for the modern day white man to accept it? Why try to discredit the great scholars as having bad vision or just being complete idiots for not knowning what they were looking at when they were there..
Just because your friend is not black means nothing...Your friend is hardly an ancient egyptian..
Assimulate and claim their history and culture as your own..
My friend is Egyptian, not black. Why would you stereotype or assume everyone from Africa was or is black? Golfer Gary Player was born and raised in South Africa, he's not black.
As far as ancient times are concerned, documentaries, today's interviews, geneology photos have traced the "garden of Eden" to Modern Day Iraq.
Former co-workers from Syria,Egypt and Morroco are Olive colored.
A mix is always possible.
Your friends and co-workers are hardly 3000 + years old. And it still doesn't change all the recorded accounts that said they were black. Encluding there own. But I guess they didn't know they were black either even though they said they were. So to cover this.. We say they ment their soil was black. Also lets not forget their dialect is made up of african dialects. I guess when the Arabs took over they decided to toss their own language and pick up the africans. I am well aware of the white races that were in Africa...but ancient accounts tell us that the egyptians were black...later they did mix..but we are speaking of the core origination and that was africa..
My only problem is people not sticking to the facts. Coming up with made up ones to claim something that doesn't belong to them..
Egypt was invaded and conquered by Arab forces in 642. A process of Arabization and Islamization ensued.. with this in mind..how can they conqure themselves if they were already there?
I totally understand about Titanic..or any other various posts i've seen about black actors. If they weren't there in the time period then i have no problem with excluding them from the movie. Besides if there had been blacks on the Titanic most likely they would have been servants. Not to get off topic here but im trying to be realistic..
Well since your not going to see the movie that means
there be more seating for me and my friends!
Why the hell not? That's so stupid and racist. Hell, I'm black and I've seen white actors/actresses play characters ALL the time throughout movie history who weren't white at all. Historians say that Jesus couldn't have possibly been a white man because of the area he lived in, yet I had no problem seeing the movie despite the fact that yet ANOTHER movie about Jesus didn't take a chance and break away from the prevailing notion that he just HAD to be a white man, even though he grew in a primarily Middle Eastern area. YOU need to get the hell over yourself---why the hell would a black actress in the lead not be believable? Isis is a mythical character, any damn way, so what damn difference would it make WHO played her, as long as they fit the part?
And black folks don't think that EVERY should have a main character--just some of them--but why the hell does EVERY main character in a movie HAVE to be white? Y'all aren't the only people on the damn planet worth making movies about, or that have stories to tell that are worth telling. Why does 9 out of 10 movies have to be about y'all (besides the main that you're the majority). FYI, I remembered seeing the series when I was a young girl and I thought the character was bi-racial, or black, because she did look slightly African-American to me at the time. HA!
What Egyptian goddess was black?
But if Isis just becomes that way by finding jewelry, anyone can qualify, not just black actresses('African-American' is confusing, as the continent is full of native Caucasians.)
Halle Berry is still a contender; she is handling middle age pretty well. Dunno if it would help her career, tho.
This is true. But thats how the tv show was, she found jewerly. This one is based off the comic which I haven't read so I don't know if this is the ''real'' Isis or someones body she jumped in or she just inherited her powers.
Anyone know the back drop for the comic?
She was black get over it! Wether you want to believe it
or not Egypt is in Africa, and back then most of the people
there were pretty damn black,Or at least they had some color
to them.
What you all seem to be forgetting is that in the original show, the white female archaeologist FINDS the buried jewelry which gives her the powers of the ancient goddess Isis. The show is NOT about the original goddess, but of the archaeologist! So who cares what color the original goddess was?EXACTLY. Excellent point.
I think Mo'nique shoudl play her :)
shareIf they do make the movie, the role will probably go to Angelina Jolie.
Come on, Francine. You can't tell me that's not funny.