I'm glad they changed Wojo as the series went on
At the start of the series Wojo, for me at least, was an unlikable caveman that was arrogant. I mean his excessive gum chewing, the way he talked to some of the lesser criminals like they were dumb, his almost cruelty towards that one hooker, calling everyone with a mental issue fruitcake, the way he treated Marty and Driscoll, and of course that "HARH HARH HARH HARH" laugh he had. His character definitely changed and became a kinder hearted, and still funny, character who just became more passionate than arrogant. Of course one of his worse moments was him telling Barney that his daughter probably slept around just cause she was in college, all to make a point since he couldn't take her out. How Barney didn't pistol whip Wojo for basically calling his daughter a slut is beyond me.
"Get out here, son! There's a doin's a transpirin'!!"