
anyone out there know anything about robert blakes weightlifting.baretta is my favorite show and i know he did not get that build waiting for the bus.



The prison farm, maybe. ;^)

But yeah, it's good that he still works out.


he really wasn't that big. he is very short and squatty, certainly not arnold. although Blake looked good for a man in his 40's; and excercise machines were just being invented in those days- so; he used free weights. according to Mr. Blake; he had to pump up for the role of Perry smith in, 'In Cold Blood,' and found it a good outlet.
I do wonder now, after all the stories of his temper on the set, etc., if he didn't use steroids- which lead to roid rage. roids were not illegal back then, and he fits the profile.


Probably just had a bad case of short dude anger syndrome.


Chihuahua syndrome.
