MovieChat Forums > Baretta (1975) Discussion > what happened to cop shows like this?

what happened to cop shows like this?

I mean, at one time we had stuff like Barney Miller, Baretta, Police Story, and I guess we'll throw in Starsky and Hutch and a couple others, all running concurrently. Now we have David Frickin' Caruso preening around like a guy my aunt couldn't knock flat anytime she wanted, pulling his sunglasses off and saying crap that I guess he thinks is supposed to be wise, in a completely lame little cop wannabe kinda way.

Canna getta ayMEN somewhere in here?


Nowadays get one hit crime show and then spawn a franchise, this does not leave space in the schedules for other shows.

Its that man again!!


>> Nowadays get one hit crime show and then spawn a franchise, this does not leave space in the schedules for other shows. <<

Is THAT not the damn truth?



>> Ahh, but could she handle Barney Miller? <<

Of course not. But then, I'm pretty sure most of my aunts would've been happy to "handle" Barney Miller just anytime he asked.


Best cop show ever thats for sure !
