I wonder if they would ever do a remake of this, I'm like allot of you guys that had not seen it since the 70's, again the old man made me go to the sack too, but I pleaded with um.
As far as a remake instead of using solar flairs as the demise of life why not use Gamma Ray Bursts. I think if it done right it could be a great movie.
They did make a similar movie in the 80's. I can't remember the name of it now, but it dealt with a comet passing Earth, and if you weren't inside of a lead lined building, you either disintegrated into red dust or you became a flesh eating zombie. Oh and the government was involved. So not a remake per se, but a pretty good take on it. By the way the only reason I am responding to you is I just happened to get home early and couldn't find anything on. This just happens to be playing of Fox Movie Channel right now. 1:00 P.M 4/7/2009 in Eastern Time Zone. Good day!
Wait, I just found the name: Night of the Comet. pretty cheesy but not a bad movie. Where have all the people gone seems pretty downer. It's your life, rise up and live it.
I read in the last week or so, that someone was planning to make "The World Without Us" which is a book about the earth after all the people vanish. Excellent book, but it's not a novel with a storyline though...I'm wondering if they are going in this type of direction with it.
The way tv shows are done today I don't know. 1 everyone would probably look like kids. 2 there would be so much drama it would be annoying. I loved Jericho, but the teen drama parts were so annoying.
I wouldn't mind a decent remake, although I don't think I'd trust modern Hollywood to be capable of pulling it off, they'd pack it with celeb-u-tards whom can't act, cheesy CGI effects and a script written in Crayon.
I rather like the whole killer solar flare idea, there's a lot about the sun we don't understand so there's a lot of wiggle room when it comes to the science in the plot, and I find the idea that something we're so dependant on could suddenly wipe us out with no warning rather creepy.
I also like the idea of the bodies being crystalized too, although in the remake I wouldn't leave them like debris piles, I'd leave them as almost Pompei-like, fragile and disintegrating shells of what had been people, that would be MUCH more disturbing! Imagine them finding Clancy's body looking shriveled and discolored in the morning when they planned to bury it, the father touches his face and it caves in! Yech, that would make people jump out of their skins!