MovieChat Forums > The Towering Inferno (1974) Discussion > The "Tower" was a fictinal building?

The "Tower" was a fictinal building?

My research has found tha the building depicted n the beginning where the helicoptor lands carrying the Paul Newman character was fictional. The movie was about a 120 story building, however, in San Francisco no building existed being 120 story building in 1974. The Bank Of America building was 48 story's. The shots of the building were a compilation of shots from the Bank of America Building, The Embarcadero, and the Hyatt in San Fran.

If someone knows differnt plese comment.

Why do my favorite movies feature men who live alone?


OMG, you're a real genius


Thanks for the confirmation

Why do my favorite movies feature men who live alone?


lol - was gonna say that another clue is that the building never existed.


OK so its only just the last few years we have had a building over with 130 floors being Burj Khalifa which has 163 surprised it took so long.


In any event, it was hideously ugly.

And bloody O.J. Simpson just ruins everything for everybody, doesn't he?

108 193 23 8114 246* 47.73 22 42


In the future The Glass Tower becomes home to Admiral James T. Kirk!
