Where can I get this movie?
Does anybody know where I can get this movie? I can´t find it for sale!!!
shareDoes anybody know where I can get this movie? I can´t find it for sale!!!
I hope Synapse doesn't push the dvd back because I've had no luck finding a bootleg copy anywhere. I've located several bootlegs of Salo, Cannibal
Holocaust, El Topo and most of the other unavailable classics, but this one
is impossible
I went to a horror/drive-in convention earlier this month and the guys at the
Synapse table did say the dvd should be out in August/September.
some guy on ebay sells bootlegged copies, which are just re-taped vhs.
it's in sweed and it's not subtitled, but it doesn't really matter since there isn't much talking. it's good, and he usually tapes over another christina lindberg film, so you get two in one!
for 9.99!
trust me, when you get it, it's worth it.
the first half is rather slow and disturbing, when the last half is extremely beautiful in a perverse, vulgar way. I've never seen such beautiful action sequences.
obviously used in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels..
(oh no, theres a boomstick in that film as well... could it be?... inspiration!?)
check here often, thats where i got it.
+ synapse films has completed the transfer to dvd, so they are near releasing the dvd.
You can always download from edonkey =D
Search for Thriller, a cruel picture xD
DVD Ship date is September 28th, you can order it here, enjoy.
You can also get it on www.subdvd.com & http://www.xploitedcinema.com and you can already get your copy....thats the only two i know that already sell the dvd!!!!SO GET IT NOW =)
shareThere's a new region 0 DVD coming by Synapse:
You can get it everywhere from 28th of September!!!!
Only about a year late! Synapse was supposed to release it to coincide with KILL BILL VOL. 1.
Btw, it's a limited edition (25000), so if you really want it, buy it new now.
I'm watching Michael Moore expose the Awful Truth/I'm listening to Public Enemy and Reagan Youth...